

Allen was serious when he said he was ok. Kiko had promised to teach him how to make a portal after all!

"Master Kiko!" He greeted her.

"Allen," she waved, "I'm glad to see you are doing so well. Are you here to pick up from when we last left off?"

"Yes ma'am!"

She tossed him a sling ring and he caught it gracefully. He carefully placed it on and frowned at how big it was. The ring was sliding around.

Kiko laughed, "The ring is made for adults, it's rare for children to learn how to use it, but you, of course, are a special exception."

Allen pouted. Then he concentrated. He thought back to the books he's read, his brain pulling up the information about creating portals. He swung his arms, visualising a destination, his room in Kamar Taj. Orange sparks appeared in a circular motion but it was small. Too small. He frowned and tried again. Kiko watching calmly.

After many attempts, he stopped. He felt tired. But somehow a memory appeared. A conversation between Doctor Strange and the Ancient One. "You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own."

Allen tried once more. This time he thought about his powers with Time. How he let himself feel the stone's power when he is using it. How he lets it guides him. His arm made a big swing and a portal opened, revealing his room. But not the one in Kamar Taj but the one in Malibu. He panicked and closed it quickly.

"Allen… I hate to say this but- you are a fucking genius." Kiko told him.

"Please refrain from using such words in front of a child." The Ancient One said, stepping into the training room.

"Ack- I'm sorry," Kiko rubbed her neck sheepishly. "But did you see that Ancient One? First, try!"

"I did see it Master Kiko." the Ancient One looked at him. "You did well." she praised, "I would to speak with Allen, privately."

"Of course." Kiko quickly left.

"Is there anything you need me for master?" He asked curiously.

"Yes. Let us talk about your living arrangement with Mister Stark." They went and sat by the windows. "Do you intend to tell Mister Stark about your abilities?"

"No…" he didn't want Tony to think of him any different plus, he didn't want anyone to be aware of his powers. Especially SHIELD.

"Alright. Once you have settled into your new home, please ask Mister Stark for permission to return here to continue your studies."

Allen nodded, "what should I tell him?"

"Tell him you are learning Martial Arts."

"Ok. Can I still borrow books?"

"You must be granted permission by Master Amal, the new librarian, to borrow books."

"What happened to the previous librarian?" He thought of the old lady who made him sign that strange form.

"She has decided to retire. Master Kiko, you can come back in now," the Ancient One called out.

Kiko walked in and gave a nod to the Ancient One who was walking out. She looked at Allen and smirked, "You ready to learn some tricks with portals."

Allen smirked back.






"Done!" Allen shouted. Tony held his hand out and Allen met it with a high-five. They stepped back and looked at his room.

A week had gone by and Allen and Tony had finished the room at top speed.

Tony popped a hand on his shoulder, "All finished for tomorrow."

Allen absently nodded, "Yeah…" The room had plenty of natural light and light blue walls. The wall that his bed rested on was painted a darker shade of blue, with paintings of various animals scattered on it. There were animals decorated all over his room. His whole room was a mixture of blue hues and natural woods. It made him feel so cozy. His walls were lined with bookshelves half filled with books (Tony told him he can fill it up with whatever he wanted) and near the windows was a box of toys! Tony insisted that he should have a separate for his studies and another for play but he preferred it this way. Everything he loves in one place.

Night came and Allen sat in his room in Kamar Taj, marvelling at how much he's changed, then he remembered. He opened his dresser and took out a book and a toy. His hold on the toy tightened, remembering his mother's dying breath. Where was Tony? He wanted to ask him why it took Tony so long to find him but he was scared. He'd already given him a room, toys, clothes, everything he could ever ask for. But he's scared that if he asked him, Tony would scold him for being so ungrateful. He killed his mother, that was his fault and if Tony ever found out that he killed her- he didn't want to know. He fell into sleep's embrace and woke feeling extremely wary and anxious.

Before she left his room he gave a final glance to the dresser that held his items.

"Will I be able to keep my room in Kamar Taj?" He asked the Ancient One.

"Yes, your living arrangements with Mister Stark do not erase the fact that you will have a home here, in Kamar Taj." She replied gently, "You best be off…" She placed something in his palm.

He opened it revealing a sling ring, emotions overwhelmed him and he rushed to her side to hug her. "I'll see you soon Master." He murmured into her robes then he looked at the necklace on her neck. "I'll see you soon too." It flashed green. With a final wave, he opened the portal and stepped through.

Tony was waiting in the same waiting room. This time Alice was there as well, with various sheets of paper scattered on the table between them.

"Allen!" Tony stood up upon noticing his arrival.

"Morning!" he put on a forced cheer. He winced when Tony and Alice's looked worriedly at him. He winced even further when he noticed an empty chair next to each person. Making a quick decision he decided to sit next to Tony who sent him a bright smile. Only when he sat did he have a good view of the papers. He looked at it and noticed signed custody forms. His heart quickened, the papers make it seem all so official. He fiddled in his seat as Alice sorted through the papers.

"I'm nervous too know," Tony whispered. Allen turned to look at him with wide eyes. "In a good way of course," he quickly corrected. "I'm excited to have you, kid."

Allen relaxed in his seat.

"Now there's one final form for you to sign together with Allen, Mister Stark, but before that, I have a question for Allen." Alice looked at him and he shrank nervously into his seat. "Allen, what surname do you wish to take?"

He titled his head.

"What I mean is, currently, your official name is Allen Smith. Did you want to change it to Allen Stark or Allen Smith-Stark?" she explained

"Sorry- what do you mean by Smith? I thought my surname was White?" he asked, the memory of his mother telling him that his name is Allen White is still very fresh in his mind.

"Hmm, it says here that your mother changed your name to Allen Smith after her remarriage to Kevin Smith." she pushed a piece of paper in front of him.

He looked and saw the words 'Allen Smith', printed neatly next to a picture of him. He felt sick. Mother never bothered to inform him of the change and now he'll constantly be reminded of that traitor.

"Can I change it back to Allen White?" he asked quietly.

"Back to? Allen your previous surname was Young." she reminded him.

"No- Mother said that my name is going to be Allen White, like her, Lauren White," he argued.

"Allen, your Mother's maiden name was Lopez, Lauren Lopez."

The colour drained from his face. He feels dizzy. The voices around him sound muffled.

He hears Alice speaking, "The procedure to change your surname is quite lengthy since it has nothing to do with your current relative."

Then he hears Tony's deeper voice, "But we can make the arrangements for it correct?"

He snapped his head at Tony. He can change his name to Allen White? He thought.

Tony ruffled his hair, "Of course, you can take whatever surname you wish."

(oh he said it out loud didn't he)

"It's ok." he managed to say. "I'd like to change it to Stark if that ok with you..." he shyly looked at Tony who beamed at him.

"Of course!" Tony said then he looked at Alice with a smug grin.

She didn't bother glancing at him and just pushed another sheet of paper in front of each of them. "Just one last signature."

"To make it official?" Allen asked with wonder.

"To make it official," Alice replied.

Then he looked at Tony. "You won't kick me out?"

"Never," Tony replied firmly.

He signed the paper.