
I choose you!

Rows and rows of artefacts line the interior of the room, all unique in their own way. The shelves seem to dwarf the two figures in the middle of it all. 

Allen fiddles with his new robe—a black tunic with rune-like patterns. Thinking of the events last night.

The Ancient One glances over at him. "What troubles you Allen?"

"Master", he begins, "I need guidance. There's something I foresee, a pivotal moment that could define or destroy someone I care deeply about." A second opinion wouldn't hurt.

"You speak of your father, Tony Stark." 

Allen nods. "Yes, I know what's coming. His capture, the suffering... it leads him to become something greater. But knowing the pain he will endure, and knowing I might prevent it — should I?"

"You possess a power that many would envy and even more would fear. The ability to alter time brings with it a heavy burden. One must consider not just the act of changing the past, but the ripple effects of such changes. Have you considered what the world might be without Iron Man?"

Allen winces. "I have. I see suffering and chaos. Others will suffer too if I alter this path. But knowing I could prevent his pain and choosing not to... how do I live with that?"

The Ancient One turns to him, her gaze piercing yet gentle. "Allen, to be a guardian of time is to understand the balance of the universe. Every moment of joy, every instance of suffering, serves a purpose in the vast tapestry of existence. Your father's journey to becoming Iron Man is filled with pain, but also with growth, redemption, and the inspiration of countless others. Can you see the strength he gains through this trial?"

"I do. And I see the hero he becomes... not just for himself, but for the world."

"Then you must also see your role not as a shield to absorb every blow, but as a guide, a beacon for others in their darkest times. To intervene might spare him pain, but at what cost to his growth, to the lessons he must learn to fulfil his true potential?"

Allen sighs, "To protect is not always to prevent. Sometimes, it is to prepare. Maybe that's my role in this — to prepare him, and to be there when he emerges, changed but stronger."

"Wisdom is often born of pain, Allen. Prepare him, support him, but let him walk his path. Trust in the strength of his character, just as I trust in the wisdom of your choices."

"Dad came up with the same conclusion," Allen chuckles. 

With a nod, Allen walks forward even more resolved now. 

"Master, do you have any idea what my artefact is?" He turns to face her.

"Where is the fun in that?" She smiles, and with a pat on his shoulder, she turns the corner and disappears. A soft "Good luck" can be heard.

Allen glances at the numerous amounts of artefacts lining the wall, and with a shrug he walks forth. 






'Fine'. He decides. 'Maybe I don't have an artefact'. He reaches his hands to his chest and the Time Stone materialises into his palm. He looks at it. 

"Maybe you're my artefact", he says giving the stone a little pat. 

The stone warms, humming in happiness. 

But then he feels something pull. His vision blurs and his feet begin to move, step by step. He navigated the room like a veteran, dodging knickknacks and swerving corners. Finally, his feet stopped, and his vision only focused on the glowing light within the jar. 

Keen and gentle hands pick up the worn glass, yellow talismans crumble underneath his palm. The whole jar emits a blueish hue, beneath the layers of dust. 

'Huh', he thinks, 'Do I rub it and a genie pops out?' his thumb begins to remove the dust. 

<open > he hears <let me out> black orbs staring at him from within the glass. 

'Yeah no,' he decides, placing the glass back down again. 'Nothing is more suspicious than a voice in my head telling me to open up an unknown jar'. 

"Open it," he hears again, this time closer.

He looks over his shoulder and the one and only The Ancient One stands. He startles and almost knocks over the shelf full of artefacts. 

"Master! You scared me," he clutches his chest. 

She raises an eyebrow and tells him, "You may open up the Jar."

"Huh, but it was whispering things at me, shouldn't I be wary of that?"

"Normally. But this particular artefact is nothing to worry about." She lifts the jar, vanishes the dust and places it onto Allen's palms. 

Sitting innocently within the jar, emitting a glowing blue hue was a... "Jellyfish?" Allen asks. 

"Yes." The Ancient One answers, "A Jellyfish, albeit a special one. This is a Celestial Jellyfish, born during the birth of a planet, and dwells within the deepest parts of the ocean. It is said that she brings the oceans together, guiding lost souls and protecting balance. But she was caught millennia ago, by a dwarven craftsman. Her essence was extracted to form an impenetrable shield."

"A shield? She looks like a normal jellyfish to me." 

"Her form comes in many shapes and sizes Allen, even I am not sure what she does."

"Then shouldn't we return her to the sea? Since she brings the oceans together."

"I am afraid that is not possible. Her planet was thrown out of balance the moment she left her home."

Allen nods gravely, understanding the severity of it all.

He looks down at his palms, the ancient jellyfish glides around her containment, and her body shimmers with iridescent lights. Her long, flowing tentacles create small constellations as they glide along the water.

"Do you want to come with me?" Allen asks kindly. 

The Jellyfish rolls around the jar bobbing her head up and down. 

"Okay." With hesitant hands, he begins to unscrew the jar.

With a flash of light, the Jellyfish gushes out of her prison and straight onto Allen. With a smack, she lands right on his face. He winces and reaches his hands to grab her, only to be met with nothing. His hands roam his face quickly and nothing. 

"Wha-" he says, looking over at his Master for help. Only to be met with nothing. He looked around and the usual surroundings were gone, replaced with an endless void of water. He is floating there, specks of star-like dust float around him. He attempts to create a portal but nothing happens. He attempts to call the time stone but nothing happens either.

"I hate the open ocean," he mutters. Reaching for a hidden knife in his shoes, warily surveying his surroundings. Through the reflection of the knife, he can see his face.

The first thing Allen sees is a jellyfish, on his face. No, more like, inside his face. His fingers poke his nose, where her main body is settling, she trembles and moves to the side. 

With a chuckle, he asks, "Do you think you can move to my hand? I can't see you when you're there." Still eyeing the surroundings.

Within a heartbeat, she went from his nose to his neck to his shoulders then his palm. Her head poked out of the skin. 

"Thank you," he says patting her head. "Do you know where I am?" 

She nods. Leaping out of his skin and her form growing much bigger. Filling the entire space with her presence. She swims around, glowing light erupting from her body, star-like splotches twinkling around her. 

"Did you take me here? Is this-"

A singular strang of her tentacles reaches out and pokes him on the head. The smell of cinnamon, the homey feeling so warm and Tony- Oh, "This is your home?" 

She nods again. 

"Isn't it lonely here?" 

She shakes her head, leading him up to the surface of the water, where a small fishing boat sits. A young woman is looking at them, her fingers splashing the water. Upon closer inspection, she isn't human. Her skin was a pale pink, with big horns protruding out of her head, replacing her ears. 

"Estelle," the woman murmers. 

The jellyfish- no- Estelle pokes her head out of the water and playfully splashes her. The woman laughs and splashes back. 

Suddenly the sky turns pitch black and from behind Estelle looms are large spaceship. A gruff man walks out and points at her. Harpoons shoot from the ship and into the body of Estelle, and metallic liquid spills out of her wounds. The woman screams, she jumps into the ocean and shields Estelle. Another harpoon shoots out and into the woman's chest, red blood bleeding into the sea, her body drops as the abyss from under takes her. 

Estelle shakes, and large waves rise from the seas taking the ships with them. But alas, with one final harpoon, Estelle cries in pain, her body freezes and the men begin bringing her in. 

Allen can only watch with a hardened heart, he'd tried to help but none of his actions affected the surroundings, he was like a ghost. 

The seas roar in anguish, pitch black engulfs the skies, the light blue ocean also turns black and as the ship flies away with Estelle and Allen, Allen can hear the screams of the inhabitants as the planet begins to crumble. 

Allen is going through a lot of inner turmoil regarding his placing in the world.

Ugyocreators' thoughts