

Immediately after homeroom, I put my phone on silent mode. Not even up to two seconds later, I had a new follower. I checked and Prisnoch press just followed me. Does this school have a press club? I surely wasn't expecting that.

My phone vibrated against the table again so I quickly picked it up. I checked, I was just tagged in a post.

Then my phone started vibrating almost uncontrollably.

"Switch off your phones before I do the honours", the English teacher said, adjusting his glasses and looking directly at me.

Everyone in the class also turned their attention to me, so I switched it off.

I kept on counting the seconds till lunch, because of how hungry I was. Today, I tried to make breakfast for myself.

I wonder how the cooks in my house do it. It's not a very easy task. I tried to make toast with hard boiled egg.

My toast got burnt. When I say burnt, I mean black and the egg... it wasn't hard boiled. In fact, I don't think it cooked at all because when I broke it, the raw white and yolk went straight to the floor. So I ended up drinking only coffee this morning.

I can swear that I followed the YouTube tutorial by heart, I honestly don't get why my breakfast was ruined.

When the bell finally rang, I raced out of the classroom and went straight to the cafeteria. I got tacos and Caesar salad and paid for my lunch. Then I got a coke from the vending machine and sat down on one of the empty chairs in the cafeteria.

I had started eating my food

"You again?" I heard someone say but I didn't even bother to look up as I continued eating.

The person walked beside me and dropped his lunch on the table and sat beside me.

I looked at the person and it was the same guy with the blue eyes that was resting on my car yesterday, "you again?"

"Same thing I asked", he said, smirking.

Three other guys came with their lunches and sat down facing me.

"What is she doing in our seats?" The blonde guy asked.

"She can talk..." I said with an half smile.

The guy seating next to the blonde guy started laughing, but the blonde guy didn't take what it as a joke and gave him a stern look that made him keep quiet immediately.

"She's the same girl from yesterday", the one sitting beside me chipped it

"The girl has a name", I said eating another forkful of Caesar salad.

"She looks familiar...", the guy who laughed before said.

"What's your name?" The blonde guy asked.

"Helena Grimms", I said extending my hand

The last guy that has been quiet since they all sat down asked, "the Helena Grimms?"

"No... surely not", I said, laughing nervously, hoping they buy my sad lie.

"How can she be the Helena Grimms? She surely doesn't look like her at all", the blonde guy said.

I don't know why, but I got very offended by what he said.

"So tell me what your name is, Zac Effron?" I asked

"I remember", the guy who laughed, said standing up abruptly and banging the table so loud, it caught everyone in the cafeteria's attention.

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised and he quickly took his seat back.

"You're the same girl on Prisnoch press today", he said to me.

"Nice to meet you, too " I said, smiling.

I stood up and carried my tray with my coke. I wanted to empty my tray.

I had emptied my tray when I felt a cold liquid on my skin. I saw banana smoothie running down my uniform, starting from my shirt.

I looked at who caused this mess, only to see a smirking (the same girl I talked to this morning) and her minions.

She came closer to me saying, "I rule this school. Stay away from me, my boyfriend and if possible, this school"

With the corner of my eyes, I saw another student carrying his food tray with a strawberry smoothie. I quickly took the smoothie from his tray and emptied it on her head so it was dripping down on her clothes and all. Then I poured my half emptied coke all over her uniform.

"I'm not the girl that can be easily bullied so don't mess with me", I warned.

I turned back and I saw the students' phones out recording and taking pictures.

With each flash of the camera, I felt like I was on the red carpet, but this time I was in a new school with banana smoothie running down my front. It was all too much for me so I ran out of the cafeteria.

The hallway was empty, thank God. I ran to my locker, opened it and brought out a picture of my mum and I in the park when I was five. This was before the illness that took her to rest in the skies. My mama was holding my hand and were was looking into each other's eyes. We looked so happy, I thought as I closed my locker.

I kissed my mama on the picture and brought the picture to my cheek so that she could kiss me. I was walking down the hallway when I saw the school's music room.

What captured my attention in the room was the beautiful piano that was sitting in the middle of the room. Other equipments were also there, but the piano had my attention.

My hand went to the bolt of the door and I twisted. Luckily, the door flew open for me. It was as if the piano was calling me.

I sat on the small stool that was placed there and tuned the piano. I placed my mum's pictures in front of the piano.

I started playing and singing Words by Skylar Grey.

Always in a rush

Never stayed on the phone long enough

Why am I so self important?

Said I'd see you soon

But that was, uh... maybe a year ago

Didn't know time was of the essence

So many questions

But I'm still talking to myself

I know that you can't hear me anymore

Not anymore

So much to tell you

And most of all goodbye

I know that you can't hear me anymore

It's so loud inside my head

With words that I should have said

And as I drown in my regrets

I can't take back the words I never said

I never said

I can't take back the words I never said

Always talking shit

Took your advice, but did the opposite

Just being young and stupid

I haven't been all that you could have hoped for

But if you'd held on a little longer

You'd have had reasons to be proud

So many questions

But I'm still talking to myself

I know that you can't hear me anymore

Not anymore

So much to tell you

And most of all goodbye

I know that you can't hear me anymore

It's so loud inside my head

With words that I should have said

And as I drown in my regrets

I can't take back the words I never said

I never said

I can't take back the words

The longer I stand here, the louder the silence

I know that you're gone

But sometimes I swear that I hear

Your voice when the wind blows

So I talk to the shadows

Hoping you might be listening cause I want you to know

That it's so loud inside my head

With words that I should have said

And as I drown in my regrets

I can't take back the words I never said

I never said

I can't take back the words I never said.


When I was done, I took the picture from the piano and, then droplets of water dropped on it. I realized that I had been crying. Then, the door opened and three boys walked in.

The same boys that I ate lunch with. In a way, it was brunch for me. It was the blonde guy, the guy that laughed and the quiet one. The one that I met yesterday and sat beside me in the cafeteria wasn't there.

"You've got better skills than Sebastian, that was slick", the guy that laughed said.

"And after what you did to Michelle in the cafeteria, we're besties from today", he added.

So that bully's name is Michelle. She doesn't have a clue of who she is messing with, I thought.

I was more concerned with cleaning my tears and hiding my picture in between my book so that was what I quickly did.

"I must say, you have a really good voice", the quiet guy said with a friendly smile that was so infectious, it got me smiling too.

"Thanks", my voice came out a little hoarse due to previous crying.

I was sure that the boys knew that I was crying, but they pretended not to. They didn't even ask questions, and I was grateful for that.

The bell rang, and I stood up to go to the bathroom to clean up and then, go to my next class.

"You know that you can skip classes for the rest of the day and come hang with us", the blonde guy offered

"Thanks, but no. I don't really know you guys. You could be murderers", I said.

"The only people we've murdered are girls, and it was with our looks", he said earning a high-five from the guy who laughed.

"Well, I'm not really into your looks. So, no thanks. Gotta head to class", I said.

"Ooooh! Come on, bestie. You need to give your dress to the dry cleaners before the stain dries up and we'll treat you to a meal. Please..." the guy who laughed, stopped in front of me, with the puppy eyes pleading.

"I already have a female best friend, but I don't have a male bestie. I guess we could be besties, since you keep pleading so much", I say, pinching his cheeks a little because he was so cute.