

"So where are you taking me to?" I asked

"It won't be fun if you know", the guy who laughed said, resting his arm around my shoulder.

"I still don't know your names", I said removing his arm from my shoulder.

They all stopped walking like what I said was shocking.

"I'm Trevor Sinclair", the guy who laughed said.

"Zac Effron", the blonde guy said

I chuckled lightly, "not even close".

"He's Justin and I'm André", the quiet guy said.

"I'm sure you know Seb", Trevor said, resting his arm once again on my shoulder.

"You never give up, right?" I asked Trevor, tapping his arm that was still resting on my shoulder.

"Never", he answered with a very cute smile.

We walked out of school together, then I start heading towards my car.

Someone grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"Can we talk?"

It was Sebastian. I motioned for Trevor to go forward and that I would catch up with him.

"So what's up?"

"What are you doing?" He asked raising an eyebrow up.

"The guys are treating me to a meal", I replied nonchalantly.

"Why were you on our seat? Why are you talking to my friends?"

"Why are you not apologizing?" I fired back getting a little pissed.

"Why should I apologize?" He asked folding his arm on his chest.

I couldn't help but stare at how his muscles flexed due to this action, then I quickly mentally face palmed myself for checking him out.

I mean he isn't up to my level. He is just a commoner to me.

"You were rude to me yesterday, remember? You had the guts to rest on my car. I don't want you scratching it", I said.

"Rude? You really think that you're all that, uh?"

"I don't have time for this", I said and walked away from him.

When I fell in line with the other guys, Trevor turned to ask me, "What was that with Seb?"

"Is he always this grumpy?" I asked.

He just chuckled, "He's only like this to new people. Don't worry, he'll grow on you"

"Quick pass", I said as I quickened my steps towards my car.

"You own this Cadillac?" he asked.

"Trevor, Justin, Andrè, meet Cindy", I said as I brought out the car keys, purposely leaving Seb out of the conversation.

"You named your car?" Trevor asked surprised.

"Who doesn't?" I asked.

"Only every sensible human in the world", Seb said.

"Come on Seb, I think it's cute", Justin said while giving me a surprisingly kind smile.

"Sensible humans know not to smoke close to cars, Sebastian. So I'll advice you to go get yourself checked, I think some screws are loose", I retorted.

I think everyone was sensing the tension between Seb and I. Justin let out a nervous laughter and dragged Seb away.

Trevor yanked the key from my hand and ran towards the driver's seat, "I'm driving"

"Definitely not my car", I ran after him.

"I'll be driving alone then", André said and turned towards his own car, leaving me alone with Trevor.

Trevor kept running on round the car and I kept on chasing him till I tired myself out.

"Come on, just let me drive", he pleaded.

"No one drives my baby, but me" I said panting, trying to catch my breath.

"You are only making me more invested in driving Cindy" he said with a cute smile

"Your first and last time", I went over to the passenger's seat muttering curses and ways I want to kill him.

"You wish", he said before sticking his tongue out.


"Where are you guys taking me to?" I asked

"Justin told me not to tell. Just because you're my bestie... a new eatery just opened. We're going to check it out", Trevor said driving out of the school's parking lot.

I looked through at the cars the others were driving through the side-mirror. They all drove the same model of Cadillac that I drove.

"Trevor, why are you driving my car? You could have easily asked André to drive his car and he would have given you" I asked.

"I wanted to drive yours because you're my bestie. Besides André never lets anyone drive his car except Seb. They are best friends", he whispered the last sentence even though we were the only ones in the car.

"I need to change my uniform. Can we go to my house first?" I asked.

He swerved to the side and parked. Then he brought out his phone and made a group call with the other guys.

"Hey guys, Helena wants to change out of her uniform. Let's take a detour to her place", Trevor said.

"I really want to taste the chicken wings at Dre's, I heard it's super spicy", I heard Justin say

"Let's be considerate here, she's got smoothie on her clothes", Andre said.

"We can eat at my place", I chipped in.

"Can't you just change and come out? That way, we'll go to Dre's", Seb said

"I'll take a shower and dress up. That'll take me about an hour max", I said.

"Whatever", Seb hung up

"Let's just go. Where do you stay, Helena?" Trevor asked.

"Sunset street", I said.

"I stay on that street too", Trevor said squealing.

"The houses are so small. The living room of my house is actually smaller than my bedroom in Paris", I said laughing.

"You lived in Paris?" André asked.

The question he asked made me realize that I had been rambling. Oh God! What have I done?

I quickly hung up. I could feel someone's piercing eyes on me, "eyes on the road". I ordered.


"I thought you were joking when you said you stayed on Sunset, but you really do", Justin said, brushing his hair with his hands so it stays in place.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked in front.

"So you're the new neighbour my mum keeps talking about", Trevor said.

"I think I like André the most in this group", I said and I searched my bag for the house key.

"Why?" Justin and Trevor asked as the same time with terrified looks on their faces, which was totally amusing while Seb was typing on his phone.

"He doesn't ask a lot of questions",I said as I opened the door.

"Tada... Welcome to my house", I added

"Do you live in a zoo?"