

The most powerful couple in Ashfield fight to death slaughtering the alliance conspired against them and their Blackstone legion but as they both kiss each other succumbing to their wounds dying but fate as other plans for them. AN: I was inspired by Kagetane0ko got for honor crossover release chapter are random since I'm not a writer. Apollyon height will be changed to 6,0 to even out with the MCs height.

Tempest_Fallen · TV
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6 Chs

Her Husband so hot

10 years later

(An: I don't remember the timelines sorry)

[Pentos 289 Ac]

"Commander's Our legion has puppeted Pentos and Myr and the iron bank and are now under our puppet rulers reign with this our black stone legion economic strength increased dramatically army reaches 9,000 Troops in total. we currently possess a hundred ships and are continuously building more. " The overseer of the objective reported our latest success with essos and myr, the iron bank was another story as I could use the debt the Lannister posses against them or her.

'Cercei Lannister the person I must seduce for my wifey' thinks Gabriel as he gets up and dismisses the man and looks towards his three side wives who are now fully trained commanding wardens of the legion and fully love him after his efforts of melting their hearts and drowning them into carnal pleasure.

"Gather a small fleet we heading towards king landing once again," Gabriel says in a cold commanding tone.

They flinch remembering the past. "Yes, Commander" they bow and leave to ready the men and fleet. Gabriel looked at his wife. "The time has come wifey peace has been too long in Westeros the black stone cannot forgive this sin chaos must ensue as we are wolves," Gabriel says in a dark angry tone.

She stands wrapping her armored plated arms around his neck. "They Must be punished husband and we are them," she says kissing him.

He removes her chest peace and roughly sucks her d-cup breast while she straddles in his lap. "How are the Kid's training going," he said as Apollyon gave birth to two daughters Kristine and Rebecca two girls he adores. He trained them personally making them feared in the legion as they wore the same gear as their father. But one thing Apollyon knew about her daughters but there was dense father didn't was that all-time he spent with them they fell in love with him they are both 10 and 11 Rebecca being older by a year and also they caught him having a foursome with his side wives making them start mature more they started to go into the coming months as they saw him dominate his wives in bed the image never left their minds. They also inherited their mother's masochist trait.

"~ah your Daughters are fine but your oldest daughter Rae is 16 and you know what that means right ~ah I'm getting wet just thinking about it," she says knowing his daughter Rae was aware of her father's massive lust and libido and decided to join his harem at the of 20. She currently the second strongest woman in the legion first being Apollyon.

"Hmm it's time huh they truly grow fast," he says inserting his cock in her pussy as they fuck in their armor.

30 minutes later

"Take my cum wifey to get pregnant with my third daughter," he said since he didn't want a son only daughters(An: yes a daughters-con)

Yes, I'll give you another one honey empty your seed in my womb ~aaaaahhh" she moaned spasming on his cock drenching his cock in her juices. Taking a cloth he plugged her pussy as she wore her armor limping and shaking.

They headed to the docks as the fleet was ready an army standing at the ready. "Legion peace in Westeros has lasted too long it's time that we punish them for this sin!" Gabriel and his wife and side wives along with Rae and the rest of the legion boarded the fleet. There was a Cold glint in both Gabriel and Apollyon's eyes as they hated peace.

It took a month to get to the king's landing, their ships drew a lot of attention has Lannister soldiers came has and so did Robert the king and his wife Cersei Lannister the queen, along with jon arryn, little finger, and the rest of the council.

Docking their ships Gabriel and Apollyon along with his commanders and daughter deboarded the ship and their armor gave off an imposing aura.

"What is the meaning of this why is their fleet in my docks." the king yelled as Gabriel came in front of them and bowed his head informing his reason for doing so and being here and also informing the king he must speak to the queen in private. it took a while to convince him and his wife Gabriel was no threat. Apollyon led her troops to the manor as she planned to explain further objective to cause chaos within king landing to help her husband with Cersei Lannister. she also organized a small party to be sent to the, reach, drone, vale, storm end, and Winterfell to set small operation to cause public happiness problems and food shortages to increase the instability of the ruler to raise their banner against each other. She wanted to wait for a little after they have taken the greyjoys as they invade Winterfell lands before officiating her plans.

Gabriel is currently guided to Queen's quarter with Jaime at the side of the queen. once inside she sat down on an office chair pouring wine in two cups handing one to him.

"What is your purpose of meeting in private Gabriel?" she asked tenderly while taking a sip of wine.

"Your debt to the iron bank has yet been paid and I've come to receive the payment under the orders of the new ruler," Gabriel said having not removed his helmet gave him a dangerous aura to both cersei even more so Jaime knowing he loses if he faced this man in combat.

"We can't afford to pay the debt is there any other way we can pay it off besides gold dragon's currency," said the queen knowing the consequences of not paying off their debt will ruin them and she doesn't want to know what her father would do.

"Finish reading the letter," he said walking over towards the window looking outside to see the city of king's landing.

"I agree to the conditions Jaime from now on Gabriel takes the role of my personal bodyguard," she said gesturing her hand to the door. Jaime clearly upset draws his sword and challenges Gabriel the great leader of the legion to a duel.

"You're sure Lannister because I don't give easy tickets to challengers," He said in a cold desolate voice getting to Jaime towering over him.

"No there will be no duel stand down that's order Jaime I said leave or I would you have imprisoned for disobeying your queen," she said as she places her hand on Gabriel chest plate trying lightly to push him back. "yes your majesty," Jaime said bowing and leaving the room angry.

"Why didn't you tell him the conditions, my queen" Gabriel sad has placed his hand on her ass placing a finger in her ass "~ah h-he doesn't need to know he just a bodyguard and kings guard."

Conditions: "My commanding officer becomes the queens' bodyguard and sex partner for a year paying off the full Lannister debt." iron bank

Five minutes later queens quarter-

"~aaaahhhh!! My ass is stretched so wide fuck im cumming I've never felt like this before ~Im Cumming" she moaned under the immense domination from her servant's cock has she cums unstoppably and she try to hold for her dear life to the sheets.

1 hour later

~uh ~uh ~uh" The queen's eyes are hazy has her mouth greedily sucking his fingers as her pussy and ass brimmed full with cum. her ass has hickeys all around her neck and tits with cum spread across her face and the smell of her breath reeks of his cum.

5 hours later-

"yes more gimme more my servant giant cock is the best eeeee!!! I keep cumming like a loose wench" she screams her entire quarter's reeks of cum and sweat she has fallen on the mattress passed out cum covered her body even in her hair. Gabriel lays down next to her unsatisfied with cock still hard. Cersei has fallen low for her servant completely forgetting her brother and kids. Gabriel whispered in her ear "don't shave your loose pussy from now on." he said as she nodded She crawled over and mounted his cock mutter "servent cock" they continued until morning next day.

im tired ill edit later

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