
The Wedding Eve

Melanie is so anxious about her own wedding and she does not know what to do. she is not sure whether to take some time off or keep on going to work until the wedding eve. She asks Meryl if she would feel the same if she was the one to get married. Meryl then assures her that she would also be nervous and happy at the same time because she normally pray to get married one day. Melanie then feels motivated and starts packing some of the stuffs that she would need fir the wedding. Both Jack's family and her family have equally taken part in making the wedding preparations. She had not seen Jack for two days because they are not to see each other until the wedding day. She sometimes feel like it is a small punishment for her but it was worth it. She then tells Meryl that she wants to go and sign an off until she is from her honeymoon.

Melanie then rushes to the hospital to sign for her off days . The rest of the staff sets their eyes on her and they are really happy to see her. Most of them are still congratulating her as they cannot wait to get to her wedding. She signs her days off and matches towards the hospital gate. Someone grabs her from behind and covers her mouth leaving her in fear. She later realizes that it was Jack. "What are you doing here? Aren't you aware that we should not see each other until our wedding day? Have you been stalking me?" She asks furiously. " I know it is wrong to meet you today but I had just missed you so much in that I could not wait to only see you at our wedding. I wanted to set my eyes on you for the last time before our wedding day and am so sorry fir grabbing you like a kidnapper." He said. He then kissed her before disappearing giving Melanie the chance to go back home. She is happy that she has finally been given two months off work and she cannot wait to get married.

Her parents are yet to travel to Georgia for the wedding. Her long time friends are coming too and she cannot imagine how tough the day will be for her. She calls her wedding planner who tells her that the wedding venue is already set in readiness for the wedding. Everything has been arranged as they had planned and the venue is looking more attractive. She is then reminded that a make up artist will be coming to meet her so that she can chose the right makeup for her skin color. She is okay with this and rushes back home to Meryl. She finally gets home and finds Meryl watching a movie while eating popcorns. " Do you know what? I bumped into Jack while coming from the hospital. It was like he had been stalking me and also following me without my knowledge. I was really scared when a strong man grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth only to find out that it was him. I even asked him about why he was stalking me but he never gave me a good answer. Am sorry to say that am already having a bad feeling about this wedding." She said.

Meryl tried to calm her down and still reminded her to be more careful with Jack just as she had warned her before because they are not sure about his reasons to come back to her life. She agrees with Meryl and starts taking all his moves seriously as she tries to study him more. Her phone rings and she realizes that her family members are already at the airport waiting fir her to take them to her house. She asks Meryl to take her to the airport so that they could bring them home. They quickly get into the car and drive towards the airport. She finds het family already there and her mom hugs her for almost ten minutes because they have really missed each other. They then drive back home and she starts showing her mother all she has got fir the wedding. Her mother could read her eyes that she is so worried and assures her that she would stand with her on all situations and she should now not be worried so much about the wedding because she was now with her.

The makeup artist comes to their house and finds Meryl busy cleaning the house. She lets her in and directs her to the dinning room so that she could make herself comfortable before she could call Melanie to show up in the room. Melanie then comes and immediately starts her discussed with the makeup artist. She is happy to hear that her makeup artist is having the best makeup for her. Her mother also comes to confirm as the makeup artist does her first trial on her face. The makeup blends nicely with her skin and her mother is happy with that. The makeup artist then leaves and they get back to doing other things. Melaine is so restless and she goes and hugs her mother as tears rolls down her face. Her mother comforts her that all shall be well so that she can clear the stress in her mind.

Both her family and Meryl are doing everything to make her happy and her mother suggests that they try baking some cooking because they are always Melanie's favorite since she was a kid. Melanie is happy with this and becomes the first person to get to the kitchen She tells her mother that she wants cookies coated with icing sugar and her mom is fine with that. The baking starts and the house is full of the sweet aroma from the baking. The aroma is getting to the neighbor's house and it is denying them some peace. Someone knocks at the door and Meryl rushes to answer it,she finds out that it is the delivery man who had been sent to deliver both the wedding dress and the shoes. She signs the delivery document and brings the stuff inside the house.

Both Melanie and her mom are already done in the kitchen and she tells them about the wedding gown. Melanie takes the box and opens it before trying her wedding gown and shoes. It really looks good on her because of the unique designs. She puts them aside for the wedding and gets back to the kitchen to check on the cookies which were still baking in the oven. They are already done and so she serves them so that they could all enjoy them while watching the movie. Evening comes and all her best ladies comes to spend the night at her house together with the makeup artist. This is to help them so that they cannot have any inconveniences during the wedding day. Everything is set and the only remaining thing is to get to the the venue. Everyone is so busy during this evening as they want everything to take place as had been planned.

Both Meryl and all the best ladies are trying to make Melanie's wedding eve memorable. Her colleagues at the hospital are also giving her calls to wish her the best as she expects them at her wedding tomorrow. Jack on the other hand really seems to be so anxious about their wedding and he decides to give Melanie a call. He really sounds so sweet on the phone and he is making Melanie all smiles as he tells her some sweet words. Jack reminds Melanie not to oversleep so that she cannot be late for the wedding. He wants everything to happen so first so that they can head to their honeymoon in Hollywood. He has never been so sweet ever since they started dating before their breakup. Melanie then thinks that Jack has really changed and tells her mother that she will get married to him the next day .

She saw a responsible man from his voice and would like tos pend the rest of her life with him. Meryl comes and rubs her back to cool her down as she smiles. She assures Melanie that she is going to make one of the best and beautiful brides that she has ever seen. Meryl gets a call from her trainer who is asking her for another night out but she turns his offer down telling him that she needs to attend her friends wedding. She is well assured that her new lover is hurt but she still hopes that he will understand her. She would really like to spend more time with him but still wanted to be present at Melanie's wedding. She was now at cross roads because she never wanted to hurt anyone. Melanie realizes that Meryl is sacrificing so much to just be present at her wedding and she prays that her trainer does not dump her for not showing up for the date this once.