
12. Trust me, I am not a fan

Lillie woke and found herself in a luxurious room. She rubbed her sleepy eyes with the back of her hand wondering how she got here, after a while, she remembered getting into the car with Alex driving. She might have fallen asleep to not have remembered getting into this room.

She sat up on the bed and looked around once more taking in the details of this room where she found herself. She looked at where she was sitting and realized that she was on a bed, confirming her earlier thought of falling asleep in the car. The bed was so big that she looked like a child on it.

In the room was a floor-to-ceiling glass window that covered almost half of the room with its curtains pulled to each side. And glass double doors that lead to the balcony.

She stepped down from the bed and felt her feet touch something soft. She looked down and found a white fur rug right under the bed with a wolf's head sticking out beautifully. The rug was so soft that she didn't want to take her feet away from it.

Standing on the rug, she looked at the rest of the room, there was a white U-shaped sofa facing the large TV in the room. There was also a beautiful chandelier hanging up on the ceiling, reflecting the rays of the sunlight beautifully. She looked at the room and realized that everything in the room was white. From the bed to the rug, to the paint on the walls everything was white except for the door that lead to the room.

She wondered how a blood-stained creature like him was so obsessed with white color so much. Then she remembered that the color of his wolf was white, she sighed and shook her head at the irony. His color was white yet his qualities were far from it, they were an exact contrast with his color.

Now thinking of him, she wondered where he might have gone, he never left her since they met so not seeing him around was a surprise.

She was pulled back from her thought when she heard a voice just outside the room, a female voice was arguing with a male or two she was not sure. She decided to listen to know what had caused the ruckus outside the room.

"Where is Alex? I heard that he has returned, I want to see him." Lillie heard the female voice say.

"He isn't here, please leave before we are punished." She heard one of the males say, noticing the politeness in his voice she assumed she must be a high-rank shifter.

"You are just a warrior, who are you to tell me what to do?" the woman asked, sounding annoyed.

"We are sorry Lydia, but we are just following ordered here, we can't let you in." a second man said, still as polite as the other.

"Since when did Alex need guards outside his room? Or has he become too weak that he is unable to defend himself?" She asked mockingly. She was trying to provoke Alex into coming out if truly he was inside and ignoring her. "I never expected such a day to come."

The guards felt annoyed by her remarks but there was nothing that they could do, she was of a higher rank than them, an alpha's daughter. But she was neglecting one fact that would have helped her know whether he was there or not. His scent. His scent was so faint that it was almost not there indicating that he has been absent for a long time.

When Lillie heard her questioning Alex's strength she was angered without knowing why. Before she could realize what she was doing she had already opened the door to see the woman who was bold enough to call a man like Alex weak. She has seen Alexander and he was anything but weak.

When the woman saw the opening she smile in accomplishment thinking that she has finally pushed the right button that could move him. Was there a man who will have his strength questioned without reacting? Especially a man like Alex whose strength should never be questioned as a king.

When she saw that it was not Alex who had opened the door, she frowned and turned to the guards and raised a brow in askance when she got no response from them she turned back to Lillie trying to dominate her, and asked, "Who are you, human? And what are doing in here?" she sounded cold and distant.

Lillie looked at her and almost could not hold back her laughs when faced with futile attempts to intimidate her. She did not like this woman at first sight. This woman gave her the vibe that those 'things' that have been hunting her all her life gave. Something that she never felt around Alex. They might probably be one of the reasons why she agreed to come with him. Lillie got mad when she heard the way she spoke to her, who did she think she was to talk to her that way?

With the thought of those Monsters and the arrogance that the woman demonstrated, she spoke in the same tone and manner reciprocating the same coldness as her.

"Who I am and what I am doing here is none of your business, all you need to know is that they one you seek is not here, so stop disturbing other people with your pointless questions and leave," she said, rendering all three other people present speechless.

Did she know that the person that she was talking to was not a human and could her easily kill her if she wanted to? They thought, looking at her petite figure.

She looked like someone who couldn't hurt a fly not to mention get into a fight with anyone. She had the appearance of someone whom you will want to protect at all costs even when you do not know her. Frail and fragile. They had no idea that the girl they were belittling was skilled in killing their kind.

Her words made the woman furious as she lashed out, "Do you know who you are talking to? Do you know that I can have you thrown out of here if I want to?"

Her anger at the moment could be felt, even the two warriors standing guard were scared and worried for Lillie's safety. If she decide to harm her now there was nothing that they could do without an order from someone above her as an alpha female.

They remembered that Alex had already given them the order to protect the girl, they moved to her side so they could react in time if the crazy woman decides to do something to harm the innocent and clueless girl.

On the other hand, Lillie had no expression on her face when she heard the threat that was thrown at her besides a taunting smile on her lips there was no expression. "Lydia, right?" she asked. " Seeing as you can't even go beyond this door tells me that can't throw me out," she said while still smiling. "I may not know who you are, but I know what you are, and trust me, I am not a fan."