
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
112 Chs

Chapter Hundred-Nine

Matoe regained his stamina , he walk to the door of the room and try to open it, it was held tightly from the inside.

He started using his body to storm on the door and using his knife to create tiny holes.

" We can't stay in here forever, he's going to bust the door into the room". Aiden said, pacing around the room.

" What do we do?" Charlotte asked, trembling in fear and tears.

" I have a plan, me and Samael are going to push the door with force, that force is going to send Mateo landing in the floor before he stands up, Samael get the key from the table and Sharon and Charlotte will run to the door, Samael pass the key to them and they would drive the car to the door step. we are going to get Jason from that room and get to the car fast".

Aiden said, analysing his perfect plan. " Let but it to action, it's a nice plan'.

Samael said , position himself at the door instantly.

Samael and Aiden joined force and pushed the door but unfortunately for them, Mateo was standing right in front of the door.

Immediately the door was opened, Mateo raised his knife up and stab Samael in the stomach, he use the knife to push him inside.

Charlotte and Sharon glare at him in Surprise;

They were at the verge is death!

Aiden signal Charlotte and Sharon to run to his side, when they did, he shut Mateo and Samael inside.

Sharon ran to the table and picked up the car keys; Aiden ran to the other room to get Jason put while Sharon and Charlotte ran towards the door.

In a blink of an eye, the door opened on his own will and Mateo come out side with blood stained knife, he ran after Sharon and Charlotte.

Charlotte immediately. pushed Sharon to the fall and ran towards the door, forgetting about the keys.

She was using Sharon as a prey, for Mateo so she could escape.

Instead of Mateo to go after Sharon that was lying on the floor in pain, he went after Charlotte and pulled her with her hair before her hands could reach for the door knob.

Charlotte fell flat on the floor and Mateo pierced the knife into her heart.

" I hate betrayers ". He said pulling out her heart and feeding on it.

Tear filled Charlotte eyes as she gushed blood out of her mouth.

Sharon sat on the floor, looking in shock, the whole situation looks like a dream to her.

Samael is dead and Charlotte too, it was too much for her to digest in.

Mateo feed on Charlotte eyes while looking at her pale face, that has ran of blood.

Sharon gathered herself back and crawled slowly to the door, trying not to make sound and not to draw attention; she slowly turn the door knob, and open the door and took a step; then she heard Mateo hoarse voice.

" Where to?".

She felt blood gushing to her spine as she stop in her steps, she turn to face the bloody glare of Mateo.

" No one get out of her alive!". Mateo said as he run towards her direction, he raised knife up and jump up; ready to stab her in the hearts.

Sharon stood there like a statue, holding her heart in her mouth; before the knife could get to her; Jason blocked her and took the hit for himself.

Mateo stab Jason deeply on the shoulder, Aiden immediately wipe Mateo with a rolling pin and he fell instantly.

He took the rolling pin and gave him some few blows on the face, beating Mateo hardly before he kicked his body inside a room and locked it.

" Jason ! Jason!!". Sharon shouted, shocked while crying and trembling on the spot.

" Sharon....

... you remember your question...,...about saving you or Charlotte when in danger".

"Stop! Don't talk save your energy and come with me". she said. pulling his hand away from the door frame, and age couldn't stop the tear that were falling from her swollen eyes.

Jason held the door frame tightly like his hands were stick on them.

" Listen to me Sharon, if I was ever in a situation like that, I would save you all over again, I loved you". He said sadly

Aiden came immediately and passed under Jason wide spread hands.

" Aiden take Sharon, the both of