
20. You are my mate

After breakfast, Alex went upstairs to prepare for the interview. After getting changed into professional attire he approached Lillie who was sitting on the sofa scrolling through the TV and searching the channels and sat next to her. Lillie turned to look at him and he did the same.

Alex looked at her for a while trying to read what was going on in her mind, when he failed to guess what it was that she was thinking about, he decides to ask her directly.

"Lillie?" Alex called turning fully to her. "What was it that you wanted to say to me before? Feel free to say was is on your mind."

Lillie kept her head down contemplating whether she should tell him or not. Alex held her chin up and made her look at him.

"Don't feel restricted around me, speak your mind, little." he said, "You can always say what you want."

"I was just thinking about college, I don't think I have the opportunity to attend college anymore," Lillie said looking down and fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

Alexander, her look at him again and spoke, "You can do whatever you want, I won't stop you. If you ever need anything, just say and bi will do for you." Alex said, Lillie was shocked to hear what he said. Now she was even eager to know what was his motive. But first...

"Thank you, for everything you have done for me. I am grateful." Lillie said.

"There is something else that is bothering you, I want to hear it as well," Alex said when he saw the look of confusion and hesitation on her face.

"Alexander," She called. "Why do you care about me?" Asked Lillie. There was silence after her question.

This was the second time that she had asked this question, he didn't answer her the first time but now... He could no nit hide the truth from her, he has to tell her eventually why not now? He need her to know who she was to him and him to her, to know that she was his and was hers.

"You are my mate," Alex said and smiled at her. He looked at her dotingly as he caressed her cheek. "You are the only woman who has taught me in this world and beyond. You are my love," he said and leaned in on her and kissed her neck and inhaled her scent.

Lillie was too shocked to react to his touch. His words seem to have put her in a daze. Just how did she become his mate? He was a shifter and she was a human so how did that happen? She was not dumb do not grasp the meaning of the word mate. Well, at least she knew the meaning of the word soulmate and if they both mean the same thing then... Then she did not know what to do.

Alex finally noticed how stiff his body was and looked at her, he could see complex emotions in her eyes and did not understand what must have caused it. He thought that she did not understand and decided to explain a bit more.

"Lillie," he called and cupped her face in his palms, "You are my woman, Lillie, and I am very proud of that. You are mine and I am yours." Alex said and pulls her in for a hug.

The more he explained it, the more her friend deepened. It was not that she did not understand what he said but she just could not bring herself to accept it. Why would she be bound to a shifter? Why a shifter of all creatures? No, why must it be a supernatural creature? She could be with possibly anyone and she would not mind so why a supernatural creature? Was the universe kicking her now?

She was so distracted by the many questions that she did not know when her body was being pressed against his for a hug. She snapped out of it when she felt his warm breath on her neck, her body went stiff at the realization.

She gave no reaction to him but knew that she already understood what he said. He pulls away from the hug and looked at her. "I will never do anything that will hurt you, Lillie. Taking care of you is something that I will be more than happy to do any time and any day."

He held her chin up and leans to kiss her. Just when his lips were about to touch hers, the door swung open and he paused, then moved upward to kiss her forehead.

With dark eyes, he turned to face the intruder and found his beta and gamma standing by the door with their heads bowed. Showing their necks to him. He closes his eyes to calm his beast which has become livid because of the intrusion.

Lillie instantly pulled away from his embrace with a red face. She was so distracted that she did not know what was happening around her. The only thing that she felt was his lips against her forehead.

"Leave," Alex growled. His voice was deeper than it already was indicating that his beast was on the surface. Raal and Kevin were wise enough to enrage an already enraged lycan any further and reiterated immediately shutting the door behind them.

"I have to go now, my love. I will see you when I come back." Alex said the change in his voice was very significant from how he sounded when he spoke to Raal and Kevin earlier.

Lillie nodded wordlessly to him. She could not bring herself to say something afraid that she would say something unreasonable.

Alex also nodded and pecked her lips before standing up to leave. The peck was only for a second but it was enough to increase the red glow of her face a sight that Alex loved to see.

Lillie didn't move from her seat even after Alex was gone. She lifted her hand and touched her lips and then stared at it. She blushed, even more, when she thought of what he had done before leaving.


Alex walked downstairs and was met by Raal, Kevin and Cecile. Cecile approached him while Raal and Kevin avoided his gaze.

"Your majesty," Cecile called and he halted his steps. "I have to go back, but only with your permission, my king." She said.

"Is there something going on this I am not aware of?" Alex asked finally facing her.

Cecile gave a bow and spoke, "Something is going on with the witches, but I am not sure of what. My missions are not clear. I can something is wrong." She said, ashamed that she was not able to see and help with what was happening in their realm.

"In that case, you can go. Let me know the moment something goes wrong. Knight might be a good soldier, but he is not a king, I am. Watch even him... Azrail is up to something and he will need people from my side whom he can use. That I know and can bank on." Alex said.

"I will, my king," Cecile said and gave a final bow. She then waves her hand in a circular motion and a portal appears before she and she went through it. Alex stood and watched as she left before he turned around and left as well with Raal who had been waiting for him.

Lillie came out of the room the moment the portal appeared and was surprised. She knew that Cecile was a shifter but she never thought that she was a witch. She looked at where the portal appeared and approached it.