
Masks Around Me

As Edward confronts the ghosts of his past, a former friend's return sparks a chain of events that leaves him questioning who he can truly trust. With secrets lurking in every corner, Edward must navigate the murky waters of betrayal to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Faerie_16 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 6: Missed Opportunities I

The next day, as my family and I sat down for lunch, the atmosphere was relaxed and jovial. James, my little brother, chattered excitedly about his day at school, while my mother doted on him with affectionate smiles. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and my father strode in, his presence commanding attention.

"Edward," he called out, his voice carrying across the room. Startled, I hurriedly swallowed a mouthful of food, which resulted in an unfortunate choking fit. James, ever the helpful brother, began tapping me on the back as my father handed me a glass of water.

"Slow down, boy," he advised with a chuckle, taking a seat at the table. "I just wanted to inform you about a program being held by the largest tech company in the world. I already registered you for it, and there will be an exam to recruit participants. It's a fantastic opportunity to delve into the world of technology."

"Okay," I replied between spoonfuls of food, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness. "So, when is the exam?"

"In two weeks," my father replied calmly, unfazed by my sudden panic. "Don't worry; you'll start taking classes next week. I've already informed your teachers that you'll be absent during that period, so there's no need to worry about missing school."

"TWO WEEKS?!" I exclaimed, nearly dropping my spoon in disbelief. "I'm not ready."

"Relax, Edward," my father reassured me, his voice calm and composed. "You'll have plenty of time to prepare. Just focus on your studies, and everything will fall into place."

Grateful for the reprieve from school, I resumed my lunch with renewed determination, the prospect of diving into the world of technology fueling my excitement.

Over the next two weeks, I immersed myself in a whirlwind of classes and study sessions, determined to make the most of the opportunity before me. Despite the mounting pressure, Cedric remained a constant source of support, offering encouragement and companionship during our study sessions.

As the day of the exam drew nearer, my parents received an invitation to a party scheduled for the same day. Initially hesitant to leave me alone, Cedric intervened with a solution that put everyone at ease.

"Hey, no need to reject the invitation," Cedric suggested, his easygoing demeanor putting my parents at ease. "My parents were also invited, but I planned not to go. Edward can stay with me at my place since it's closer to the venue."

Grateful for Cedric's offer, my parents accepted, leaving me in his capable hands while they attended the party with James and our trusted driver, Williams.

That evening, after a hearty dinner prepared by Cedric's mother, we settled in for a movie, the tension of the upcoming exam momentarily forgotten in the warmth of friendship and camaraderie.

As the credits rolled, I checked the time and realized it was late. "I should get some rest," I announced, stifling a yawn.

Cedric nodded in agreement, collecting the empty snack bowls. "I'll clean up and head out," he said, flashing me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Cedric," I replied gratefully, feeling a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Edward," Cedric echoed, disappearing into the kitchen.

Alone in the guest room, I tried to settle into bed, but sleep eluded me. Despite my exhaustion, my mind raced with thoughts of the impending exam, the weight of expectations pressing down on me.

Hours passed in restless anticipation until exhaustion finally claimed me, and I drifted into a fitful slumber, unaware of the trials that awaited me in the morning.