
Marvel: The Spot

[DISCLAIMER] Read the tags. ---- Ethan was once a brilliant scientist, working alongside others to unlock the secrets of the multiverse. But when a critical experiment goes awry, he is betrayed and blamed for the failure. Fired and left with nothing, Ethan seeks revenge, hacking the collider and setting in motion an event that will change everything. In a fateful moment, the collider malfunctions, ripping a hole in space and time, pulling Ethan into the very void of existence. Reborn in a strange new form with white skin covered in swirling black circles, Ethan gains the ability to manipulate these voids, warping reality itself. Now, as "The Spot," Ethan finds himself caught between dimensions, discovering powers far beyond his imagination. But with great power comes great instability, and his thirst for chaos may threaten the entire multiverse. ---- No: Romance, Yaoi, Yuri, Smut, dumb mc. Yes: Villain with an agenda, action, genius mc, marvel multiverse, chaos. AU Novel The updates depends from you.

Concept_Author · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 16: Confront

Reached 50 stones, here the bonus chapter.

Next 100 stones!

Visit my Patreon for more, there, we're at the end of the first arc, things are going crazy 😤



Avengers Compound – Later That Day

Back at the Avengers Compound, the heroes were deep in conversation, strategizing their next move. Reed Richards and Tony Stark stood side by side, analyzing the quantum data, while the rest of the team discussed possible scenarios.

"We've got to be ready for anything," Steve Rogers said, his voice firm. "This guy is unpredictable, and if he's pushing the limits of his power, it could get worse."

Sue Storm nodded in agreement. "We need to contain him before he causes any more damage."

Suddenly, JARVIS's voice interrupted the discussion. "Sir, I've detected an unusual energy signature, similar to those left by The Spot, coming from Eastern Europe. Romania, to be specific."

Tony's eyes lit up. "That's our lead."

Nick Fury turned to the group, his voice decisive. "Avengers, Fantastic Four, let's move out."

The team exchanged a look, knowing that the next battle was coming. Ethan was preparing something big, and they had to stop him before it was too late.


In the shadows of Latveria, Doctor Doom watched the heroes mobilize through a hidden surveillance feed. His lips curled into a thin smile beneath his mask.

"The game is only beginning," Doom whispered.


As the Avengers and Fantastic Four began mobilizing, their movements were quick, efficient, and precise. The compound buzzed with urgency as equipment was checked, strategies were adjusted, and every member of the team prepared for what was to come. There was no room for error now.

Tony Stark, still in his lab, was working closely with Reed Richards to refine their detection equipment. The screen in front of them showed the fluctuating energy readings from Ethan's portals, the unstable nature of the quantum disturbances glaringly obvious.

"This doesn't look good," Reed muttered, running a hand through his hair. His eyes were locked on the data, which seemed to spike erratically every few moments. "He's losing control of his powers at an alarming rate. If this continues, he could rip a hole in space-time itself."

Tony's fingers flew over the holographic interface, bringing up various models and projections. "I know, and I've been running simulations on what that kind of breach could do. It's not just localized. If he pushes too far, it could cause a chain reaction, destabilizing entire regions of space."

Bruce Banner joined the conversation, standing behind them with his arms crossed. "That's not just a potential threat to this dimension. It's a multiversal issue. He might tear open rifts between universes."

The room went quiet as the weight of the situation settled over them.

"Which means we don't just have to stop him," Tony continued. "We have to contain him, keep his energy from spiraling out of control."

Reed nodded in agreement, but his eyes were distant, calculating. "The question is how. His ability to manipulate space gives him the advantage. He can outmaneuver us, escape whenever he wants."

"I've been thinking about that," Tony replied. He brought up a new display showing an updated version of the quantum tracker they had been developing. "We've been tracking the energy signatures he leaves behind, but what if we could predict his movements? If we tweak this, adjust the parameters based on his most recent appearances, we might be able to anticipate where he's going to open his portals next."

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "A predictive model based on quantum disturbances? That's… ambitious."

"But not impossible," Reed said, already catching on. "If we can map out the residual energy patterns, we might be able to create a grid, a sort of pre-emptive strike zone for wherever he's headed next."

Tony grinned. "Exactly. We get ahead of him for once."

The rest of the team was assembling in the main hangar, preparing for departure. Steve Rogers was speaking with Sue Storm, going over tactics. Sue's face was calm but determined. "We can't afford to let him slip away again, Captain. We need to use everything we have to keep him contained this time."

Steve nodded. "Agreed. We'll use a combination of force and containment. If we can trap him long enough, maybe we can find a way to neutralize his powers."

Nearby, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm were discussing how they could best support the team.

"I say we go in hot and heavy," Johnny said with his usual bravado. "Keep the pressure on him and don't let up."

Ben cracked his knuckles, the familiar sound like thunder rolling through the hangar. "You focus on the flash, kid. I'll handle the brute force."

The team gathered, everyone ready for the mission ahead. The tension was palpable, but there was also a sense of unity. They had faced impossible odds before, and this was just another challenge they were ready to meet head-on.

Nick Fury, standing near the command center, gave the final word. "We've got the location. Eastern Europe, Romania. Let's move."


Romania – Near the Particle Collider

The forest surrounding the warehouse felt heavy with tension. Ethan, now more composed, paced slowly in front of his machine. He wasn't frustrated anymore, just calculating. His mind turned over every possibility, every adjustment he could make to stabilize the collider. He could feel the limits of his own power, not as a barrier but as a boundary he had yet to fully cross. But that didn't worry him, it excited him.

Absently, he touched one of the black circles on his arm, watching it shift as he thought about the next phase of his plan. The collider was nearly ready, but he needed more time, just a little more. The hum of the machine was reassuring, but he knew the heroes were coming.

"Let them come," he murmured to himself. His black circles swirled, dark energy crackling in the air around him. They thought they had him figured out. But Ethan was always learning, always evolving.

Without warning, the sound of jets broke the silence. He looked up, spotting Tony's Mark 45 suit hovering above the treeline, followed closely by the rest of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. They were moving fast, no hesitation in their approach.

Ethan's lips curled into a small, calculated smile. "So, it begins."


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