
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Filmes
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247 Chs

[World War II] - The Final Stretch

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On a cool and overcast morning in June of 1944, the world was about to witness an event that would alter the course of history. The Allies had been meticulously planning for months, and the day had finally arrived for the massive invasion of Europe, known today as "D-Day".

As the sun rose, 156,000 brave soldiers from the United States, Canada, and Great Britain were landing on the beaches of Normandy, France. The troops faced overwhelming opposition from the German forces, who were deeply entrenched and well-fortified. The sound of gunfire and explosions echoed throughout the region as the Allies struggled to gain a foothold.

Meanwhile, Adolf Hitler was aware of the threat posed by the Allied invasion and poured all remaining resources of the German army into Western Europe. This move proved to be a grave mistake, as it left Germany vulnerable to a swift defeat in the East. Soviet troops quickly advanced into Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania, claiming victory after victory against the weakened German forces.

Despite Soviet advances, Hitler was not willing to give up easily. He gathered his forces and launched a fierce counterattack against the Americans and British in what would become known as the Battle of the Bulge. However, even with their superior numbers and weaponry, the Germans could not hold out against the determined Allied forces.

* BANG *

* BANG *

* BANG *

As the sound of gunfire erupted around him, Ian's heart pounded in his chest. He had come to Poland to fight alongside the Soviet soldiers against the Germans, and he knew that the battle ahead would be fierce.

With bullets flying past him, Ian quickly took cover, narrowly avoiding the barrage of enemy fire. When the barrage finally ceased, he raised his weapon, aiming carefully at the German soldiers in front of him.

With his senses on high alert, Ian surveyed the area ahead of him, scanning for any sign of enemy soldiers. When he spotted movement in the distance, he sprang into action, running towards his target with all the determination he could muster.

When he approached the German soldier, Ian could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that any misstep could mean certain death, but he refused to let fear consume him. With lightning-fast reflexes, he tackled the soldier, taking him down before he could reload his rifle.

With the blood of the fallen soldier still fresh on his hands, Ian crouched low and slowly made his way toward the next target. Moving with the agility of a cat, he slipped silently through the grass, careful not to make a sound that would betray his presence.

Suddenly, he pounced on the unsuspecting soldier, plunging his knife deep into his chest.

Again and again, Ian moved through the battlefield, taking down enemy soldiers with swift and deadly precision. With each kill, he felt the weight of the war bearing down on him, but he never wavered. He knew that this was a fight for his very survival, and he was willing to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

As the Soviet soldiers advanced, Ian could see the fear and uncertainty in their eyes. They had been through so much already, and the thought of what was still to come was almost too much to bear. But Ian refused to let their spirits falter. He moved among them, offering words of encouragement and support, reminding them of the importance of their mission.

And slowly but surely, the Soviet soldiers began to advance once more. They pushed forward with a renewed sense of purpose, taking ground and forcing the Germans to retreat.

Later, Ian sat at his desk in a makeshift tent, his thoughts drifting back to the memories of his grandchildren, he suddenly jolted upright, his hand clutching the pen he had been writing with. The memory of a movie he had watched with them came flooding back, and with it, a vital piece of information that he had somehow overlooked.

Sebastian Shaw and a young Erik, he realized, should be at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Despite the heavy guard and the almost certain danger, Ian knew that he had to act. He couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

With a sense of determination burning in his chest, Ian set about planning his infiltration. He pored over maps and schematics, studying every detail of the camp and its defenses. He knew that the odds were against him, but he refused to let that stop him. He had a mission to complete, and he would see it through to the end.

As the night fell, Ian set out on his mission. Moving silently through the darkness, he slipped past the soldiers and made his way out of the camp. His heart pounding in his chest, he crept through the shadows, his senses on high alert.

Ian's feet pounded against the uneven ground as he ran through the desolate landscape, his breaths ragged and labored. Ian refused to give up, his determination pushing him forward even as exhaustion threatened to overtake him.

For days, he pushed himself through the treacherous terrain, navigating through forests and past destroyed houses and roads. His only companion was a bottle of water, which he rationed carefully, knowing that he would need every drop to survive.

As he ran, Ian felt a sense of unease settle over him. The war had left everything in disarray, and it was nearly impossible to navigate without a compass. But he refused to be deterred, pushing on through the endless wilderness with a single-minded focus.

After an arduous journey, Ian finally arrived at Auschwitz. His heart raced with trepidation as he surveyed the perimeter of the notorious concentration camp from his hiding spot behind a tree. He knew that danger lurked around every corner, and his survival depended on his ability to remain vigilant and stay out of sight.

As he watched, five trucks rumbled up to the gate, their engines growling ominously. The guards stationed at the entrance sprang into action, halting the vehicles in their tracks. Ian held his breath, observing the proceedings with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

A single guard stepped forward to check the papers of the drivers, while his partner began to inspect the occupants of the trucks. Ian's heart ached as he witnessed the cruelty of the guards, their cold eyes scanning the prisoners with a detached air. He knew that he needed to remain hidden, lest he becomes their next victim.

Ian watched, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation as the guard checking the truck nodded to his colleague, signaling that everything was in order. With a sense of dread, Ian realized that the truck was about to be permitted entry into the camp.

Thinking quickly, he seized the opportunity to make his escape. Without giving the guards a chance to notice him, Ian sprang into action, running with all his might toward the truck. He latched onto the undercarriage of the vehicle, clinging to it desperately as it began to rumble forward.

The wind whipped past him as Ian clung to the underside of the truck, his heart racing with adrenaline. He knew that he was taking a tremendous risk, but he also knew that it was his only chance to enter Auschwitz.

With a deep sigh of relief, Ian finally slipped unnoticed into the confines of Auschwitz. He knew that the slightest misstep could mean the difference between life and death, and so he moved with the utmost care, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger.

As the trucks came to a stop in a designated area of the compound, Ian waited with bated breath, watching as the guards unloaded their cargo. He remained hidden, his heart racing as he waited for the perfect opportunity to make his escape.

Finally, as the last of the guards moved out of sight, Ian let go of the undercarriage of the truck and sprinted away.

Ian had already begun to formulate a plan to achieve his goal. With a clear head and a steely determination, he began to scour the compound, searching for any weakness he could exploit.

And then, he saw it - a lone guard standing in front of a room, his attention focused on something else. Ian knew that this was his chance. With a deep breath, he stepped forward, his heart racing with anticipation.

As he approached the guard, Ian's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that he needed to act quickly, to seize the opportunity before it slipped away. And so, he moved with the precision of a predator, his eyes locked firmly on his target.

With the skill of a seasoned hunter, Ian crept up behind the guard, his movements silent and graceful. With a swift blow to the back of the head, he rendered the unsuspecting guard unconscious, his limp body falling to the ground.

Then, Ian opened the door to the room and he saw that it was some kind of storage unit. Without hesitation, he dragged the guard inside and closed the door, making sure that he was securely hidden away from view.

Emerging from the storage unit, Ian was now clad in the guard's uniform, his face hidden behind the brim of the hat. He moved with a confidence born of his new identity, his eyes scanning the compound for any sign of danger.

Despite the peril that lurked around every corner, Ian remained calm and focused, his mind honed on the task at hand. He was determined to succeed, to outwit his adversaries and emerge victorious. And with every passing moment, his resolve grew stronger, his will to survive unshakably.

With each step he took, Ian's heart beat faster, his anticipation growing as he drew nearer to the heart of the camp. He knew that what he sought lay ahead, but he also knew that the risks were great.

After he entered the inner part of the camp, Ian's senses were heightened, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. He encountered several obstacles along the way, but he refused to be deterred.

And then, he saw a warehouse filled with guns and ammunition. Ian knew that this was his chance.

With a fierce determination, Ian began to knock out the guards around it one by one, his movements swift and precise. He knew that he had to be careful, to move with stealth and cunning if he was to succeed.

After he made his way into the warehouse, his eyes fell upon a pile of tranquilizers. Ian's heart leaped with excitement, knowing that this was what he had been searching for. With trembling hands, he grabbed a few of the tranquilizers and opened them, his mind already racing with ideas.

For the next few minutes, Ian worked feverishly, his skilled hands moving with lightning-fast speed. And then, it was done - a new, more powerful tranquilizer that could bring even an elephant to its knees with just one shot.

With a sense of satisfaction, Ian carefully packed the tranquilizer away, knowing that it would prove invaluable. Ian left the warehouse, moving as quietly as possible to avoid detection.

Now came the most challenging part of Ian's mission: finding Erik. He was certain that Erik and his family were being held in the camp, as they were Jews. However, locating them would be no easy feat, given the heavy surveillance and the multitude of guards patrolling the area.

Despite the daunting task ahead of him, Ian remained determined. He knew that he had come too far to give up now, that he could not rest until he had found Erik.

With gritted teeth and a steely resolve, Ian set out on his search. He moved like a shadow, his eyes scanning the faces of every prisoner and guard he passed, looking for any sign of Erik.

After hours of painstaking searching and knocking out guards, Ian's spirits were nearly broken. He had combed every inch of the camp, searched every face, and yet there was still no sign of Erik. But then, as luck would have it, fate intervened.

Ian found himself returning to an area he had already searched before, desperate for any sign of Erik. And as he approached, he couldn't believe his eyes. There he was, being brought back by a group of guards.

Ian observed Erik being dragged to a cell and locked inside. He watched as the guards ridiculed and mocked Erik before finally leaving him alone in the darkness. Ian decided to wait until Erik fell asleep before making his move, not wanting to risk getting caught by the guards. He stayed vigilant, keeping his eyes glued to the cell until the sound of Erik's heavy breathing filled the silence.

Ian cautiously scanned the area for any guards. After finding none, he stepped toward the cell. With a few tools he had brought, Ian deftly picked the lock of the cell and slipped inside. He approached Erik's sleeping form with the utmost care, not wanting to startle him awake. With a practiced hand, Ian filled a syringe with the potent tranquilizer he had concocted and carefully injected it into Erik's arm.

Erik winced at the sudden prick of the needle, but within moments, he drifted into a deep slumber, completely unaware of what had just transpired. Ian carefully extracted a few vials of Erik's blood, storing them safely in his satchel. As he stepped out of the cell and locked it behind him, a wicked giggle escaped his lips, betraying his obsessive intentions. Without wasting a moment, he set his sights on his next target, driven by an unquenchable thirst for power and control.

Ian knew he had to be extra cautious while approaching Shaw's office. He waited patiently, hiding in the shadows, observing the guards' movements until they finally left the area. The slightest mistake could compromise his mission, so he trod softly and avoided any sudden movements that could draw unwanted attention. He finally made it to Shaw's office, the very place where he could end all of this.

Ian silently approached the door and slowly turned the handle, peering inside. The room appeared empty, but he cautiously stepped inside, closing the door without making a sound. He surveyed the area, scanning every nook and cranny until his eyes fell upon a bookshelf. Moving towards it, he noticed that one of the books seemed slightly out of place. Pushing it aside, he saw a hidden door, and without hesitation, he opened it. It revealed a secret room with a bed, table, chairs, and various other furnishings.

Ian stood frozen for a few seconds as he gazed at the sleeping figure of Shaw on the bed. It felt surreal to have finally reached him, but he knew he had to act quickly. With a steady hand, he injected the drug-filled syringe into Shaw's exposed arm. He waited for a moment, expecting some resistance or reaction, but Shaw remained still and unaware, and a sense of relief and satisfaction washed over Ian.

With a sense of urgency, Ian meticulously collected vials of blood from Shaw until he could no longer extract anymore. He carefully packed the vials into a small bag, taking great care not to spill a single drop. Satisfied with his success, Ian slipped out of the secret room, careful not to leave a trace of his presence.

As Ian stepped out of Shaw's office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had accomplished his mission, or so he thought. But as he turned the corner, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Suddenly, a guard appeared, his eyes wide with suspicion as he shouted at Ian. The guard's voice echoed through the camp, alerting everyone to the presence of an intruder. Ian's heart raced as he realized he had been spotted.

Without a second thought, he sprang into action, lunging toward the guard with deadly precision. The guard let out a loud gasp as Ian's hand twisted his neck in a swift motion.


The sound echoed through the corridor as the guard's lifeless body crumpled to the ground. Ian cursed under his breath, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Fuck me and my big mouth!" he muttered, as he took off running, trying to escape the scene unnoticed.

The tranquil night sky was suddenly shattered by blaring alarms as they echoed through the camp, signaling danger. Footsteps could be heard in the distance, soldiers were on high alert, running through the camp with their guns at the ready. In addition, pulse cannons were deployed to ensure that no one could enter or exit the camp without authorization. Their mission: neutralize the intruder who dared to infiltrate their facility.

As Ian raced through the corridors of the heavily guarded camp, the sound of pulse cannons echoed through the air. With each step he took, he could feel the ground shake as the guards pursued him. Suddenly, the sound of the guns grew louder and Ian dove behind a nearby wall, narrowly avoiding being hit by a barrage of bullets.

* BANG *

* BANG *

Heart pounding, Ian peeked around the corner and saw the guards quickly approaching him. Thinking quickly, he took a deep breath and sprinted towards his escape route. The guards were hot on his heels, firing their weapons wildly as Ian dodged and weaved his way through the chaotic scene.

Ian ran desperately towards the exit of the camp, hoping to escape the deadly onslaught of pulse cannons and gunfire. Suddenly, a soldier fired a pulse cannon at him, but Ian managed to dodge the blast, narrowly avoiding getting vaporized. However, the blast hit an oil tank behind him, causing a massive explosion that shook the ground beneath his feet.


Ian was thrown into the air by the force of the explosion, and he felt like he was flying. He clutched the bag containing the precious vials of blood tightly to his chest, terrified of losing it. As he flew through the air, he hit multiple branches, causing him to spin wildly. Finally, he landed hard on the ground with a sickening thud, cracking his ribs.

* THUD *


Gasping for breath and wincing in pain, Ian struggled to get up. He looked around and saw that he was out of the camp.

Ian struggled to get up from the ground, but his body wouldn't cooperate. His limbs felt like lead, and he could feel his muscles protesting against him. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't will himself to stand up. Frustrated and scared, he urged his body to obey him. "Come on, you can do this," he muttered under his breath. But no matter how much he pleaded, his body remained still and unresponsive.

Ian lay on the ground, feeling the intense fatigue and exhaustion spread through every inch of his body. He tried to push through it, to shake off the overwhelming feeling, but it was too much. He fought to keep his eyes open, but they drooped despite his best efforts. "No, no," he muttered to himself. "I can't sleep, not now. I can't sleep."

But the seconds continued to pass, and despite his best efforts to fight off the exhaustion, his will began to falter. His eyes grew heavy and he found himself drifting off into a deep slumber. He mumbled to himself, "Just a second...yeah, just a second of sleep," before taking one final breath and slipping into unconsciousness. His body went limp, and he lay still on the ground.

With his last breath, Ian Westbrook, The One Who Was Reborn, passed away on December 8th, 1944. His body lay lifeless on the ground, surrounded by the aftermath of the explosion that had propelled him out of the enemy camp.


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