

I drove up to my new apartment and parked my car in the garage. I still find it a little hard to believe that dad actually carried out the punishment.

Everything was neat and clean, but it wasn't as big as any of my dad's houses. I guess I'll have to manage.

I carried my boxes one by one into my new house. Then I ordered pizza and settled in.

Hopefully, my first day in my new school won't be as bad as I could forsee it.


The next day, I drove to up to my new school. I know mama is still watching me from above. After my research on the school that dad enrolled me in, I was a little relieved to know that it wasn't a public school but one of the best private schools in Los Angeles. That's a relief, right?

I came down from my car that I parked in an empty space in the school's parking lot and walked into the school. I wore a short sleeved black top with a red Versace mini skirt paired with a red thigh high boots from a store during our last trip to Mexico.

I drew people's attention as I walked into the school. Every student, I passed, either stopped walking and started whispering loud enough for anyone with ears to hear or just stared dumbfoundedly at me.

I heard a group of boys whistling and checking me out as I walked past them and jealous girls already talking bad about me as I walked past them.

I was already used to this type of attention since I used to rule in my old school. It's too bad though that I had to start high school in a new state.

Immediately I stepped inside the school building and closed the door, the whole hallway turned quiet as every student's eyes were fixated on me.

I continued walking with as much confidence as possible. I just wanted the day to end quickly so that I could tick day one off my calendar.

Some people don't just know how to talk quietly. At least if you wanted to say something mean about me, don't say it out loud so everyone could hear it.

"who is the new girl? She looks hot...She is dressed like a slut...", I heard some people whispered

Then the school bell rang and everyone started going to their classes. In less than 2 seconds and I was the only one in the hallway.

I had been searching for the principal's office for up to ten minutes and I was pretty sure I was lost because I had ended up in the same hallway for the third time.

"You lost?", I heard a deep voice ask and I turned around too quickly to be smashed against his hard chest.

I stumbled and fell down, but didn't make it all the way to the ground because he caught me midway. His strong arms around my waist. Who is he? I thought.

He's a student of the school, that sure was made clear since he was putting on the school's uniform which was a cream top with blue trousers and a blue tie.

I stared into his hazel coloured eyes for so long, it felt like forever.

"You new here?", he asked

And I realized that I had been staring for far too long and his hands were still wrapped around my waist.

I stood up straight and slowly stepped back a little to give a good amount of space between us, "yes, just moved in yesterday".

"Cool. I'm Xavier, star quarterback of the school's football team", he introduced himself, extending his hand for an handshake.

"Helena Grimms, new girl", I said, accepting his hand shake.

"Any relations with the Grimms family or are you the rich heiress?" He asked

I laughed out so loudly my voice echoed down the hallway, "I wish I was".

I wanted to tell him the truth about who I am and why I stuck down here in this school instead of the high school I've been dreaming of attending since mum was still alive but i remembered how I can't reveal my true identity to anyone.

"I'm actually lost. I'm meant to be at the principal's office"

"Oooooh... It's actually on the way to my class so I can just take you there", he offered.

"That would actually save me a lot of stress", I answered.

"Maybe later, I can take you on a tour round the school so you won't get lost again?", he offered.

"I wouldn't want to stress you or anything", I said as I tried to keep up with his long strides.

"No stress, trust me on that", he said with a cute smile on his face.



"Your dad explained everything to me, Helena so you don't have to pretend around me", the principal finally said.

"That's a relief", I sighed as I sunk deeper in the chair.

"3 years will pass in a blink. I think you'll make a lot of cool friends here if you just give them a chance", he said

"By them, I guess you mean the low lives that have started judging me? If only they know who I am, they'll fear me"

"Now I understand why Daimon decided on this. Maybe you need to live like a poor person does to fully understand the way the world work."

"Principal Pews, are you close to my dad? Because you definitely sound just like him right now".

He chuckled, "let's just say we were quite close in high school."

He handed my uniform and locker keys over to me, "If you need help adjusting into your new situation, I'll be here to help".

"Thank you Principal Pews", I said as I walked out of the office.

I walked as fast as my legs could carry me out of the school building. Just standing in a school were commoners schooled, made me feel dirty.

On getting to my car, another boy was leaning on it, smoking a cigarette. Can I get over this school's drama?

"Aren't you meant to be in class?" I asked, stopping in front of him.

"Aren't you meant be minding your business?" He asked me back.

"Well, I would have been doing that if you weren't leaning on my car", I said.

"And stop smoking, it's bad for your health", I added, removing the cigarette from his mouth and stepping on it to kill the light.

"Who do you think you are?" He stepped forward and that was when I noticed his blue eyes.

I wanted to shout, I'm Helena Grimms, daughter of Daimon Grimms. Ever heard of her?

But I knew that I can't do that without repercussion.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked him back.

"Sebastian", he answered too cocky for my liking.

"Another commoner who thinks he can talk to me. Please step aside from my car. You standing close to it could scratch it", I said and entered the car.

I think what I said really shocked him because he didn't say anything while I drove out of the parking lot.

Well, if I'm going to a new school, I have to rule it, right?