
MCU Shang-chi SI

Just a usual SI, you know how that goes. At least there aren't too many curveballs.... right?

AlanPokhrel22 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


[A/n: Guess who's back *^_^* There's one thing I'd like to mention before getting into it. I'm not going to write dialogues as they are from the movies (only Wattpad authors do that), in fact I'm not going to bother with them much unless they're really important to the plot and the 'plot' and they are really funny (this story is basically me losing my author virginity) so please be gentle with me *blushes furiously*]


Chapter 1 Acceptance


Currently, I'm tucking my little sister in bed. It's really sad because even when she is asleep, I can still hear the occasional sobs. Dad (or not-dad..? that thought process made me sigh in exhaustion, too soon for the existential crisis) has locked himself in the library after setting down mom's body. Some of his men have come to the compound and are now cleaning up the dead bodies of the Iron gang members.

While all this is happening, me I'm feeling like the butt of some cosmic joke. I don't remember meeting some ROB who punted me here or filling any CYOAs. I was simply just here, thrust into the body of an 7 year old at literally the worst moment of his short life and all this grief is making it even harder to think properly. The good thing is that the kid isn't really gone, I mean a person is a product of their experience and feelings that come with it, aren't they? After a few hours of annexing, I have all his memories and feelings, doesn't that make him still alive kinda like the ship of Theseus. God, I really must be feeling guilty if I'm trying so hard to make excuses.

Anyway, since the guilt and grief has run it's course and my tears have dried out, it's time to think of the future. Should I go see my father like in the canon where he gives me the speech on power and fear or do I stay here next to my sister? As much as I would simply like to just fall asleep next to my sister and avoid everything, I needed to talk to dad.

I quietly opened the library door and peeked inside. Dad was there leaning on a chair looking like he had aged a decade in just a few hours but that wasn't what I noticed first. No, my attention was immediately drawn towards the table. And there they were, laid out in a simple ornate box, just lying there innocently yet still drawing all my attention that sent chills down my spine. The Ten Rings.

The movies never explained any of what I was feeling right now. Maybe it was nothing but my own nerves going haywire at seeing one of the most powerful objects in the world, maybe it was a kind of confirmation that all this was as real as it could ever get and no longer just fiction but I froze again for the second time this day. They weren't glowing like they do when someone's using them to fight, no they were just lying there looking normal yet utterly alien to me but some part of me that was desperately hoping that this was some wierd dream completely gave up by the sheer weight of their presence. It was at this moment that I knew, there was no going back.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and walked forward. The small talk with dad after that went as well as it could have gone. He barely acknowledged my presence when he talked about how he never should've given up the rings. He wasn't really asking for my input or in any mood to listen to me but just confirming his own belief by saying it out loud.

When I walked out of the library, I started thinking of what I knew of how this was gonna go. Canon Shang-chi had daddy issues like every single MCU character(what was wrong with this world?) based on the fact that his father chose the rings over his remaining family. I like to believe that my situation makes me a little more mature than that. He is handling grief the only way he has known for more than a millenia, using the rings to kill the fuck out of anyone that caused him said grief. With how long he has lived this probably wasn't the first time he had lost someone close to him although this one might have been the worst of it. With the way I'm justifying him, I prbably have some daddy issues too, don't I?

The funeral was a very short one, we buried her behind the compound in the small garden in which she loved to walk around. Then came the hard part, which was dad showing me the pictures of Iron gang members and me identifying the ones that were there on that day. Everytime I saw one of their faces, I would get flashbacks to that day which really wasn't nice.

I had no doubt about what was going to happen to them but I couldn't bring myself to care. Then came the 'canon' part when dad found out where one of the liutenants of Iron gang was hiding. Well, let me tell you that a PG-13 action flick will never prepare you for the sudden and very realistic R-rated violence happening in front of you. When the poor guy refused to answer dad's question about where their boss was hiding, dad didn't bother asking twice. He simply used the rings as a bootleg chainsaw and cut off his head. I froze and stared at the said head like a dumbass.Honestly what was I thinking? This wasn't some movie where action barely ever followed logic and was toned down for children. No, this was very real and very bloody reality, a reality where I had to learn to live and hopefully keep surviving, a reality where my sister had to grow up in. I also knew one of the best ways to do that, so I made a decision then and there. I looked up at dad, who by now was standing next to me, likely about to say something to me but I didn't give him the chance. I looked him in the eyes and said, "I want to learn how to fight"

He looked at me for a few seconds, crouched down to eye level with me and asked, "Why?"

"I want to protect mei-mei."

He smiled a little at that and said,"I will teach you but you have to remember one more thing", his face grew solemn,"these men owe us a debt of blood, you need to promise me that one day when you're ready, you will make them pay."

Well, I should have expected that part, it's a part of the origin story after all and besides, I wasn't like canon Shang-chi, I had no compunction on making those bastards pay. So, there was only one thing I could say,

"I promise."

[A/n: You might be wondering why such a little part of the story took an entire chapter. Well cuz I believe this to be the most important part of the 'origin story'. The rest of the said story is gonna fly by really fast before ya know it. I didn't write any dialogues in Chinese (just gave a small nod) cuz I really don't wanna.

On another note, yes I'm casually upping the scale of violence (PG-13 really doesn't fit with the sheer horror show that is any Marvel Universe).Osiris out (`^′)7]