
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

Chapter 45. Relationship.

Support me at p@treon.com/supes.



The air was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the clinking of weights. With each exhale, puffs of breath escaped as I pushed myself to the limit.


Maybe I should increase the weights tomorrow.

After deciding to take a break, I removed the weights from my back and rose to my feet.

With a wave of my hand, I used magic to wipe away the sweat, and the conjured weights vanished, dematerializing into nothingness.

As the night fell, I found comfort in the absence of nightmares that had haunted me for so long.

Yet, my mind was now consumed by thoughts of the test in the Vault of Fear, its lingering question tormenting me.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I closed my eyes and willed myself into my shadow realm.

The transition was effortless; I had grown skilled at teleporting in and out of this place.

No longer did I need shadows as a doorway; my mere willpower allowed me to traverse this bottomless, endless, and deathly cold dimension.

Here, I held absolute control. With a single thought, I could conjure intricate structures and manipulate the surroundings at will.

Only the deceased or their shadows could enter this realm of eternal darkness; it was forbidden to the living.

In the shadows of this realm, I retrieved the letters from Tor, Robert, and Flammel, summoning them into my hands.

Focusing first on Tor's letter, I began to read:

"Dear Mr. Prince,

I write this letter to extend my heartfelt congratulations on achieving the status of the best-selling author of this year. Your book has garnered immense attention, with publishers from various magical communities seeking permission to sell it.

I must admit, I underestimated your work when we first struck the deal. However, you have proved me wrong, and I'm thoroughly impressed. Following your instructions, I granted rights to reputable publishing houses worldwide, and the shares I received have been nothing short of impressive. I am profiting handsomely from this venture.

It bewilders me how you foresaw the success of your book and the international demand even before pitching the idea to me. Regardless, I am content with the profits it has brought.

I must request, though, that you consider increasing my compensation. Numerous potion guilds have been relentless in their pursuit of your identity, and managing both international and domestic affairs has become more taxing than I anticipated.



I chuckled as I finished reading Tor's letter. "Pretty good, he says," I mused to myself, "I'm certain he squeezed every last penny out of those publishers."

Confident in the potential of my book, I carefully crafted a collection of potions with innovative processes.

While the potion recipes themselves were not groundbreaking, my unique approach to each one drastically reduced production costs and time. For instance, a potion that traditionally required 30 days to concoct could now be completed in just 2 days. This efficiency led to a surge in the book's sales and popularity.

My work wasn't merely a compilation of new potions; it held immense value for potion-makers worldwide.

I deliberately chose to publish under the alias "Half-Blood Prince" to build a persona that would hold influence in the Wizarding communities across the globe before the war truly ended.

Through this book and the revolutionary potions, I aimed to gain the recognition necessary for my future plans.

The use of this persona allowed me to maintain a low profile as Severus Prince, while simultaneously creating intrigue around the Half-Blood Prince persona.

Few might speculate that I could be related to the figure, but their arrogance would prevent them from seriously considering the possibility.

Besides, I mastered the art of lying, even under the influence of truth serum.

This persona would play a crucial role in shaping my plans within international magical communities after I left Hogwarts the following year.

However, I also had another identity to manage—the leader of the League Of Shadows. This identity would remain shrouded in mystery, serving as a figure of fear and intimidation.

With these various personas, I intended to navigate through the complexities of the ongoing Wizarding war.

Until now, everything had proceeded according to my plans, except for the unexpected appearance of Merlin and the sorcerers, who were not part of my initial calculations.

With that in mind, I composed a message to Tor:

"Dear Tor,

I am impressed with your work, and in recognition of that, I shall grant your request for an increased share of the profits, a modest increment of 0.0001%. I believe you deserve it for your efforts.

Furthermore, I have a new matter to discuss. I need detailed information about sorcerers. Send me a comprehensive file on them at your earliest convenience.

Additionally, I am interested in expanding my ventures into the muggle world. Let me know if you can extend your services to that realm as well.

Best regards,

Half-Blood Prince"

I was aware that Goblins were more involved in muggle affairs than wizards, skillfully managing muggle currencies and reaping profits from these interactions.

I carefully unfolded Mr. Flamel's letter and began to read its contents:

"Dear Mr. Half-Blood Prince,

I extend my warmest greetings to you. Recently, I had the pleasure of perusing your complete book, which was released here in Paris. I must admit, I am utterly astonished by the modifications you made to these potions.

You have undeniably stirred up a storm in the potioneer communities worldwide. I have been diligently working on the notes you sent, and I can assure you that the potion you have created is poised to make a significant impact within the wizarding community.

Incorporating some of my own notes, I believe we can make certain adjustments to further enhance this potion's potential.

I cordially invite you to my residence. For a month and a half, we have been exchanging letters, engaging in profound conversations about magic and the alchemical practices that play crucial roles in the lives of wizards.


N. Flammel"

The thought of Mr. Flamel's invitation lingered in my mind. We had been corresponding for quite some time now.

The potion he mentioned in his letter was remarkable—a single concoction acting as a universal medicine, warding off numerous diseases for at least two months.

Instead of multiple potions to treat various ailments caused by common reasons, this potion offered a convenient and potent solution.

In response, I penned a reply to Mr. Flamel:

"Dear Mr. Flamel,

It is truly an honor to receive such high regard from the immortal alchemist. Your invitation to visit Paris and conduct research together is indeed tempting. However, I must regretfully decline at this moment due to certain circumstances. I hope you understand.

I am sincerely grateful for your invaluable insights on the potion and the additional notes you provided.

Warm regards,

Half-Blood Prince"

Mr. Flamel had also shared his thoughts on a healing potion I had been working on.

My unique mutation allowed me to retain the effects of potions permanently, driving me to improve various healing brews and experiment with their combinations to create the most potent concoction.

The potion I was currently developing blended the properties of the Skull Grow potion with other healing remedies, each tailored to specific functions.

Although it remained a work in progress, I was determined to enhance its potency before attempting its consumption.

I carefully broke the seal on Robert's letter, compared to the others, his words were direct and to the point:

"Dear Severus,

Honestly, I would have taken that bastard's life by now. But I trust you have a scheme in mind for him. Enclosed are all the documents you requested—enough to erase his existence from the face of this world.


A sinister smile crept across my face as I read the documents.

It seemed that Robert was fully aware of the retribution I had in store for Wells. The promise of making his life a living hell was now a certainty.

I teleported back to my room, ready to plan for further.

-Slytherin Girl's Dorm-

[Narcissa's POV]

I woke up after a pleasant night's sleep, stretching my arms wide to shake off the last traces of drowsiness.

With a gentle yawn, I moved the blanket away and rose from my bed. The room's decor was carefully arranged to suit my taste, as I had been living alone in this dorm since my first year.

It wasn't that no one wanted to share a room with me; it was my own choice to have the space all to myself.

Following a warning from Bellatrix, the other girls who had initially shared the room had found alternative accommodations. I had wanted the room all to myself, after all.

I made my way to the bathroom attached to my dorm and began brushing my teeth. After that, I took a long and warm shower, relishing the feeling of the water dripping down my naked body.

My mind wandered back to the shower at Severus's mansion, causing my cheeks to redden with the memories of our intimate moments together.

"Perhaps doing it again wouldn't be such a bad idea," I whispered to myself, shaking off some more graphic thoughts.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself, heading back to my room to get dressed.

Pulling clothes from the closet, I put on my uniform for the day. Once ready, I left my room and started walking towards the Transfiguration class.

As I strolled through the corridors, I couldn't help but overhear some not-so-quiet gossip. The rumor mill was buzzing about Severus and me

"You know, the Ice Princess and Severus Sn-Prince are dating," one voice said.

Another chimed in, "Yes, I saw them in Hogsmeade yesterday. They look perfect together. If only I had the confidence to ask Prince out too. Have you seen him lately?"

I smiled at some of the remarks, pleased that our relationship was being viewed positively.

However, not all the gossip was pleasant. Some people seemed resentful of us being together.

"Shhh...let's be quiet. The Ice Princess doesn't like it when someone goes after what she claims. And as for Prince, I do admire his looks and his role in exposing Potter and his gang, but he seems fixated solely on Black."

"Isn't that romantic? He only has eyes for her," someone else added.

"Did you hear that the Half-Blood and Black are dating? She's bringing shame to the House of Black."

"Yes, if the Black patriarch finds out, he'll surely set Narcissa Black back on the right path. Half-bloods and purebloods like her shouldn't be together."

I ignored those bitches and continued on my way to Transfiguration class.

In the Slytherin house, I knew my relationship with Severus would spark gossip.

My family's strict views on blood purity also caused a similar scandal when my sister, Andromeda, chose to be with a muggle-born boy named Ted. It hurt me deeply when she decided to leave us behind.

Meda's departure solidified my resentment towards Muggleborns and my sister. It also deeply affected Bella, who was already emotionally unstable.

From that day on, I decided to conform to my parent's expectations of a proper pureblood daughter.

I avoided any actions that could invite their wrath. Bella, on the other hand, refused to bend to their will, even though she too believed in the pureblood philosophy.

To protect myself from my parents' fury, I constructed a facade. I observed Bella receiving punishments from them for her disobedience. I tried to influence her to stop causing trouble, hoping to spare her from the curses she endured.

Over time, I noticed a change in Bella, who had once been fiercely protective of me. She was slowly turning into a fanatic, embracing the extreme ideologies of our family.

Now, I awaited a letter from my parents, knowing that some Pureblood might have already informed them about my relationship with Severus.

I had contemplated keeping it a secret, but Severus assured me that he would handle my family. While I no longer feared their anger toward me, I worried for Severus. However, he had become different now, a lord of his family, and he seemed capable of dealing with them.

I had distanced myself from my own family, except for Bella and Reg. Consumed by these thoughts, I entered the class and spotted Severus engrossed in a book. Instantly, my mood brightened, and I happily walked toward him.


[Severus POV]

I ignored the bustling sounds of students around me as I delved into the book on machine design.

Having completed my studies on introduction to Biochemistry, physiology, and genealogy, I had now turned my attention to the basics of engineering.

Since returning to Hogwarts, my days were dedicated to either studying muggle subjects or honing my magical skills.

I attended classes, but my focus was on reading about muggle subjects. In the evenings, after instructing my team, I dedicated time to practice magic.

However, I contemplated taking a leave of absence after attending Slughorn's party next week.

My thoughts were interrupted when my beautiful girlfriend arrived. "Good Morning, Severus,"

I closed my book and replied, "Good Morning, Cissy."

Just seeing her brought a sense of relief and happiness to my heart.

Cissy seemed content with the tender look I gave her as she took a seat beside me, sitting a bit too close. Not that I mind.

"Hmm... What is this book? It doesn't seem like a subject I recognize."

"This is a book on muggle science, specifically about the design of machine parts,"

"Is it really necessary to study this science? We can do everything from building a house to cooking food using magic. We can apparate, fly, turn invisible, and create fire out of nothing."

I smiled at her skepticism and responded, "That's precisely what fascinates me. Muggles have achieved many things using their science, just like we do with magic. They build houses using math and fly using vehicles. There's a person who created an armor allowing him to fly and shoot beams. Over the years, they've developed medicine, weapons, and communication devices through their studies and inventions. They've even sent people into space. Science is just as fascinating as magic."

"Well, if you put it that way, Science does seem interesting, but I doubt I'll ever actually learn it. You and your best friend might fry your brains trying to master both science and magic."

"Oh... I forgot to mention how you became friends with Lily. Teaching her Occlumency doesn't sound like an ideal start for a friendship."

"In the beginning, she annoyed me for about a week, but she was determined to learn Occlumency. I offered to teach her in exchange for her telling me about you."

"Really?! You could have just asked me, and I would have told you everything,"

Cissy smirked and raised an eyebrow playfully, taunting me, "Oh really?! Would you have mentioned the time when you turned a pancake into charcoal while attempting to cook?"

My eyes widened in embarrassment, "She... she told you about that?"

Cissy nodded, adding another incident to her list, "Yes, and she also mentioned the time you accidentally dropped a tree branch on her sister."

I tried to downplay it, "Oh, that was just an accident."

Cissy's smirk only grew wider, "Hmm, I don't think so. She said you ignored her for days until she finally talked to you again. I can't help but imagine how cute you must have been, pouting like that."

"No, I don't pout," I retorted, disliking the idea of being called cute.

Cissy took it as an opportunity to tease me further, "Oh really?! Let me demonstrate how you look when you pout."

She made a playful frowning face with angry eyes and lips pursed tightly, attempting to mimic me.

I couldn't help but laugh at her adorable imitation. Cissy playfully hit my shoulder, trying to sound annoyed, "Hey, stop laughing! Why are you laughing? You don't look funny when pouting."

"Maybe I don't, but you look absolutely adorable trying to imitate me," I teased, leaning in closer to her.

Her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment, but she refused to back down from my teasing.

"If I look cute imitating you, then you might as well accept that you're cute too."

I shook my head seriously, "No, I am not. It's just your beautiful face that makes those expressions cute."

She persisted with a compliment, "The same can be said about your face. You have a handsome face. Those dark eyes and long black hair get me every time."


"Really!" she affirmed, leaning even closer to me with a spark of challenge in her eyes.

"You seem to have mastered the art of flirting, Mr. Mysterious. Should I be worried about you hitting on other girls?"

I chuckled, "Hmmm... Maybe you should. After all, you did mention that I'm a bit famous now."

"You want to hit on other girls when you have me. How unfortunate!"

"Same can be said about you. I'm pretty sure half of the Slytherin boys would do anything to get a date with you," I remarked, playfully returning the banter.

"But I'm taken by a very secretive and handsome boy who unfortunately is too blind to see me and hits on others," she said, pretending to be hurt.

I played along, adding a hint of sadness, "Oh, how unfortunate that my girlfriend thinks I could ever hit on others. How truly unfortunate am I? *Sniff*"

We laughed at each other's teasing, enjoying the playful banter between us. As we leaned in closer, ready for a kiss, the sound of someone clearing their throat jolted us back to reality. We suddenly realized that we were in a classroom full of students, and the moment had to be put on hold.

"Ahem," Professor McGonagall cleared her throat quite loudly, attempting to appear stern in front of the students. "Mr. Prince, Ms. Black, I must insist that you keep these activities outside the classroom. The class is about to begin, so kindly focus on the lesson rather than each other."

As she turned towards the board, I couldn't help but overhear her muttering under her breath, "Thank Merlin, I intervened before their conversation continued. Otherwise, I might have acquired diabetes in my old age."

Professor McGonagall shook her head, clearly exasperated with dealing with hormonal teenagers. Perhaps she should suggest to Albus to implement a rule against flirting during her class.

The entire class, comprised of both Ravenclaws and Slytherins, stood stunned at the sight of two of the coldest individuals in Hogwarts displaying such affection towards each other.

"Is this really the same Severus we know?" Traver whispered to Emmeline, who was unabashedly fangirling over the sight of Severus and Cissy.

"Yes, but who would have thought that our boss, who intends to create an organization of assassins, possesses such a romantic side? It's like something out of a movie," Emmeline gushed.

"Shhh... keep your voice down," Traver cautioned her.

"No one can hear us from here anyway, and everyone else is too shocked by what they just witnessed," Emmeline replied, undeterred.

"Aww... so cute," she continued, her excitement not waning despite Traver's attempts to correct her.

Traver simply shook his head, deciding it was futile to try and reason with Emmeline's fangirling.


[Narcissa's POV]

Severus and I quickly composed ourselves, returning to our usual expressions, and focused on the lesson once again. The other students followed suit, returning their attention to the professor.

Severus delved back into his book, engrossed in its contents. Meanwhile, I made an attempt to pay attention to the class, but my mind easily wandered, my gaze drawn towards my boyfriend who was reading.

Severus seemed lost in his little world, completely oblivious to the tender looks I was giving him.

My mouth curved into a smile as I watched him turn the pages, seemingly unaffected by the world around him.

Wanting to catch his attention without appearing too obvious, I tried looking cute and making playful faces.

However, Severus didn't even react, continuing to focus on sketching geometrical structures on his papers.

I pushed my hair back, trying a more seductive approach, but even that failed to garner his attention as he remained engrossed in solving equations.

'ARGH!... He forgets everything around him once he starts studying. This isn't the first time; he has a habit of immersing himself in his books. His insatiable thirst for knowledge can be insufferable at times. But, despite that, I don't want him to change this habit. His intelligence and hunger for knowledge are part of his charm.'

Accepting that I wouldn't be able to distract him, I gave up trying and continued to watch him with a smile on my face.

It didn't matter if he didn't notice my efforts; I still enjoyed observing him in his element, pursuing knowledge with such dedication.

"That's it for today. I want you all to submit your essays by the end of this week," Professor McGonagall announced, dismissing the class.

I gently shook Severus, who seemed lost in his own world.

"What?" he asked, clearly confused.

"Professor McGonagall dismissed the class. Everyone is leaving. I don't think she'd appreciate finding you designing screws in her class," I explained with a playful smile.

"Oh," Severus responded, looking around before waving his hand over his books, causing them to disappear into his own dimension.

"Where did those books go?" I asked, surprised by the sudden disappearance.

Severus had mentioned his powers before, but he hadn't gone into many details.

"They are stored in a realm of my own," he revealed.

"You have a realm of your own?!" I was taken aback by this revelation.

"Yes, it's a realm that only my shadows and nonliving materials can enter or exist within," he elaborated.

"Just nonliving things?" I inquired.

Severus hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes."

I sensed there was more to it, but I didn't press further.

Severus seemed uncomfortable, avoiding eye contact as we walked. He had already cast a silent spell around us while discussing his powers, ensuring our conversation remained private.

I didn't notice any changes around us, but Severus had discreetly cast the spell to maintain our privacy.

"Dead? How exactly?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I have the ability to create shadows out of deceased living creatures," he admitted.

I was left momentarily speechless, trying to grasp the concept. Severus chuckled at my confusion, "I mean, I can essentially resurrect the dead in the form of shadows. They retain all the properties and abilities they had when they were alive. This power also works on golems as well, Just like the one you have seen before."

"Wow, that is a powerful ability to have. Kind of like Necromancy,"

"Exactly like Necromancy,"

I hesitated before asking the question that had been on my mind, "Have... you tried it on a human yet?"



I was genuinely surprised. Knowing Severus, I had assumed he would have already experimented with this power on humans by now.

It wasn't because he lacked empathy; it was simply the way he was. When Severus set his mind on researching something, the thin line of morality within him seemed to blur further. He sometimes forgot the distinction between what was right and wrong. And in this particular case, it wasn't even a question of morality, as the subjects were already deceased.

Although Necromancy itself was highly frowned upon and considered one of the darkest arts, Severus had never had any qualms about delving into Dark Arts before.

"Because I have experimented with this power extensively, creating shadows from the remains of many deceased animals. Each shadow deepened my understanding of this power. Do you know what sets my shadows apart from Necromancy performed using traditional Magic?" Severus asked.

I couldn't discern any difference between the two methods, so I shook my head in response.

"My shadows possess a mind, or rather, a soul of their own. They retain their memories from before their death and are under my control. Even if they don't wish to obey, they have no choice. When I created shadows from the deceased animals, I could see their memories," he explained.

At that moment, the distinction became clearer. Unlike the typical Necromancy that resurrected beings as mindless puppets with a specific purpose, Severus's shadows retained their individuality and memories, while still being obedient to his will.

"Oh... So you mean to say that if you ever revived a human soul, it would be bound to follow your orders, even if it didn't want to," I realized, a shiver running down my spine.

I suddenly understood the terrifying nature of this power. If Severus ever used it on a human, the shadow would be compelled to carry out any task he wished, regardless of the soul's own desires or the heinousness of the task at hand.

"Yes, that is why I haven't used my powers on a deceased human yet," Severus replied.

"Are you going to use it on them in the future?"

Severus fell silent for a few seconds, contemplating his response. Finally, he nodded and said, "Yes."

I understood his hesitation, and I wasn't surprised by his answer.

I knew the path he had chosen might lead to taking lives. It was the grim reality of the organization he was building.

"Good, you will find many scumbags in this world to use it on,"

Severus seemed taken aback by my suggestion of killing people. He stared at me, and I could see the shock in his eyes.

I sighed and explained my reasoning, "I know you might be shocked that I am suggesting killing, but Severus, with this organization you're starting, you will likely have to take lives. I don't want you to resort to killing, but I also know it might be inevitable if you are to become a leader."

I hesitated for a moment before sharing a darker part of my past that I didn't like to remember.

"When I was just 10 years old, I saw my father kill a person. His complete disregard for life and hearing purebloods discussing their crimes against Muggle women disgusted me. It made me fear for my safety around them. People like those deserve to be punished, to never find eternal rest. But I don't want you to become another Dark Lord. There is a thin line between what Voldemort did and what you might be forced to do."

Severus looked at me, seemingly stunned by my conviction and honesty. I could see the turmoil in his eyes as he grappled with the choices before him.

Finding a moment of privacy, Severus pulled me into a corner, away from prying eyes. He hugged me by the waist, drawing me closer to him, our chests pressing firmly together. Our faces were inches apart, and my eyes locked in his loving gaze.

"Why?" he whispered.

"Huh?" I replied, caught off guard by the sudden question.

"Why do you support me so much? Even when I am saying that I will kill people and start an organization that might take over the Wizarding governing body?" he asked, searching for answers.

"Isn't it obvious? ... I support you because I love you. I don't need a reason to support you," I said, my voice filled with sincerity. "I will keep you in line, preventing you from crossing limits that should not be crossed. I support you because you are trying to help those who need it and stop a war that would surely bring suffering to many. I believe in your capabilities."

Closing my eyes, I continue to speak from the depths of my heart.

"Before this Christmas, I used to obediently follow my parents' wishes, considering marriage with some pureblood who would have undoubtedly embraced the dark path, siding with Death Eaters, and targeting innocent muggles. However, after falling in love with you and forming a close friendship with Evans, my perspective has undergone a profound transformation. I now realize how flawed my previous beliefs were. Although traces of my old pureblood conditioning linger, I no longer wish to walk in my father's footsteps."

My voice trembles slightly as I confess these emotions.

I genuinely want to break free from my father's shadow and change for the better. I have already taken steps towards correcting some of my misguided ways.

Severus reaches out, his hand tenderly cupping my cheeks, and gently urges me to open my eyes, locking his gaze with mine.

"You are nothing like your father, Cissy, and you never will be. Just look at how much you've changed. You're in a relationship with a Half-blood and have a muggle-born friend. Your actions set you apart from others. That's why I love you—you're strong-willed, determined, and fiercely protective of those you consider family," he says with heartfelt sincerity.

They say eyes are windows to the soul, and at that moment, Severus's eyes held nothing but love and understanding reflected — his wounded soul laid bare.

Severus gently lifts my face and leans in for a kiss. As our lips meet, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as we share a profound and passionate kiss.

Breaking the kiss, I remain close, still held by Severus.

A smile of contentment graces my lips as I gaze into his near-obsidian eyes, speaking softly.

"Will you promise me something?"

"Anything..." Severus pauses, smirking, "But within reason."

I shake my head, amused. "Okay, within reason. Promise me that you won't embrace cruelty. I understand that some of the decisions you make might seem harsh, but I implore you never to cross a point of no return."

"Where does this line lie?"

"You know exactly where it lies. You've seen people who have crossed it, and a part of your life once dwelled beyond that line. Promise me that you'll never become another Dark Lord, losing sight of the person you truly are. I don't mind if you pursue your ambitions, even if it means dominating all of Magical Britain, but please, never become cruel."

I know I'll stand by Severus in his plans no matter what, but I fear the thought of him turning into my father or worse.

Severus gently cups my cheeks, and with a warm smile, he speaks in a soft tone. "You didn't have to ask me for that. I have faced that problem already. But to reassure you, I promise I won't become like my father or your father, I won't turn cruel like those people."

"Now that you promised me," I say, moving away slightly from Severus and placing my hands on my hips, "why didn't you ask me to join your organization from the start?"

"*sigh* I will tell you in the evening when you bring Lily along with you. She will have the same question, and I don't want to repeat myself."

"Okay, bye. I will meet with you in the evening with Evans."


Feeling content, I kiss Severus's cheek before parting ways, a satisfied smile on my face.


A/N:- Hey guys, I have been feeling a bit disappointed with the book. No, not in the writing, but with its reception.

I don't know if the story is bad or is it stagnant, the views and comments seem dead. It is disheartening to see it go down this way.

Well, I am not going to stop writing the story but it is getting harder to put in the effort.