Allen hated his visions. He hated how it gave him a false sense of hope. He hated it for ruining his perfect life. He didn’t know why it was happening to him but when a green stone appeared above his beaten body he felt like he'd gotten all the answers in the world. Purely MCU, No comics, No X-Men, From Phase 1 to Phase 3 No Harem, Angst, No System, SI-OC
Basically, Allen will be aware of major plot events and will intervene when necessary. This means that when something he'll just let some Marvel events play out while preparing the characters better.
On a steel workbench, Estelle's body lay like a platter of sashimi. Her tentacles were getting prodded by dwarves who marvelled at her durability.
"With this, we can make an unbreakable shield!" A younger dwarf spoke up. "Father! Then we can shield-"
"Exactly Yvn" Buri, the older dwarf shouted. Eye wide with joy. He grasped his son's arm and yanked him forward, pointing at the constellations glittering within Estelle's blood. "This blood, my boy, can bond the metals together- and the body we can melt her and the metal formed will be the strongest!" A distant look on his face. "We can save your sister." He looked back at Yvn tears forming in his eyes.
Yvn's own eyes were filled with tears. "Eva has suffered so much from Don. We can protect her now Father, that madman can't hurt her no more."
"Exactly son, exactly." He patted Yvn.
Allen watched as they hulled Estelle's body to another room, cutting her tentacles in even pieces and placing them into weapon moulds. The rest of her body was thrown into an even larger mould resembling a shield.
Only a furnace with the power of the sun was able to melt Estelle's body. What once was an opaque jelly-like body melted into a glimmering black liquid that resembled the night sky. The dwarves pulled out the melted body and waited for it to cool into the same shade of darkness that overtook Estelle's former home. They hammered and decorated the shield and weapons, creating a series of intricate weapons: a sword, spear, axe, dagger, bow, whip and staff.
Finally, a large shield was brought out. The shield possesses a diamond-like body with the top half being slightly smaller than the bottom half. Its body contained an obsidian colour that shimmered when the light hit it right. A navy blue metal that was decorated with stars coated the shield. The centrepiece was a large star, the same one that adorned Estelle's head was placed onto the shield. As soon as the pieces fell together the weapons hummed in harmony extruding a bright blue glow that disappeared quickly.
After various tests, the Celestial shield was deemed unbreakable and finally taken to the intended owner. The dwarves carried the shield through numerous corridors protected by steel doors. Somehow each door was marked by a hole. As the dwarves passed through each door, more and more holes showed up and finally reached a gigantic door. The door was covered in various weapons, mostly spears that looked as if someone had thrown it at the door. The dwarves cautiously open the door revealing a sobbing girl.
"Father!" The girl cried, "Please, when will this torture end?"
"Eva dear, I've succeeded, this shield will protect you from him, with this you can go outside and be free without worry. Quickly hold it I've already bonded it to you."
"Really? It'll protect me from-" BANG!
The shield quickly sprung to life as a spear clashed with its body. The dwarven guards tense.
"It- it works father! I'm safe, I can…" Her body crumbles in a heap as she sobs. "How many years has it been…" her small feet landed on the ground as she began to walk out. BANG. A spear clashes against the shield. BANG. A dagger this time.
Finally, she reaches the last door, pushing it open to reveal a vast green field. She took a deep breath in, ignoring the sword hurling at her. BANG!
"Father… thank you." She smiles tears in her eyes. The crowd of dwarves erupts in joy.
That night in Eva's bed chambers, Eva can be seen staring at her shield in sadness. "I'm sorry…" she whispers, brushing her fingers against the metal. "I'm sorry for what my kin has done to you… I'm so so sorry. They just wanted to protect me." The shield heats up causing Eva to drop it in pain. "You see… there's this man, Don, he's been chasing me since we were kids, insisting that I should wed him. Of course, I refused and in his anger, he started throwing things at me. I don't know what kind of power he possesses but the items he throws at me will always reach me no matter what. I have no means to protect myself and we don't know where Don is. It's been years since he was sighted and yet these weapons are always coming towards me." She sighs. "I have a way to be free now. To go outside and be a normal girl."
The rest of Estelle's body was quickly sold or gifted away to gain favours. A weapon that never breaks and can cut through anything. Slowly and slowly she was losing herself. Yet Eva had made it her goal to talk to Estelle every day without fail and Estelle couldn't help but listen. Days turned into months and months turned into years until one day…
"We caught him, Lady Eva!"
Eva turned around from her desk. "Who?"
"That bastard Don! We caught him."
Hurried footsteps reached the dungeons where a guard held down a scrawny dwarf. Eva's brother and father stood in front of him.
"Don…" Eva gasped.
The dwarf looked up with unreadable eyes.
"Bastard hasn't said a single word since we caught him…" muttered Yvn. He spat at Don's feet. "Best kill him now. Then you'll be free forever." He said with a smile.
"You should do it," Buri said. He passed an obsidian sword, one of Estelle's limbs to Eva to hold.
Without hesitation, she walked forth. Hands gripping at the sword she feels a deep connection to it, within the shield that has shrunken and now rests as a pendant. She lifts the sword and readies it.
Faster than anyone could react, Don escaped the guard's grasp. He stared at Eva with a maddened gaze and spat a black dagger. The dagger looked as if it was going to clatter onto the ground, only to rise and go straight towards Eva. A familiar shield rose forth, intent on blocking the dagger, only for the dagger to crack the shield and break through, connecting with Eva's skull.
Eva's prone body fell to the ground and a pool of red liquid escapes her head, eyes vacant.
Buri reacts first, rushing to his daughter's side and letting out a strangled cry. Yvn goes straight for the culprit.
"I didn't think it'd work. It took a while for me to find a piece of the famous Celestial shield, but I did it! Did you see father-in-law? It worked kekeke"
"Why?!" Screamed Yvn, punching Don.
"Huh? Isn't it simple? If I can't have her, no one can have her."
With one scream, Buri reaches for his sword and slices off Don's head. Then he kneels at Eva's fallen body.
"I'm sorry Eva. I am so sorry. I was too overconfident. I killed you."
No one except for Allen noticed the shield melting. Not only that, the sword and dagger and even staff on Yvn's belt started melting. Slowly the black Liquid Metal pooled towards the shield and fused along with a bit of Eva's blood. The metal shook and shrunk into a tiny jellyfish with three tentacles. The jellyfish shifted from a blue glow to red and wobbled reaching Buri's foot and patting him.
"Father don't be sad…" it gurgles.
Buri jumps. "Monster!" He screams. "The Celestial Jellyfish we slain has developed a conscious. Kill it!" He reached for his sword but it was gone.
Eva tried to stay but Estelle took over, blending into the ground and escaping the castle. For years and years, they escaped whilst looking for their lost shards. But they were tired and wary and finally, they reached their final resting place, Earth. They were sealed within a jar, not out of fear but care. They were allowed to rest. Until…
"Me," Allen says, after watching Estelle's life. "That's me." He sees himself walking through shelves full of artefacts.
"Estelle," he says. A jellyfish pops out of his arms, her body glowing in a blue light.
"I promise I will find the rest of your body, in return please protect me. I need you. And Eva," the colour of the jellyfish shifts to a red. "I will return you to your father and brother if they are alive."
And with a final flash of light, Allen wakes.
He recognises this ceiling. It's his room, in Kamar Taj. Why is he in his room in Kamar Taj, shouldn't he be- he rushes up. The Time Stone hummed in his chest with worry. Quickly, he gets ready, as he is washing his face he catches a glimpse of blue on his face.
The jellyfish bobs onto his nose.
"It's not a dream…" he murmurs. "You're real." He pokes her.
In protest, she moves away, onto the nape of his neck.
Shaking his head he moves out of his room and into The Ancient One's room.
"Ah, Allen. Finally, you are awake."
"Yes Master, I was experiencing visions brought to me by my new familiar," he shows Estelle.
"Hm, interesting. Though I must inform you, you have been sleeping for 4 months."
"I'm sorry, I must've misheard, 4 months?"
"Yes, Allen. Your father has been captured and missing for the past three months and is due to escape tomorrow."