
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filmes
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793 Chs

Chapter 288: The kitten who wants to help (Edited)

As much as Fish wanted to help catch the villain who was giving Professor McGonagall so many headaches, he had no idea, even Professor McGonagall didn't know where Black was, so it was unlikely that Fish knew.

So, Fish could only return to his cat form and stay by Professor McGonagall's side, purring to relax her and hopefully make her feel better.

The cat even reduced her play time to do this.

Fish's actions were not in vain, Professor McGonagall became less anxious in the cat's company, and it was more Fish's actions that made her feel less bad than the cat's company and purring, which was so soothing.

This afternoon, as usual, Fish continued to lie on Professor McGonagall's lap after history, purring, while Uroboros wrapped himself loosely around the kitten, nestling his head between Fish's ears and enjoying his purr.

Professor McGonagall, on the other hand, was petting Fish as she flipped through the letter she received not too long ago.

Since Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban, Professor McGonagall was receiving and sending letters much more frequently, and lately she and the members of the Order of the Phoenix had been secretly searching for Sirius Black, but so far, neither they nor the Ministry of Magic had made any progress.


Professor McGonagall stood up as she read the letter Mrs. Figg had sent.



Fish, who was on her lap, was instantly thrown off, spun in the air and landed firmly on his feet, while Uroboros squeezed his body so tightly that Fish almost lost his balance.

"Minerva, what's wrong nya?"

After pushing Uroboros away with his paws, Fish immediately returned to his cat-man form and tugged at the surprised Professor McGonagall, asking worriedly.

"Ah... sorry, Fish."

Professor McGonagall apologized to Fish, then put away the letter in her hands and on the table, reached out and patted Fish's head and said, "I have something to do, so I have to go out."

"Fish can go nya?"

The kitten thought he had found the villain named Sirius Black and volunteered, "I can help too nya, Fish fights very well!"


"I won't fight, but I thank you."

Professor McGonagall rubbed Fish's head again, smiled and declined, then walked away.

As he watched Professor McGonagall's back, Fish wagged his tail, feeling a little unhappy, but unable to tell why he was unhappy, sat cross-legged in the chair where Professor McGonagall had been sitting, and sulked.

But the cat's temper came and went quickly, and after sitting for a while, feeling a little greedy, he took out his sandwiches and shared them with Uroboros, and as he ate, the inexplicable sulking went away.

After calming down, Fish immediately took Ouroboros to the Forbidden Forest to play.

The next morning, a sleepy Fish was awakened by Professor McGonagall, who had returned at some point.

"You're back, Minerva..."


Fish with messy hair got out of bed, rubbed his eyes and waved slowly.

"Fish, get up, we're going to Diagon Alley today to buy you textbooks for next year."

Professor McGonagall looked a little haggard, as if she hadn't slept well the night before, but she was in good spirits.

Professor McGonagall had known about next year's book list for a few days, but had been so busy with Sirius Black that she had procrastinated.



Fish, in cat form, licked his paws,

When he found out he could go to Diagon Alley, he purred happily and kept licking his paws and rubbing his little head.

In any case, licking his fur and washing his face was a routine that could not be missed.

After spending a long time grooming all the hair on his body, Fish returned to his human form, and then the kitten put on the beautiful clothes Aunt Estella had given him, ate a nice Chinese breakfast that Comey had prepared for him, and then happily followed Professor McGonagall to the Leaky Cauldron through the Flu dust.

"Minerva, let's go to Diagon Alley!"

Once outside the fireplace, Fish dragged Professor McGonagall into the courtyard behind the bar, already missing the ice cream from the Florean Fortescue Ice Cream Parlor.

"Wait a minute, Fish," Professor McGonagall called unhurriedly to the eager kitten, "Potter lives in the bar now, why don't you go say hello?"



Fish immediately stopped in his tracks and asked repeatedly, "Harry's there too nya? Where? Where?"

He pulled the basilisk out of his pocket and said cheerfully, "Harry knows Parseltongue too, I'm going to introduce him to Uroboros!"


Looking at the lazy little basilisk in Fish's hand, the veins in Professor McGonagall's forehead popped.

"Why did you bring it too?!" Professor McGonagall grabbed Fish by the cheeks, "Didn't I tell you not to bring Uroboros into a crowded place?!"


Fish quickly freed herself from Professor McGonagall's grip, hung the basilisk around his neck, shielded his cheeks with both hands, and argued plausibly, "You've clearly said not to let just anyone see Uroboros, Fish put it in his pocket, but don't take it out nya."


"You naughty little..."

Professor McGonagall pressed the center of her eyebrows together with a headache, her little cat is too good at finding loopholes....

Although it's also possible to ask Fish to send the basilisk back right away, but with the little cat's temper, it could cause a lot of trouble again, Professor McGonagall hesitated, but decided to let it go for now.

"Hurry up and put Uroboros away!"

Professor McGonagall had no choice but to let Fish hide the basilisk, then led him to the bar.

"Welcome, Mr. Fish McGonagall, and Professor McGonagall!"

Tom, the bar owner, greeted the two with a big smile, remembering the last time Fish had been here and that he didn't like being called "Little Fish," so he called the cat by his full name very formally.

Then old Tom asked, with a touch of mischievousness, "Would you like a butterbeer today, Mr. Fish?"

"No nya!"


The little cat purred quickly and shook his head, he still remembered the uncomfortable feeling after drinking alcohol last year.

"Come on Tom, don't tease Fish," Professor McGonagall interrupted old Tom's teasing and asked, "Where's Potter, he's here, isn't he?".

"Of course," smiled old Tom, his old face wrinkled, "He only got here last night, Mr. Fudge got him a room, in room eleven, he just got back from being out about half an hour ago, he's still in his room."

"Thanks for the news," Professor McGonagall nodded to old Tom, picked up Fish and headed upstairs, "I'll take Fish to greet Mr. Potter."

"I think Mr. Potter will be pleased to see you, so, see you later Professor McGonagall, Mr. McGonagall."

"See you soon nya~"
