
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


I entered Beast Mode. Lightning flashed and hit my current form.

Immediately, a beastly roar was unleashed as I transformed into an 11-foot tall figure with flawless brown skin, glowing golden starry eyes, and wild pitch-black hair, streaked with a shimmer of blue and silver. Muscles bulged, claws extended, and an aura of blue lightning surrounded me.

Still in a meditative position, with my eyes closed, I sent a command to my body. "Unlock."

With my will and intent understood, my x-gene unlocked as I felt my vision expand, increase, warp, and transform.

Thousands of kilometers were instantly wrapped in my vision.

Not only that, I felt a wild connection to the untamed as lightning formed and ran amok everywhere within the boundary. Meanwhile, an inferno was born within me.

"Solitary Boundary…" I softly whispered as every chaotic and untamed lightning bolt began converging, only stopping when there was one lonely, ultra-thin and condensed solitary lightning bolt. Having an image of people in mind from the expanded vision, I test ran the lightning bolt.

With but a thought, the bolt vanished and then reappeared by my side, with the group of people far north vaporized.

Since the bolt reached a temperature surpassing even the sun's core, my passive resistance to the elements had instinctively kicked in long ago. However, with my control it was not necessarily needed.

Fortunately for the earth, this was a part of my domain, so the heat and potential damage didn't spread out.

Converging and focusing my domain, I controlled the lightning bolt, melding it into my brain.

Then the endless expansion of lightning and inferno began.

Every cell was washed and covered with lightning and flames, yet they never exited my skin as they continued to increase to a size equal to the earlier lightning expansion.

However, upon reaching the surface of my skin, every flame would condense into my heart and every lightning bolt into my brain.

BA-DUM. With one heartbeat, everything would rapidly increase again, rushing over every organ and crevice of my body.

Then, as it hit the surface layer of skin, another immediate condensation occurred.

Like a flash of lightning, a neural firing occurred, sending not signals, but an army. An army of lightning integrating with my every fiery cell, just up to the surface layer of my skin.

This process happened over and over again, each time faster and faster, until my every organ, cell and being was completely integrated with the inferno and lightning.

Like a rebirth, every cell was crafted not from water and such, but from lightning and flames as the base, with my every biological function still intact.

Summoning the condensed lightning and condensed inferno, a 1-meter blindingly bright bolt appeared and a 1-meter high blue flame appeared by my side.

Once again, my domain spread out, carrying along my mental powers and omni-view.

Noticing three groups swiftly approaching my location, without hesitation I willed the two forces into swords and melded them back into my being.

Then I re-entered a meditative position and awaited their arrival.




Shortly after, an advanced-looking aircraft appeared. Sol Ra opened his eyes as he watched the aircraft become visible. Well, more visible.

"My name is Charles Xavier, and we've come to talk," a voice claiming to be Charles explained through the aircraft's intercom.

"Very well. Let's talk," Sol agreed as countless ions contained within his electric field ignited and blazed of his body.

In an instant…



Volume 1, Going Solo has come to an end.



Until the next Sun🌅