
MCU: Druid’s Adventures

Oaks Woods, blessed by the power of nature, was reborn in the Marvel world. But this world is on the brink of danger... Facing the three paths of destiny— Technology, mutation, and magic. So, shall I become a scientist who appears to be a mutant but actually uses magic? … "Dread It. Run From It." Confronting the army led by the Avengers, Thanos raised his tyrant's blade: " Destiny Arrives All The Same. And Now It's Here. Or Should I Say, I Am!" "Submit before the Destiny!" –Flutter-flutter— “Stop, Roar!" "...Redirect the fire!" Thanos turned around and slashed through Captain America's shield with a single strike: "You said you can fight all day?" … This is a story of a druid posing as a scientist, and his survival in the Marvel world. (Background: Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU) ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
334 Chs

Chapter 248: Zemo, Calvin, Bucky

After this "spiritual journey" in the ecosystem, it took Oaks a whole week to stabilize his spirit.

Even with the protection of the Mind Stone, facing the entire planet's ecosystem and experiencing countless ecological cycles, his powerful spirit and soul were almost exhausted.

However, on the one hand, this allowed Oaks to have a deeper understanding of the power of the Mind Stone. On the other hand, it also gave him more confidence to rely on his own path without relying on the Mind Stone.

When he finally finished adjusting, he realized that more than a month had passed.

"Hati, is there any movement over there?"

Oaks communicated with Hati, who should still be in Sokovia, and received an immediate response:

"Boss! You're awake? Ahahaha! I've driven the Hydra crazy over here!"

The corner of Oaks' mouth twitched. Hati is enjoying this a little too much.

"What did you do?"

"At first, I scared away all the volunteers who came to be experimented on by Hydra and even took care of a few guys who were sent to capture people...

But this country seems to have gone mad. There are people protesting and demonstrating every day, and some idiots who don't know what they're doing and want to die. That arrogant eyeglass guy, Strucker, doesn't seem to be short of people.

So I destroyed a few of their prisons and released the prisoners...

He's going insane and swearing to find and kill me--

Of course, they didn't succeed!"

Hati became more excited as he spoke:

"They still want to spare their hands to study the changes of the scepter, but they don't dare to directly research the scepter. They can only scan it with instruments!

Anyway, the nature of the energy is still unknown to them, and even their brains are about to explode without analyzing anything.

When they wanted to capture people on a large scale for experimentation, I directly went to lure the officers of Sokovia's elite assault team, and the two groups started fighting!

Eyeglass guy had to use his own researchers to test the scepter!"

"What did he find out?"

Oaks raised an eyebrow slightly. If they couldn't figure it out just by scanning with instruments, as long as they discovered that the scepter couldn't control people, they would realize that there was a problem with the scepter.

"I hid the scepter... They're still fighting like madmen against Sokovia's assault team!"

Hati excitedly sought recognition:

"Originally, the combat effectiveness of the assault team was nothing special, but the leader, Colonel Zemo, is amazing. With just that one assault team, he's driving the Eyeglass guy crazy!

Because they can't reveal themselves as Hydra, they can't go too far!"


Oaks nodded knowingly:

"It's normal for someone like him to be that powerful. Hati, go give Colonel Zemo the evidence that this place is a Hydra base. He seems to be a talented person.

As for that toy scepter, destroy it on the spot."

"Understood! Also, Boss, I discovered a secret in this base... They're secretly researching a, uh, very large monster!"

Hati seemed unsure how to describe that thing:

"It's huge! And it's wearing armor... They've also gathered a bunch of strange things and debris, as if they were building some kind of machine like what that armored guy has!"

"Armored guy? Tony?"

Oaks pondered Tony's image with a strange expression, then recalled carefully:

"It should be remnants of the Chitauri Leviathan and semi-mechanized legion... They can't do it without a genuine scepter.

Let's proceed with the plan we discussed earlier. I will go with Steve and the others to destroy that base!

Also, be careful of the twins with special abilities. If there are any signs of Hydra involving them in the battle, let me know."

"Yes, Boss!"

After ending the communication with Hati, Oaks called for his intelligent butler:

"Malorn, is there anything important that has happened recently?"

Oaks inquired with the intelligent butler, and the latter quickly responded:

"Welcome back, sir... Security supervisor Steve has led the Howling Commandos in several battles against Hydra forces, greatly crippling their remnants.

In addition, three days ago, a doctor named Calvin Johnson contacted the Benevolence Society and expressed a desire to visit you, stating that it is a matter of great importance."

"Calvin Johnson?"

Oaks glanced at the Zola box that was still kept within the double isolation barrier and put on a pair of earphones.

"Heh... It took so long to investigate that matter. How's Skye doing lately?"

"Miss Skye has been engrossed in cracking Hydra's encryption algorithms. According to Dr. Banner, her computer skills are almost catching up to Mr. Stark when he was young."

Malorn paused for a moment, sounding a bit peculiar:

"Also, Miss Skye attempted to hack into my mainframe once, but she couldn't break through the firewall built by Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner working together."


Oaks was about to leave and slapped his forehead upon hearing this.

"Well... this little girl really can't sit still. Maybe it's time for her to focus on something else."

Oaks rubbed his chin and realized that there had been quite a lot of recent events.

"Notify Dr. Johnson that I will meet him tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Little Rainforest. And inform Steve that I'll call him in an hour. It's something important, so make sure to handle any pending matters in advance."


He told the Benevolence Society and Oak Environmental Technology Company's top executives about his upcoming plans. They had become accustomed to Oaks occasionally going into seclusion for "meditation" purposes and simply wished him safety.

Oaks entered another laboratory where "Winter Soldier" Sergeant Barnes was still lying.

Using elixirs and nature magic in this laboratory, Oaks had put Bucky in a state of deep sleep similar to "hibernation," maximizing the tranquility of his consciousness.

A healing spell shone, and Bucky's body had already returned to optimal condition.

But Oaks also used a pacifying spell to keep him in a state of slumber.


A yellow light replaced the previous green light on the acorn embedded with the Mind Stone on Oaks' chest.

His right hand pressed against Bucky's forehead as Oaks activated the power of the Mind Stone.

First, with the immense mental amplification provided by the Mind Stone, Oaks directly located the Hydra control chip implanted in Bucky's brain.

Oaks had already constructed a small shielding barrier with Nature magic on the chip, isolating it from any external bioelectric signals.

Now, using the power of the Mind Stone, Oaks created an even stronger shielding barrier to ensure complete security.

With this protective barrier in place, not only could no bioelectric signals interfere, but no form of energy communication could intrude unless it involved the Infinity Stones.

"Completely erase any memories related to December 16, 1991..."

Oaks controlled the power of the Mind Stone, conducting the final "adjustment" for Bucky.

"Repair the damage caused by brainwashing... Then, awaken all memories."

Observing Bucky, who still hadn't woken up but displayed a noticeably calm expression, Oaks nodded in satisfaction.

"Finally, let's add a strong mechanical arm."


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - 133 advance chapters

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +165 advance chapters

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

