

The most powerful couple in Ashfield fight to death slaughtering the alliance conspired against them and their Blackstone legion but as they both kiss each other succumbing to their wounds dying but fate as other plans for them. AN: I was inspired by Kagetane0ko got for honor crossover release chapter are random since I'm not a writer. Apollyon height will be changed to 6,0 to even out with the MCs height.

Tempest_Fallen · TV
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6 Chs

My wifey love chaos

3rd person pov

"Commander the troops successfully infiltrated every faction capital and are currently setting up the base" Apollyon waved him off tell him a good job has she smile at the clearly close success of trapping the queen. Rae came into her stepmother's room and kneeled in her presence.

"You've called commander," Rae asked looking towards her stepmother.

"Yes, I need something bad to happen in king landing to help your father in romance since he informed the queen will fuck him only and stop her incestuous relationship with her brother. Like maybe gather a storm of angry peasants give them mud and tomato to throw at her patrolling carriage or no the opposite make her look like the rightful ruler queen by humiliating the king's guard and town watch using darling to convince her improving the state of kings landing and creating a queen guard to replace king landing king guard soldiers with ours while increasing our ranks and pumping the recruits. Hahaha, what about both where she gets humiliated and relies more upon Gabriel and he whispers poison advice and counseling when they're alone and factions will start to form one to the king and soon to be dead Jon arryn and the queens and her personal bodyguards Blackstone legion. Yes, Ready the preparation Rae I want this done now oh chaos and ruin as our love is inseparable ~Ah I miss you touch Love" she moans as she misses her husband.

"Yes, Commander Apollyon" she stands and leaves immediately to prepare the money and men. War the only thing the Blackstone Legion wants and they'll be satisfied no matter what. They Are Wolves. With preparation on the way to increase the Blackstone legion standing In King landing.

While inside the castle The queen is talking with her daughter Myrcella Baratheon while doing her hair with Gabriel at their side.

"Caw!" "Caw!"

"Hmm, a message my queen" He stands to grab the piece of paper wrapped around the foot of the creature. He reads the contents and hands them to the queen.

"The people are rioting what are the town guard doing. the king wants me to appease the crowd as I am queen what but he put me in danger along with my daughter.!" she stands up abruptly scaring her daughter. Gabriel Walkes behind her and hugs her and whispers to her sweet words that melts her heart and agrees to go because she believes no harm to her or her daughter Myrcella. Myrcella seeing a gasp in horror but Cersei slowly manipulated her mind into believing she doing this to protect her.

She dresses up herself and her daughter to look presentable. They head to the carriage guarded by the town guard. The queen had lost her trust in her own men except for her bodyguard. With Gabriel; at her side, she felt safe inside the carriage but the sound of screaming and yelling as they got closer to their destination. "Mom I'm scared why are they angry" Myrcella shaking in fear has her tries to comfort her. Gabriel looks in distance 'oh honey we had the same thoughts but you got ahead of me' gabriel thought as he knew his wife and him craved chaos and killing Dothraki never really satisfied them. Following closely behind the queen and princess Gabriel today was going to change the queen and princess forever. The streets were jammed packed with rioters has citizens try pushing their way. Gabriel saw myrcella scared shaking he walked closer "everything going to be okay princess, not a single thing will touch you I promise," he said trying to comfort her. The guard was struggling to hold the people back Cersei tried to soothe the raging crowd but they got more aggressive as they threw insults at her hurting her emotionally seething in a rage as she was queen and shouldn't be desrespteced. Gabriel seeing the situation reaches him grabbed them both but the guard as a man's throat was slit. Open a path for the queen and princess now!" gabriel commanded seeing they were surrounded carrying both myrcella and Cersei running through stench-filled alleys to the nearest stable to grab a horse. both the queen and princess were frightened as the body's filled the streets but they felt safe in the embrace of Gabriel as he protected them from the riders.

Not noticing the blush on the princess's face as she laid her head on his shoulder blade.

Reaching a stable he placed the queen and princess on the closest and threw a bag of gold dragons towards the stable master who was too in shock to understand what happened.

"ayah!" gabriel yelled as they galloped back to the queen's quarters. Reaching the queen's quarters Gabriel orders a king guard to not let a person single in.

"They attacked their queen and my daughter Gabriel" screamed as she hugged him shaking as he rubbed her. He looked her in the eyes as he rubbed her cheek has. Myrcella was on the bed looking at her mom yell and rage at the citizens but melted from Gabriel touch.

"Make me forget today, Gabriel," she said as she kissed him in his inserted her tung while she lost to his dominance he picked her up and placed her softly on the bed stripping themselves in front of her daughter.

"M-mom do you want m-me to leave" she stuttered as the aroma of sex filled her nose and made her feel weird in her stomach. Cersei immediately grabbed her daughter's arm ripped from her lover's mouth as saliva dripped from her mouth and looked to her daughter. "~ah yes pound me more gabriel and no my Myrcella I want you to watch my darling daughter has he makes me forget the day you were in harm's way." She moans loudly still gripping her daughter as Gabriel fucks her doggy style while Cersei explains how she feeling and pleasure that made her addicted.

Mrycella was getting horny as she saw the monster that dominated her mother in bed. 'would I be able to be with another man if that was inside me destroying my body' she thought has lust corrupted her mind has a seed of darkness entered her hears slowly turning to betray her family.

5 hours later-

Cersei was laying down on her lover's chest stroking him has Gabriel explained how she should become a true queen who is worshiped by her people and that he would help her if she joined the Blackstone legion he also explained creating a faction against the king using his knights has her guard and army. She was curious about how he would make this as she questions him. He wants her to lead many funded projects that improve the living conditions. The money, the Blackstone legion had funded projects was like chump change to them. Thinking for a while she mounted his cock. "Yes please, my love makes me a true queen!" she screamed as she agreed that night was a night myrcella could never forget.

(An: Not Lewding Myrcella just yet but making her crave for it till she sixteen. star of canon will start soon and the story will take a slower pace as the Blackstone legion will start to begin skirmishes.)

I already have an ending to the story how do you guys feel about world-hopping? ill edit mistakes later I'm busy.

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