
A Matter worth Tension

12th September, 2019

"Sir please do something, I cannot find Aditya anywhere " said a woman at her mid thirties to the Inspector of Bidhannagar Police Station.

"Madam, we can understand but please cool down and write the missing report otherwise we can't do anything " said the inspector in a distressed tone.

After writing the missing report with her trembling hands and watery eyes, she took her exit from the police station.

"I cannot understand what to do and how to do. This is the second missing case in this month and in this year. " said the Inspector to a constable standing there.

"Yes Sir, you are right, it seems like the horrors of 2018 have returned again" replied the constable.

The Constable was damn right. In the past year only around the month of July and April six children got missing and till now there is no news of them. The police tried from every pin in the house to the large areas of the city but the result was null.

Suddenly the mobile phone kept on the table rang and the Inspector picked it up.

The duration of the talk was not more than approximately 20 seconds.

No sooner did the Inspector cut the call than he opened the live TV application in his mobile phone and started to watch the news.

On the news it was being shown that at the press conference called by the Chief minister of West Bengal, she have given the task of finding these Lost Children to the deputy commissioner of detective department Abhinav Malhotra.

Abhinav Malhotra is a dashing young man of 28 but his bag full of experiences and reputation have earned him the position of detective at such a young age. From the syndicates of Khidirpur to the gruesome murders of Park Street there was not a single matter he have not messed with and in every case we came out with the medals of success.

Now already eight missing cases have been there in two years with zero result ,this was changing to a mass movement as people became mad about the safety of their children . In this situation can Abhinav solve this matter worth tension. Is this a normal child trafficking racket or something really deadly is waiting for the detective????

To be continued....