

I woke up in annoyance. My phone has been disturbing my beauty sleep. I hate not getting enough sleep, it's the second thing that I despise the most. I removed my sleep mask and picked up my phone from the drawer beside my bed.

It was a call from my dad. I picked the call

Helena: Hey dad (yawning)

Dad: Hello princess, did I just disturb your beauty sleep?

Helena: No dad, no you didn't (I answered while sitting up)

Dad: What plans do you have for today?

Helena: I'm going shopping with the girls and also having my nails manicured. I'll also get my hair permed before the party.

Dad: (laughs) Okay princess... when you go shopping, make sure you buy clothes and shoes for 3 years.

Helena: (chuckles) dad, designs go out of season. I can't be caught dead in last season's shoes.

Dad: It's just a piece of advice because I've thought of a punishment for your recent behaviour. You'll be living alone for 3 years.

Helena: Thanks so much dad... this is literally the best birthday present ever. I want a cozy house...

(I started ranting but was cut short by my dad's piercingly intimidating voice)

Dad: When I said punishment, I meant it Helena. You'll transfer to a new school, you'll be given $15000 monthly as allowance, no extra money from home and...

(I kind of blacked out here...)

Dad: you might also need to get a job to feed yourself. I bought a small apartment for you...

(I can't believe my dad is doing this to me and on my birthday...)

Helena: dad please don't do this... please I'll change

Dad: You might need to buy some cooking recipe books so you don't burn your apartment down because if you do, you will have to sleep on the streets...

(I didn't know when I started crying on the phone)

Helena: Dad, I know I've been a bitch lately, but I promise that I'll change.

Dad: I'm sorry Helena but your plane tickets have been bought already. Today is the last night you'll spend in the house.

Helena: Dad please, don't punish me. I'm sorry

Dad: I'm not changing the plans Helena. I'm sure this is the perfect lesson for you on the value of money and how to gain respect. If you can pass this test, I'll know that you can take care of the business when I'm gone. Happy birthday princess. (he hung up).

It felt like my head was spinning as my brain was absorbing all the information it just collected so I fell back on my fluffy pillow as I looked up to the ceiling.


"And then he said I have to live like a pauper for 3 years. My life is ruined", I took a tissue out of the tissue box to wipe away my tears that were now flowing down like a river.

My best friend Justine Sven was here consoling me as I cried my eyes out. I called her a few minutes after my dad called and she came down here immediately.

"I'm really sorry about this sad news Lena. It's heartbreaking. How will you survive? You might catch a disease", she gasped and I looked up at her in horror.

"If you're caught in last season's shoes and you're caught on camera. The news might spread that your family is facing some financial crisis", she added

I've always been a social icon. My face has been the cover of Vogue magazines for 4 years straight. What am I going to do?

I grabbed onto her hand tightly and whispered, "help me".

"I'm your best friend. I'm always here to help you so let's go shopping and buy things you'll need to survive in your new life as Helena Grimms- the pauper"

I winced a little at the sound of the last word.


It was time for the party now. I could hear the faint sound of the music playing downstairs. My hair was already neatly permed. I was already in my off shouldered sky blue dinner gown that was fitted at the waist and hips, it exposed my back as no clothing was sewn there to cover it and had a long slit that stopped mid-thigh. It was paired with a silver 4inch pointed heel. My makeup was already finished. It was a natural makeup with Rubic stones in the eyes that matched the diamond earrings and necklaces that I had on.

The party was to start by 6pm but now it was 6:45pm. So I was actually fashionably late. Perfect.

When I go to the stairwell that lead to the party hall. I felt all eyes on me as heads turned to look at me. Flash flash was the light of the camera fighting to block my eyesight as my pictures were taken as I was going down the stairs. I held my head high as I descended the stairs smiling wilding, my eyes descended on the one man who made me cry all day, my dad.

He was standing by the end of the stairs waiting for me to get to him and as I reached the last step, he held his arm out and I took it. He kissed my cheeks and whispered "happy birthday princess" into my ears. My eyes caught someone who was sneaking to take our picture do I quickly forced a smile into my lips and then FLASH! As I expected, our pictures were taken again.

After I had danced with my dad and a few gentlemen, I went up to pack for my new life as the party died down.

I gave a speech to the guests that attended my 16th birthday party. Most of them being my dad's business associates and partners, photographers of magazines and a few of my schoolmates. Mostly the ones that I talked to because I'm a little picky with friends.

When I retired back to my room, it was already 11:57pm and I was very tired, but I knew I had to pack for my flight tomorrow to God knows where.

After packing up 18 travelling boxes for my clothes and shoes, I felt a little relieved that I won't stress pack the next day.

That night I found it very hard to sleep before I dread what tomorrow holds for me. This is the story of my 16th birthday. If I die from a disease in these 3 years' time, I want you all to know it all started on my 16th birthday.