

Tony's POV

Nearly a month have passed and Allen is nowhere to be found. He'd check the surveillance first, but all records of the day had been mysteriously wiped. Next he went through the surrounding shop's and house's cameras but none of them had given him a clear view of anything. If only there was a faster way to hack each surveillance camera, an AI program perhaps. But that's for another day, he's got a kid to find.

It'd took a singular day for news to spread, that the famous, playboy Tony Stark has- had a kid is now officially missing. Pictures of Allen plastered on shop windows and billboards. Tony had tried to find Allen without any help from the government. He was confident in tracking down whoever took his kid and was even more confident in his privately hired team. What he didn't account for was the lack of trail. And so after 48 hours of Allen missing he asked the police for help. At first he insisted on keeping Allen's identity hidden, the press called the boy 'Allen Smith' but the public payed it no mind. Children went missing all the time, what made this one so special. But when news spread that Allen Smith was actually Allen Stark, son of the famous Tony Stark, news started spreading faster. Rumours swept through the city like wildfires and many people came forward with evidence, however none held true.

And after three weeks of chasing empty leads. Tony was advised to stop. If it was a kidnapping, demands would have been given by now.

Now, situated in a dimly lit room with various papers and articles scattered about is Tony. While friends and acquaintances all sent out their consolidations to Tony, Obie scolded him for neglecting the company. He can feel his head ache and the temptation of alcohol. The weightless feeling, not worrying about anything. But before he could give into the temptation a spark appeared.

Strange. He was sure all electronics are turned off.

The spark grew bigger and a circular portal forms, filling the room with a bright orange glow. Before Tony's eyes could adjust to the light, a bald monk steps out.

"Mister Stark", she nods at him, "I must apologise for the intrusion, I am The Ancient One and was wondering where your son, Allen is"

Immediately Tony leaps up from his spot and charges at The Ancient One, "Who the FUCK are you and where is my son?!"

She waves her hands and Tony is stopped by orange chains. Her eyes glanced around the room and stops at a newspaper article.

Missing child of Tony Stark! Where is he now?

"Oh", she mutters and spins around forming an entirely new portal.

Even with blurry eyes and a throbbing head Tony could make out the figure of his son within the portal. He didn't realise the chain releasing him as his sprinted through the portal without a care in the world.

His son is alive and right here. He wrapped the boy protectively into his arms. Their eyes met and,


Allen's voice is so rough, his lips are cracked and stained in blood.

Tony Stark forced a grin, "Yeah- I'm here now, don't worry." He ran his fingers through Allen's mangled hair.

"The other kids… they need he l p… Bel la… save them…" Allen let out before his small body dropped.

The Ancient One stepped out from behind Tony and let out a tired sigh. "I will deal with this mister Stark." She opened another portal to the hospital and Tony stepped though without another word, his palm rested on Allen's breathing chest.

He found him.






The doctors and nurses rushed over to Tony and pulling Allen from Tony's embrace. They shouted out words to each other and Tony felt so helpless. He didn't notice more portals opening up as more children were rushed in.

And after what felt like days, Allen was deemed ready to be visited, his body was dwarfed by the giant hospital bed. Quickly Tony got himself situated next to Allen, running his hands through Allen's hair. Eyes never leaving his face. He can hear light footsteps approaching.

"I have so many questions to ask, but before I do that", Tony turned his head to The Ancient One and bowed his head, "Thank you for saving my son."

"Of course", she replied, "It is a Master's job to protect their disciples, although regrettably I was late in finding this one."

She conjures up a chair and sits next to Tony and before he knew it questions were asked and answers were given. The morning light began to peak when Tony was finished- or was stopped.

"Let me get this straight, there's a whole sorcery society that's hidden and been around for millions of years and Allen is part of it?"

"To sum things up, yes"

"Can I also learn to become one?"

"Unfortunately your fate is somewhere else."

"Can you tell me said fate?"


"Will Allen get to continue learning this power?"

"If you permit it, yes"

"Is it dangerous?"

"Yes, but if he learns to control it properly than he will be well protected."

"What kind of powers will he have?"

"That is up to Allen to show to you, I am sure he will be thrilled to show off to his father."

"How can I contact you if this were to happen again in the future?"

"This is my landline number," she hands him a note and stands up. "I best be off Mister Stark-"

"Tony", Tony cuts in.

"I best be off Mister Stark, Allen here is due to wake up in two days time. I shall see you then", she conjures up a portal and steps through.

Tony can see large mountain peeks and temple architecture within the portal.

"Huh…" he mumbles, "you've gotta wake up early kid and tell me all about this sorcery." He pokes Allen's face.

And with a relieved sigh he rests his head next to Allen and falls into sleep's sweet embrace.

My grammar may be a mess but my sleep schedule is messier.

Ugyocreators' thoughts