
Marvel: The New Peter Parker

A man reincarnated in the body of Peter Parker with Superman's powers. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic, that is, a work of fiction created by a fan, based on characters and situations from other original works. I have no intention of profiting from third party content, nor to violate the copyright of the original creators. This fanfic is just a way to honor and express my admiration for the works that inspired me. All credits and acknowledgments are due to the original authors.

Hisoka999 · Filmes
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15 Chs


Pov Harry

Harry - was sitting on the sofa in his mansion, staring absently at the television. He was worried about his father, who had disappeared, and the fire that had destroyed his company. He had expected to receive some news about these matters, but what he got was an unexpected visit.

The doorbell rang and he got up to answer it. It was a man in a suit and tie, with a briefcase in his hand. He introduced himself as the family lawyer and asked to come in.

Harry - What do you want? - Harry asked, not hiding his impatience.

Lawyer - I have something very important to tell you, Mr. Harry. Please accompany me to the living room. - said the lawyer, with a serious tone.

Harry followed him into the living room and sat back down on the sofa. The lawyer opened his briefcase and took out some papers.

Lawyer - Mr. Harry, I'm here to inform you about your family's financial situation. - began the lawyer.

Harry - Financial situation? What are you talking about? We're rich, we have a fortune in assets and property. - said Harry, confused.

Lawyer - I'm sorry to tell you this, Mr. Harry, but it's not like that. Your father made a series of risky investments in recent years, which went very wrong. He lost almost all of his money in failed deals, bad loans and reckless bets. He also ran up a series of debts with banks, suppliers and even the government. - explained the lawyer.

Harry - What? That's impossible! How could he do that? How did I not know about this? - exclaimed Harry, incredulous.

Lawyer - Your father was very discreet about his business dealings. He didn't tell anyone, not even me, who was his lawyer. He only came to me when he needed a document or a signature. I only discovered all this after he disappeared and I had access to his accounting records. - said the lawyer.

Harry - And what's the consequence of all this? - Harry asked, dreading the answer.

Lawyer - The consequence is that your family is bankrupt, Mr. Harry. Your family's bank account is empty. There isn't enough money to pay even for the running of the mansion or the servants. Worst of all, some people in the government want to put your assets up for auction so that your father can pay off his debts. They're already eyeing your company, even this mansion. - revealed the lawyer.

Harry was speechless. He felt a chill in his stomach and dizziness in his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had lost everything: his father, his company and now his fortune. He felt desperate and powerless.

Harry - This can't happen... That can't be true... - muttered Harry, in shock.

The lawyer sighed and put the papers back in his briefcase.

Lawyer - I'm sorry, Mr. Harry. I've come here to tell you this news and also to offer you my help. I know it's hard to accept this reality, but maybe there's still some hope. Perhaps there is still some way to reverse this situation or at least to mitigate the damage. I am willing to work with you to try to find a legal solution to this problem. But for that, I need you to cooperate with me and give me all the information I need. Are you willing to do that? - asked the lawyer.

Harry looked at the lawyer with a mixture of anger and gratitude. He didn't know if he could trust him or if he was just another profiteer looking to take advantage of his situation. But he also had no other choice. He needed help. He needed a way out.

Harry - Yes, I'm willing. - replied Harry, in a weak voice.

Lawyer - Very well, Mr. Harry. Then let's get started. - said the lawyer, opening his briefcase again.

Time skip

Pov Lawyer

The lawyer picks up the phone and dials a number. He waits a few seconds and hears a distorted voice on the other end of the line.

Lawyer - Good evening, sir. I'm calling to inform you that the plan has been successfully completed. Norman's son signed all the documents giving up the company. He didn't even suspect a thing.

?????? - Well done. You've done an excellent job. I'm very pleased with the result. Now the company is mine.

Lawyer - Thank you, sir. I'm happy to have met your expectations. What about my reward?

?????? - Don't worry, Attorney . You'll receive the agreed amount soon. And you can rest assured that I won't hurt anyone in your family. You've kept your end of the bargain.

Lawyer (sighing with relief)

Lawyer - That's good, sir. I thank you for your generosity. I hope you don't need my services any more.

?????? - Not yet. But you never know tomorrow. Maybe I'll need you again for some other business.

Lawyer (swallowing)

Lawyer - Of course, sir. I'll be at your disposal.

?????? - Good. So long, Attorney . And congratulations on your work.

The lawyer hangs up the phone and looks at the documents on the table. He feels a mixture of relief and guilt at what he has done.

Pov Tony Stark

Tony was checking the final preparations for his trip with his friend Rhodes to Afghanistan, when suddenly the doorbell rang. He went to answer it and was confronted by a beautiful woman, dressed in an elegant suit. She smiled and introduced herself:

Hello, I'm Natalie Rushman, your new secretary. - She said, holding out her hand.

Tony - My new secretary? - Tony asked, confused. - I didn't ask for a secretary.

Rhodes pulled Tony aside and said.

Rhodes - You'd better send her away, Tony.

Tony - Because she's hot and if anything goes wrong, I've got you to protect me.

Rhodes - Have it your way.

Pov Peter

Peter - Hi, uncle and aunt. I've come here to tell you some news. I'm going to live alone in a new house and I want to renovate your house.

Uncle Ben - Renovate the house? But how are you going to pay for that? You can't even afford to buy a loaf of bread.

Aunt May - It's true, my son. You don't have a steady job, you just play these little games on the computer. How are you going to pay for a renovation?

Peter - Uncle, aunt, I know it's hard to believe, but I created a game that's been very successful on the internet. It's been downloaded by millions of people all over the world. I've made a lot of money from it, more than you can imagine.

Uncle Ben - You created a game? And people pay to play it?

Aunt May - What a strange thing to say. I don't understand these things.

Peter - I know, I know. But that's how it works these days. Games are a form of art and entertainment. They can tell stories, teach things, entertain people. And I'm a game developer, a professional who creates these works.

Uncle Ben - Well, if you say so... I believe you, my nephew. You've always been an intelligent and creative boy. But you don't need to renovate our house. It's old, but it's comfortable. We like it that way.

Aunt May - That's right. We don't want to change anything here. We just want you to be happy and find a good place to live.

Peter - But I want to do this for you. You deserve a better, more beautiful and modern home. You've worked so hard in life, now it's time to rest and enjoy your old age with peace of mind. I have enough money to do this and there's plenty left over. Please let me make this dream come true.

Uncle Ben - You're very generous, my nephew. We thank you very much for this gesture of love. But we need to think about this carefully. It's an important decision.

Aunt May - Yes, we need to talk it over calmly and see what's best for us. But please know that we love you very much and are proud of you.

Peter - I love you too, aunt and uncle. And I respect your opinion. But think carefully about my proposal, okay? I only want what's good for you.

Uncle Ben - All right, all right. We'll think about it.

Peter went up to his room and thought: He thought that renovating their house and making sure they didn't have any financial difficulties was much more than the original Peter could have done.