
Marvel: The One Above All

After devastating events wiped out half of the worlds population and fractured their ranks, the Avengers and the X-MEN and I struggle to move forward. But we must come together to restore order and harmony in the universe and bring our love one's back to life.

Travis_Larowe_6594 · Filmes
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4 Chs

(Becoming The One Above All.)

Chapter one:

I was a marvel fan yup just gonna get to the point. A huge Marvel fan who like any other is curious about cosmic entities that are known as the creator's of the universe. During the comic con of 2020 in Los Angeles California. I got a chance to meet Stan Lee the creator of the marvel universe.

He asked me if you could become any cosmic entity who would you choose.

I chose the entity known as the One Above All, aka the God of the marvel universe.

Stan Lee looked at me intrigued. Oh and why is that? Stan Lee asked me.

It's just. I sighed with a smile. I never really knew him that much it's a mystery that is yet to be solved. I replied back to Stan Lee.

Stan Lee chuckled. Simple reasoning huh? He asked me.

Yeah. I nodded with a grin forming on my face.

And what is your favorite marvel movie? Stan Lee asked me.

Avengers Endgame and the X-MEN movies. I replied to Stan Lee.

Stan Lee nodded thoughtfully.

Why did you ask? I asked Stan Lee and a curious look plastered on my face.

A small smirk made it's way onto Stan Lee's face his glasses sparkled against the sun. My eyes widened as I came across an illogical realization.

Your this One Above All aren't you? I asked Stan Lee.

The amount of excitement overlapping the fear that was growing in the pit of my stomach was truly astounding as I watched the smirk on Stan Lee's face grow wide.

As I was about to ask him a ton of questions Stan Lee beat me to it.

Excelsior! Stan Lee said.

Stan Lee snapped his fingers and my vision went dark.

The only thing I remember was the silent darkness and fear when I woke up I couldn't picture anything related to my old world at all everything was so lifeless. The only thing that was light was the specks of energy escaping my being it was then I decided to look at myself.

I didn't have a body anymore it was like I was made out of a golden body.

It was then that I realized that I have become the One Above All. But all?

I looked at the note that was in my hand and read it.

Dear Delta. Like that new name? I thought of it myself, anyway it is time to birth a new Omniverse, one that Thanos hadn't hadn't enjoyed. I choose you. Why do you ask? Because you were a special one that caught my interest. Now I must be of good luck Delta. Ps. Love Stan Lee.

With that, the letter evaporated into nothingness.

I stood there in silence the little human shaped light floating quietly in space as I realized the concept of the fact that I was not human but something much more I was the One Above All, the new God of the marvel universe.

As I was reincarnated into the new world of the Avengers and the X-MEN.