
MCU: The Spectacular Spider-Man

A New and Improved Peter Parker takes on the Universe of the MCU as Spider-Man. With New powers. Plenty of Classic Villians and New Relationships. Can our New Peter become the Hero we all want him to be....Let’s find out, Shall we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starts just after Iron Man 1. I'm gonna try to avoid major cliches like learning magic. I also don’t own anything other then my MC. I don’t own the MCU or any Photos used in the making of this fanfic.

The_Crimson_Writer · Filmes
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29 Chs

Chapter 13 - Web Slinger on The Web

"Any news on this Black Cat?" I ask Yuri, while drink my coffee upside down, which took hours of practice.

"Not much, we've match similar M.Os all over the Country. But this is the first time she's been seen or let alone given a name" Yuri says with an exasperated sigh.

"Well I'll keep a look out. Maybe after we catch her, you'll get another promotion" I suggest.

"I doubt it, I've only been a detective for a few months" Yuri reasons.

"Ah I suppose, but true greatness won't ever be stopped" I tell her. "Anyways I'll see you around detective"


"Hey Peter" Ned says through our comms

"Yes, bestie" I reply.

"You should get back to the HQ real quick" Ned tells me, I then hear him whisper to himself. "I can't believe I actually get to say HQ and it actually mean something"

"Ha, I'm be back in a couple minutes hang on" I tell him, picking up my pace.

~Scene Change~

"So Ned what did you need?" I ask after I change out of my suit.

"Check this out, Daily Bugles newest article"


"Ah Triple J back at it again I see" I say.

"We have to do something, we can't have him besmirch your good name" Ned says seriously.

"Well there not much I can do, I can't talk to everyone in New York" I tell him.

"Well maybe you can" Ned says smirking. "Maybe it's time Spider-Man joins the biggest web of the all. The World Wide Web"

"Ned you beautiful genius you" I tell him taking seat next to him.

"Let's go with Instagram and Twitter first" Ned says.

"Agreed, we're gonna need some pictures though" I tell him.

"Yeah... go out in your suit. I'll handle this, I'll make sure it's untraceable aswell" Ned tells me.

~Few minutes later~

"Almost done"

"Yes, just need the profile pictures and some extras for Instagram. Here's a camera go take some awesome pictures"Ned Tells me.

"Got it" I say leaving the HQ.

~Scene Change~

Taking multiple pictures at various tourist points of the city, like on top of the Empire State Building. I head back to the HQ.

"I'm back" I say as I step out of the elevator.

"Let's get these accounts finished"Ned says taking the camera.

"I'll also do some pictures in my other suits at some other time" I tell Ned.

"Good idea. Not many people have seen the first suit or the Black Noir suit" Ned agrees. "Aannnd done, you just have add additional details in your spare time"

"Sweet" I say taking out my spidey phone to log into my Spider-Man accounts.

~Scene Change~

I decided to spend the rest of the day as Spider-Man protecting the city and her people. I did upload a my first insta pic and my first tweets, it will take a while but I believe I will become quite popular on the social media's.

"You know I haven't climbed the Brooklyn Bridge yet" I say to myself as I spot the bridge in my eye line.


Swinging throughout the city, it doesn't take me long until I'm at the bridge. I run up the cables that hold the bridge.

It surprisingly takes a shorter time then I suspected, standing at the top of the bridge, I silently take in the beautiful view of New York.

"S.A.R.A.H, anything interesting happening?" I ask my personal A.I

"The government is trying to steal Tony Starks Iron Man suit," S.A.R.A.H tells me.

"Right now?" I ask

"That's correct, should I pull it up on the heads-up display?" S.A.R.A.H asks me.

"Yes, but keep the volume low," I tell her.

"Of course Peter," S.A.R.A.H says pulling up Stark's court hearing or whatever this nonsense is.

"I wonder why that Senator is so interested in getting the Iron Man suit" I wonder out loud. "It's not even that impressive, it's the arc reactor that's truly impressive"

"But I suppose that what happens when idiots run our country" I say to myself.

~Heads up display~

"I think we're done is the point that he's making. I don't think there's any reason…" Senator stern begins.

Tony quickly interrupts the Senator saying, "The point is, you're welcome, I guess"

"For what" Stern asks in return.

" Because I'm your nuclear deterrent. It's working. We're safe. America is secure. You want my property? You can't have it. But I did you a big favour." Tony exclaims annoyed slightly.

Tony then stands and faces his audience, "I've successfully privatised world peace"

"What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns" Tony says mockingly to everyone in the court room.

"Fuck you, Mr Stark. Fuck you, buddy. We're adjourned. We're adjourned for today" Stern cusses out Tony.


"Oh now that is interesting" I say to myself. "Sarah, remind me to meet Tony Stark at some point"

"Of course, Peter" Sarah reply's softly. "Peter you've got an incoming call from Detective Yuri"

"Answer it" I reply.

"Spider-Man" Yuri's voice comes through with a sense of urgency.

"Yuri, what's the matter?" I ask swiftly.

"We just got a Bomb threat, how fast can you make it to the Brooklyn Bridge?" Yuri questions with urgency.

"I'm already there. What info can you give me?" I respond immediately.

"We've got basically nothing" Yuri tells me.

"Hmm, how long till your guys get here?" I ask. As I start to scan the bridge looking for anything out of place.

"10 to 15 minutes, we're swamped over here and the traffic is god awful" Yuri says quickly.

"Okay don't worry, I'll find it. Just let me know when the bomb squad is nearby" I tell her.

"Good luck spider-man" Yuri says quickly as she hangs up.

I drop down from the wires holding the bridge. I start to scan every car and person I can see. I then spot a blue van.

The van itself is ordinary but the only problem is that it doesn't have a driver. I sprint towards it hoping and leaping over cars.

I get to the van quickly. I swiftly open the drivers side door. To see some sort of Machine connected to the driving wheel and pedals.

"What?" I question silently.

"I believe it's a self driving car" Sarah tells me.

"Agreed, this has to be it then" I reply as I open the back doors of the van.

Opening the doors of van, I see something that looks far to advanced to be a simple bomb. Its rectangular and boxed shaped with various lights showing different information.

(Image here ->

"Sarah, what are my looking at" I ask hoping that Sarah can find something on what I'm looking at.

"I've got nothing Peter, this isn't military, nor is it anything seen before used by criminals" Sarah tells me.

"Hmm so who ever made this is a pure genius" I comment as I inspect the bomb. "It doesn't even have a timer"

"It's looks more like an EMP" I say to myself after inspecting the device a little more.

"Call Yuri, tell her I've found the bomb" I say to Sarah.

*Beep* *Beep Beep* *Beep Beep Beep*

"That's not good" I say as the beeping gets faster. "Screw it"

Picking up the bomb I rush to the edge of the bridge to toss the bomb into the water below to cause minimum damage to anything.

But before I could make it to the edge my Spider-sense starts to go off. I quickly chuck the Bomb away from everyone by aiming for the edge of the bridge.

Before it goes over the edge of the bridge the bomb explodes, and everything goes in slow motion for me there's no sound and barely any movement. There's also no fire or devastation, it looked for like some sort of force field pushing everything away.

As time and sound seems to return to me, I move quickly to Secure various cars from being pushed off the bridge.


Looking towards the scream, I see some cars tilting on the edge of the bridge after busting through the barriers.

"Shit, I didn't think the it would reach the far" I say as I leap toward the cars. "5 cars 2 hanging on the left and 3 on the right"

Landing in between the 5 cars, I shoot multiple webs in each car, and try to pull them back fully into the bridge.

I start to strain my arms as this is the most weight and pressure I've put into them since I got my powers.

"RRRAAGGHH" I shout finally mangling to pull the cars back onto the bridge. I quickly drop my arms to give them some rest as I take a few deep breaths.

*Clap Clap* *Clap Clap*

"Huh" I sound out.

"Yeah, Spider-Man" a man yells out

"Thank you Spider-Man" a woman calls out this time.

"Mom look it's Spider-Man" a child say to his mother.

Giving them a small bow and a salute, I jump of the bridge and swing back to the main land.

"Sarah call Yuri" I say to my A.I

"Calling Yuri" Sarah says.

"Spider-Man, did you find the bomb?" Yuri asks as soon as she answers.

"Found and Disabled" I say smirking a little under my mask.

"You disabled a bomb?" Yuri questions me doubtfully.

"HAha, not exactly" I say. I then proceed to tell Yuri what happened on the bridge and the bomb.

"Hmm, we've never had something like this before" Yuri states.

"Could be someone new, but who ever made this bomb is a engineering genius" I tell her.

"I'll take a look the crime scene and evidence, then take a look at our database see if I can find anything. I'll get back to you okay" Yuri says explaining her plan.

"Talk to you soon partner" I say before she hangs up.

~End of Chapter~

(A/N: The next coupe of chapters is where we'll start to get into the MCU properly)