
Masks Around Me

As Edward confronts the ghosts of his past, a former friend's return sparks a chain of events that leaves him questioning who he can truly trust. With secrets lurking in every corner, Edward must navigate the murky waters of betrayal to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Faerie_16 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Struggles And Secrets

Seven years had flown by since the announcement of my mother's pregnancy, and my little brother, James, was now a lively presence in our family. Amidst the changes, Cedric remained a steadfast friend, our bond growing stronger with each passing year.

Discovering that our parents were acquainted further solidified our friendship, leading to frequent visits and shared experiences. However, as we entered middle school, the dynamics shifted, revealing stark differences between our lives inside and outside the classroom.

At home, Cedric was supportive and caring, but in school, he distanced himself, aligning with the popular crowd while I remained an introverted outsider. Despite the contrast, I cherished his friendship, grateful for companionship amidst the isolation.

However, the tranquility shattered when I became the target of relentless bullying. Harmless pranks escalated, culminating in a humiliating incident involving expired milk. The laughter, including Cedric's, cut deep, but it was the cruel taunt about my adoption that pierced my heart.

Faced with public humiliation, I fled the classroom, seeking refuge in the gymnasium. Alone with my thoughts, questions swirled in my mind, chief among them: had Cedric betrayed my trust?

As the school day waned, I sought answers, confronting Cedric at our usual meeting spot. His tearful apology caught me off guard, but it was his admission of guilt that left me reeling.

Confusion clouded my thoughts as Cedric denied any involvement in revealing my adoption. His earnestness offered a glimmer of hope, but my relief was short-lived when he revealed an anonymous post on the school forum, exposing my secret to the entire student body.

Despondent, I retreated to the solitude of our car, Williams's concern palpable as we drove home in silence. The weight of discrimination and betrayal hung heavy on my shoulders, overshadowing any joy from my father's announcement of my future role as CEO.

The rejection and prejudice stung, a reminder of the injustices beyond my control. As I skipped dinner, drowning in a sea of despair, I couldn't help but question why I was targeted for something I had no say in.

Alone in my room, consumed by anguish, I grappled with the unanswered question: why me? Amidst the darkness, one truth remained elusive—the reason for my suffering, a mystery I yearned to unravel.