

Even love did not experience the poor boy yu hao, in a cold night encountered wearing a married housewife Liu Ruyue was driven out of the house, uneasy shelter, unexpectedly fell into the trap of the man next door design his wife. one is the youth of blood, the other is like a tiger like a wolf young woman, in the face of the ex-husband's harassment and family estrangement, from then on a dispute and full of charm cohabitation story.

michael_wang_4588 · Urbano
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24 Chs

The Quarrel

I don't know how long I slept, the dream was full of her, I dreamed that I felt into the bedroom, and the door was unlocked, I went in, I saw her lying on the bed, wearing that suit, eyes very charming looking at me.

I walked over carefully, breathing fast and feeling my heart jump out, but she was very enthusiastic and stroked my body with her gentle hands to calm me down.

But where can I still calm, the next dream I only in the island island love action movies have only seen, I know in the dream is in the dream, but the dream is very real, she with her gentle, her young woman skilled body, and instinctive enthusiasm will take me to the peak again and again.

Wake up, a piece of wet pajamas, even the quilt is wet.

The day is already bright, the warm autumn sun lazy light into the room, so that everything becomes so lazy, I quickly changed my clothes, out, found that everything in the living room tidy up, with last night that messy trip a stark contrast.

Not only the living room, I found that the kitchen, dining room and bathroom were all cleaned up in good order, clean and spotless.

I admire women's innate ability to clean the house.

I looked at the watch, it was already eleven o 'clock in the morning, needless to say, she had gone, the door of the second bedroom was open, I walked over, everything was neatly stacked.



I walked over, leaned on the pillow and quilt, sniffing carefully, trying to find out what she had left behind, but she seemed to have left nothing.

I was a little disappointed.

I sat in the living room dazed, suddenly saw on the tea table a breakfast, bread ham and milk, milk cup under the pressure of a note, I took the note, above the writing a line of handsome small characters.

Thanks for your help last night. You're a good man. Liu such as moon.

I just know her name, Liu Ruyue, I gently read it again, feel and her people really match.

For the rest of the day, I continued to work overtime with the SA, but I kept coming home, no matter how late. I'm going home if I have a case to file in the morning, even if it's only for a few hours.

The boss was very puzzled. Of course he wanted me to stay in the company, but he did not say anything when he saw that I had not delayed my work.

Only I know, I insist on going home every day, just hoping to get out of the elevator, see her in the corridor, and then sleep with me.

To my disappointment, I never saw her again for a whole month after we last met.

Even if I was off work normally, I didn't see her. Her door was locked and never opened. I really wanted to knock, but I was afraid it would be her husband, the rasp.

For a whole month, I never saw her again, even if it was just a figure from behind.

I began to wonder if my affair was over. Yes, she had left nothing but the note, which made me feel like I had a dream, and when I woke up, it disappeared without a trace.

After October passed, basically idle down, I can work normally, if there is nothing, can also come back early.



I began to adjust to normal life, of course, gradually, I began to stop expecting her, the dream seems to have ended.

Just when I almost forgot about her, she appeared just in time.

That day, I had dinner after work and was watching DVDs at home. After staying alone for too long, I learned to get along with myself. Watching DVDs is a good way. Especially, I like watching spy movies. During that time, since the popularity of "The Backside", Spy movies have suddenly become the mainstream of television. A large number of excellent spy movies have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain of rain, including some of the best quality movies, such as "Hidden" and "Cliff". Perhaps the directors of the anti-Japanese film is really not creative, and there is no audience, so I just found a way to continue the theme, but also to attract the audience.

I was watching with great relish when suddenly heard the sound of an argument next door, a man and a woman in a heated argument, accompanied by the sound of glassware falling heavily on the ground and breaking.

My heart was suddenly seized up, with my keen insight, from the direction of the quarrel and the quarrel sound, this quarrel sound, is from her home.

I sat up from the sofa at once, and the quarrel continued, and grew more intense, and I heard her cry, accompanied by the cry of the child.

When I heard her cry, I was very anxious to go and see what had happened, and to help her. But I thought, after all, this was a family matter, and in what capacity should I stop it? Neighbors? Isn't that bullshit?

I was so anxious that I heard the noise in the next room getting louder that I had an idea. I picked up the phone and dialed 110. It was certainly the best thing to let the police handle the matter.

I couldn't help admiring my wit, but to my disappointment, I had to give up after several calls and the call was busy.

How can we do that? My mind is still thinking, if that man is a violent maniac, beating her, so how can she stand?

No, I think, in whatever capacity, I have to help her. With this in mind, I thought no more and walked quickly to the door.