
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filmes
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793 Chs

Chapter 217: Dumbledore the stalker (Edited)

Fish walked slowly from Myrtle's bathroom to the stone gargoyle at the entrance to the principal's office.

Instead of shouting the password to let the stone gargoyle move out of the way, he jumped on the stone gargoyle's head, then lay down and began to doze.

The smell that followed him was all too familiar to Fish, that kind of vitality, but with a hint of aging, with the exception of bad old Dumbledore, only Professor Flitwick was like that.

But Flitwick clearly wasn't fond of stalking him, and because of his elf blood, Flitwick's vital breath was a bit different from other wizards.

So Fish knew that the one harassing him was the mean old man.....

I'll let you follow me!

Although Dumbledore didn't know what was going on in Fish's head, he didn't think it was a big deal that he took a nap... after all, he was going to follow Fish to the end.

But now he was feeling a bit anxious.

Dumbledore would rather Fish wander around the school than sleep on his stomach without moving.

For one thing, it would be easier to find clues as to what attacked Lady Norris, and for another... it would be less boring than it was now.

With nothing else to do, Dumbledore sat down in a chair and pulled a bag of snacks out of his pocket and munched on them.

'It's not easy to fall asleep in this situation, and God knows when Fish will wake up and run away.

'So I'll bring something tomorrow to pass the time' Dumbledore mused as he munched on his candy.

The magical Monopoly the Weasley twins had made would be fun, he could bring a game.

As Dumbledore began to count his beard with boredom, Fish, who was lying on the statue, woke up.

First he pouted, opened his mouth wide, stretched and yawned widely, then sat up on the statue and licked his fur for a while before jumping up and pacing.

Meanwhile, in Fish's perception, mean old Dumbledore, at whom he had thrown a [Wild Mark], was still following him....


?(=`? ′=)?

Fish, who was walking slowly, suddenly broke into a full sprint and, in doing so, headed straight for the roof with his [Spider Step] and ran frantically around the castle.

Believing he had found something, Dumbledore soon followed him.

After following Fish around the castle, the panting Dumbledore saw that the kitten had finished running and went straight back to the Gryffindor dormitory to sleep.

Dumbledore: "..."

Although Fish had been behaving a bit strangely tonight, seeming to be pacing deliberately, Dumbledore didn't suspect anything.

It was not unusual for Fish to do things like that, the kitten's mind was not something that could be understood, it was not unusual to see Fish suddenly running around the castle, and it was possible that Fish was looking for the person who had attacked Lady Norris a moment ago.

So Dumbledore was just a little depressed, not knowing that he had been exposed.

As the days passed, enthusiasm for the Chamber of Secrets did not wane, but grew, and all the copies of "Hogwarts: A School History" were borrowed from the library, mainly by Slytherin students, who wanted to find clues about the Chamber of Secrets.

Filch prowled the wall every day, trying to erase the writing, but failing, and Dumbledore, for some reason, didn't bother with the wall either.

Hermione, ever the disciplinarian, had even asked Professor Binns about the Chamber of Secrets in History of Magic class, but what she had heard from Professor Binns didn't differ much from what Fish had said.

All over campus, students could be seen gathered in small groups, discussing the Chamber of Secrets.

However, while Hogwarts was in an uproar over the Chamber of Secrets, Fish had a new problem....

Does the mean old man usually have that much time on his hands?


For several nights now, Dumbledore had been following him.

This was a violation of Fish's privacy!

The word "privacy" was one that Fish had heard from the twins, and while he didn't particularly understand the meaning of the word, it was certainly correct to use in the current situation.

Unfortunately, Fish couldn't discuss this with Professor McGonagall, because that would reveal that he had been able to discover Dumbledore's invisibility spell and was keeping secrets from them.

'Minerva really is a great liar, she clearly said she wouldn't follow me anymore!'


The cat grumbled as he walked aimlessly through the castle, hoping to meet his attacker and slandering the lying Professor McGonagall.

He didn't think Professor McGonagall didn't know about this.

Furthermore, when she had been caught following Fish, Professor McGonagall had confessed to her the existence of the tracking spell and had taught her the anti-tracking spell, telling his that if he used it, he would not be followed....

It turned out to be a lie.

Dumbledore was following him so closely, what good would it do if he used the anti-tracking spell?

Annoyed, Fish scratched the portrait frame on the wall, causing the figure in the portrait to yell at him.

After venting his frustration, Fish ignored the portrait figure's screams and slowly walked away with his tail up, much to Dumbledore's amusement.

Over the past few days, Dumbledore had discovered that Fish's favorite thing to do was to torment portraits and ghosts.

But he had a good sense of proportion, scratching the frames, and not using the glowing red claws spell on the other ghosts...except when Peeves was the target.

Because Mrs. Norris once mentioned to Fish that Peeves often bullied her, and now that she was petrified, Fish, as Mrs. Norris's best friend, had no choice but to take it out on Peeves when he had no one to blame and Dumbledore was on his heels.

And Peeves, who was bullied by Fish, dared not retaliate, and could only get into trouble with Fish's good friend, and the biggest suspect, Harry Potter. Whenever he could, he flew around shouting "murderer" and "Potter is going to kill again! " and other such nonsense.

Then, with Peeves' tireless efforts, some students were gradually brainwashed, and they all began to stay away from Harry.

And Harry still doesn't understand why he was attacked by Peeves.

Fish, the culprit, didn't know that Harry's recent bad luck was his fault, and Peeves' behavior was just a joke in his opinion.

He was too busy looking for the real killer and trying to get away from the mean old man to worry about Harry.

Meanwhile, Fish went to the Black Lake to ask Kanaloa about the Chamber of Secrets, but Kanaloa said he had never heard of such a thing.

Because when he was still following Gryffindor, Slytherin and the other three hadn't split up, and there was no legend of the Chamber of Secrets, and since then he had stayed in the Black Lake, not knowing much about what was going on at school.

As for the legendary monster in the Chamber of Secrets, Kanaloa, like Fish, thought that if it was a basilisk, then Mrs. Norris was destined to die, not just be petrified.

Indeed, I have yet to find a way to get rid of the bad old man's harassment....


After a few days of wandering around without any clues, Fish was getting anxious and wanted to go see Uroboros and ask him if he knew anything about the Chamber of Secrets.

After all, unlike Kanaloa, he was always in the castle and would know more.

What drove Fish crazy was that Dumbledore, the mean old man, had followed him so closely that even after Fish had returned to the Common Room, he had stayed in the corridor outside the Common Room until dawn, and then returned to his office.

In fact, at that point, Fish had already realized what was going on: Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore were worried that he would be attacked as well.

Although Fish knew they were protecting him....

The kitten was not happy.

Isn't that underestimating me, Fish?

Fish is a great fighter!


For those who want to continue reading the novel in advance, there are more than 100 chapters available to read on my *******.

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