

Even love did not experience the poor boy yu hao, in a cold night encountered wearing a married housewife Liu Ruyue was driven out of the house, uneasy shelter, unexpectedly fell into the trap of the man next door design his wife. one is the youth of blood, the other is like a tiger like a wolf young woman, in the face of the ex-husband's harassment and family estrangement, from then on a dispute and full of charm cohabitation story.

michael_wang_4588 · Urban
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24 Chs

Getting Drunk

I just opened the door and walked out, and the door to her house was open, and she was crying

The baby's cries became more pronounced as he grew older.

I looked up and saw that she had been pushed out by the man. Ugh

He said, "I'm telling you, you can get a divorce if you want, but you kid.

Don't you dare take it!"

He slammed the door shut.

She was outside crying and begging, banging on the door over and over, "Divorce is divorce, I.

No! You give me back the jelly! I can't live without her!"

Her cries attracted the other neighbors in the hallway, who opened their doors.

Left a crack in the door to watch.

She continued banging on the door, but there was no response, no answer, only hearing

The faint cry of a child across the door. She went crazy and kept smashing, and all of a sudden the door

Gaping open, inside the man angry stretched out a leg leg, a foot will willow such as

The moon kicked out.

Liu Ruyue caught off guard, was kicked a stumble, fell directly to the ground.

"Go cry, I'm not dead yet!" "The man viciously

"He said, then slammed the door behind him.

I hurried over, lifted her to her feet and asked, "Are you all right?"

I found that she was no longer crying, probably because of the kick she had just received

For the sake of it, it seems that her breath is very weak, clutching her stomach, and it seems that she cannot breathe for a long time 

Come on.

"Shall I help you call the police?" I asked.

She looked back and saw that I was the one who helped her up, and I cried even more


"Come to my room and rest." I said.

"No, thank you. I need to talk to his mother." She she pushed me away, and

After crying walked in the past, press the elevator, wait for the elevator to arrive, hurried on the elevator.

I looked at the elevator down the number, can not help but shake my head sigh and regret.

The neighbors closed their doors and went back, so I came back.

When I came back, I couldn't concentrate on the TV

In the plot, I've been pricking up my ears, listening to all the way, hoping to hear her coming back

Something, or something in her house.

I'm a little sorry that I didn't go up and help her, in whatever capacity

After all, it's wrong for a husband to hit a woman, so I can have a good-sounding

I.D. Go help her.

I secretly decided that if there were any more arguments in her family, I would..


But after waiting for a long time, I heard nothing more, and I was sitting,

The phone rang suddenly, and I picked up the phone and found it was a monkey.

Monkey is my classmate in college, and his family is from other places.

Because his girlfriend is a local, so after graduation, he stayed in Marina

There are not many friends here. Besides colleagues, they are college students. We are not close

Wrong. That's why we keep in touch.

I have not seen each other in the past two months because I am too busy.

I picked up the phone and said, "What's up, monkey?"

"Come to the Peach Blossom Garden on Beijing Road. I'll wait for you here," said the monkey

"What's the matter? What's up?" I asked.

"Yes, come quickly." "Said the monkey.

"Is it urgent?" My heart is still in Liu Ruyue here, of course do not want to leave now.

"It's urgent. It's urgent. Come quickly, I'm waiting for you." The monkey then hung up the phone.

No way, since he is urgent, it seems that I can only go to a trip, after all, is a good friend, and then Liu Ruyue this I am waiting, I am afraid there is no movement and news.

I put on my coat, locked the door and went out, taking a taxi to the Taohuayuan Bar on Beijing Road.

Into the bar, inside the color flashing, singing intoxicated, there is a small band in the center of the stage, a woman with heavy makeup singing, people sit together in groups to chat and drink through the background of music.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the monkey sitting at the bar, and when I walked in, he snapped at me


I went over, sat down next to him, and asked him, "What's the hurry?"

He took his time and asked me, "What are you drinking?"

"I won't drink it. Tell me something." I asked.

"What's your hurry?" The monkey poured me a glass of beer and said, "It's been so long that I can't ask you out."

"I'm still busy, working overtime, I heard you said it was urgent, I came here, you don't say you have nothing, I buried you alive." 'I said.

The monkey laughed, "No, really no, that what, can I borrow some Money?"

"Borrowing money? Why are you borrowing money again?" I said, "You haven't paid me back the money you borrowed?"

"Last time I went to see my mother-in-law, I was obliged to buy gifts, but after the mother-in-law met, she was not very satisfied with me, because I had no house, so I had to move about more, bribes more, this walk. It's gonna cost money." said the monkey.

"You bribe your mother-in-law, it's none of my business, why should I give you money?" I said. "What about your salary?"

"I have to bribe my wife for my salary." The monkey smiles and says, "You do better than me, how to borrow a few to save emergency for a friend? I'll get my paycheck next month and not even give you the last one."

"Don't give me that shit." I said, "I'm paying a bribe to my daughter-in-law, and I'm not paying my daughter-in-law?"

The monkey smiled even more and said, "Come on, you don't want to lend me money, even if you make up some other excuse. That's a little fake, isn't it? Your wife? Come on. I don't know what time it is!"

It didn't help me to fight with a monkey, and in the end I couldn't stand him and lent him the money. He promised to return soon, but I feel that it is not reliable at all, of course, I do not plan to let him return as soon as possible, he is right, who let me not have a girlfriend, there is no pressure for the time being, he is a grassroots civil servant, the salary is really low, it is nothing to save him.

"I'll introduce you later." said the monkey.

"Come on, I don't want any of your old women who can't marry. I'll go."

From the peach blossom out, it is more than eleven o'clock in the morning, I took a taxi back to TaoRan Waterbank, along the way I still think, LiuRuYue don't know tonight will not again 

Show up? I didn't expect to see her as soon as I entered the neighborhood.

She was lying on a communal bench in the neighborhood, obviously drunk, so drunk that I was completely

The state of being able to do whatever you want.