
Marvel Zodiac knight

James journeyed to the Marvel world, his once ordinary life transformed after chancing upon an ancient bronze box. Now, his destiny was nothing short of extraordinary. "Put on the Zodiac armor and safeguard love and justice on Earth!" _______ You can find more chapters on my patreon patreon.com/Greatsage5302 Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters , am merely translating this fanfic

Great_Sage_5302 · Filmes
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44 Chs

Chapter 1

In the bustling indoor gym of Midtown High School in Queens, New York, the first-year students were engrossed in a flurry of activities.

Suddenly, the piercing ring of the bell jolted a handsome, black-haired Chinese American boy awake in the stands. James was disoriented, muttering to himself, "Where am I? What's going on?" He shook his head, snapping back to reality, a reality he hadn't expected after his apparent death. He sat there, lost in thought.

"But what did I expect? I'm dead and now, somehow, I'm here."

A lanky boy patted James on the shoulder, urging him to get up. James spun around, rising from his seat on the stands.

As they made their way from the stands, the lanky boy turned to James, concern etched on his face. "Come on, hurry up, the bus is arriving in ten minutes. You don't want to miss it."

Before James could respond, a ball slammed into his back, nearly knocking him off balance.

"Parker," a teasing voice emerged from behind, "I noticed you skipped gym today, and you're always in a hurry to leave after school."

**James' Thoughts**

So, I've somehow ended up in a Marvel-like world, and that lanky dude in front of me is Peter Parker, the future Spider-Man. But it seems he hasn't gained his powers yet; right now, he's just a regular kid who, like me, gets picked on. And this guy here, he's our biggest tormentor, Eugene Thompson, aka Lightning, the school's star athlete in both basketball and football. I've got to find a way out of this predicament.

**End Thoughts**

Both Lightning and his sidekick James blocked James's retreat and surrounded both Parker and him.

"Listen, Lightning," Parker spoke calmly, having been through this ordeal many times. "It's not that we don't want to participate in sports, but we have part-time jobs to attend to. Can you please let us go? We've got a bus to catch."

But Thompson, impatient, shoved Parker back with a basketball, raising his chin with an air of arrogance. "Parker, you can work anytime, but you really plan to skip school sports? High school life is short; we should enjoy it."

The other students, who'd witnessed this scenario countless times, understood Thompson's message – work wasn't for them, they should only have fun.

"I can't just goof off, we have bills to pay," Parker forced the explanation, ready to make a run for it. Seeing Parker's resolve, Thompson smirked and hurled the ball at him. Parker braced for the impending assault.

With a loud shout, Parker broke free from the encircling group, looking at himself in disbelief, unaware of the newfound strength coursing through him.

Glancing back, Parker saw Thompson with an empty hand, an embarrassed look on his face.

In the center of the circle stood James, who had snatched the ball from Thompson.

"Wow!" Everyone witnessing the scene was stunned. It was no longer the same James who'd been bullied relentlessly. Having crossed over into this world, he was determined not to live as the previous owner of his body had.

"You want us to join the club activities, right?" James bounced the basketball before spinning it on his finger. "We'll play with you, but on one condition: a single point determines the winner. Do you agree?"

Thompson, still processing the bizarre turn of events, was silent for a moment. Then, his anger flared. Challenged by this seemingly ordinary boy, he felt deeply insulted.

"Is James asking for a beating?"

The onlookers buzzed with excitement, as the school star player prepared to face James on the basketball court.

Beside James, Parker asked in disbelief, "Are you out of your mind, James? You're challenging Thompson, the school's best player?"

"Just watch," James replied with a grin as he caught the falling ball in his palm.

With both players on the court, Thompson, with a forceful bounce, charged at James, intent on crushing him.

"Here goes nothing."

But as he neared James, he suddenly realized the ball was gone.

"Where's the ball?"

Looking back, he found James with the ball, spinning it effortlessly. James was grinning.

"What just happened?"

"Don't ask me; I'm as surprised as you are."

Witnessing this, the crowd buzzed with amazement.

"I thought you were about to shoot an airball."

The ball thudded on the court. "Stand back; I'm going in."

Before Thompson could respond, James dashed toward the basket. At the free-throw line, he jumped, holding the ball in one hand. Spectators were left in awe, wondering if James had lost his mind.


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