
Chapter 44. Ripples.

-Severus POV-

'He is alive!'

Upon Merlin's projection vanishing, I realized he was truly alive. Not some echo of the past, as he performed magic - a real magical spell, defying explanation.

How was this 3-dimensional projection even possible?

The eye of Lumina Mortis allows me to see and sense magical and other energies, helping me to study and understand spells' workings.

During one of these sessions, I unraveled the secrets of magical portraits. Merlin's projection and the portrait's spells didn't function similarly. They were vastly different.

Could I create a 3-dimensional image of myself while alive?

Exploring theories, my shadows engulfed the room's contents, and a distinct connection in the Projection hinted at the real Merlin's presence.

Once everything was devoured, I returned to the upper vault, pondering why Merlin tested me.

His immense magical power suggested he wasn't merely interested in my abilities - perhaps he wished to mentor me.

However, considering the wizarding world's struggles, I feared his intentions might not be entirely benevolent.

For instance, why hadn't he dealt with Voldemort?

Did he stop past dark lords? Uncertain.

How much did he fabricate the past? Uncertain.

What is meant by Sorcerers Supreme? I don't know.

He dodged most of my questions.

I sensed potent energies in Merlin, surpassing Dumbledore's. What are those energies? I don't know, but they seem interesting and strong.

As I was lost in the thought, The vault's upper floor reconstructed swiftly, erasing traces of destruction. I left, cloaked in invisibility.

Contemplating tonight's events, I worried about complications. My plans might be affected if the old man gets involved.

Learning from him seems risky. His motives are unclear.

He cleverly avoided my questions and lied about the projection.

Clearing the vaults is a test for those answers. But its value, unknown.


[Starlight Citadel] (Otherworld)

In the majestic Starlight Citadel, where doorways led to countless planes of existence, Omniversal Majestrix Merlyn awoke in his regal chamber to the sound of his daughter's voice.

"Roma, why did you wake me up?" Merlyn inquired as he rose from his bed.

Without directly answering his question, Lady Roma asked, "So which world did you visit this time?"

Merlin turned to face his daughter, her presence as magical as his own.

"One from which we retrieved Brian Braddock. An amalgam world, one that was destined for destruction. This visit was quite fascinating."

"Braddock's world. Was destined for destruction? What changed? What made this visit so interesting?"

"I cannot say for certain yet. I must investigate further into that world. And as per why it was fascinating do you recall the vaults I left behind in different worlds?"

"Yes, I remember those twisted Cursed Vault."

"Well, someone managed to break the enchantment I placed on one of those vaults and successfully descend the staircase that barred entry to the unworthy,"

"So, this person was able to break your puzzle and access the vault, but what makes them so interesting? We already have Brian Braddock as Captain Britain for that world. And surely, there are other wizards in our corps who have passed the same tests."

Merlyn smiled at his daughter, "What makes this visit truly fascinating is that a seventeen-year-old, a hybrid of Wizard and Witchbreed, was able to unravel the enchantment I placed on the floor in under 15 minutes. Not only did he solve the intricate web of riddles, but he also flawlessly navigated all 800 steps of the staircase, walking through all the eight circles, holding firm against every temptation that lay before him. Every desire he held close to his heart, yet he resisted succumbing to any."

Roma's eyes widened in astonishment, "WHAT?! You mean to tell me that a seventeen-year-old managed to decipher the countless conclusions and walked down the entire staircase that assesses one's heart and potential for the magical arts!"

"Yes, precisely,"

Roma understood the significance of the staircase, having experienced it herself in the past. It was a test of both magical potential and willpower.

Not every individual possessed the same aptitude for magic, and the staircase could reveal the extent of one's abilities.

Her mind raced, recalling her own attempt at the staircase, ' I had to stop when I reached the 798th step. I succumbed to my desires, unable to take another step. Yet, this person managed to breeze through the entire trial with just his willpower and potential"

"His name is Severus Prince, a sixth-year Slytherin student at Hogwarts,"

"A Slytherin? How intriguing," Roma mused, her curiosity growing.

Merlyn recounted the events that transpired in the vault, leaving no detail untold.

"Hmm… He seems exceptionally intelligent, and his Witchbreed powers to manipulate shadows could be incredibly useful," Roma remarked thoughtfully. "What do you plan to do with him? Will you consider him for the Captain Britain corps?"

Merlyn paused, contemplating Severus's potential. "I haven't made a decision yet. His capabilities can extend beyond being just a captain. I believe he may not be interested in joining the corps. For now, I will observe him and see where his heart truly lies. Is he someone who will aid the vulnerable or not? Character is of utmost importance when considering a member for the Captain Britain corps."

Merlin inquired, "Tell me, why did you wake me up, Roma?"

"I came to inform you about a dire threat that could bring about the end of the world. We must dispatch more members of the Captain Britain corps to that specific world. It is plagued by a horde of demons from another realm. Captain Britain, along with the world's heroes, has been valiantly holding back the demonic tide, but many have fallen in the battle," Roma explained with urgency.

"Send Brian Braddock and others on this mission. It will prove to be a valuable experience for him," Merlin decided, recognizing the importance of the task.

Lady Roma nodded in agreement and took her leave from the room, her mind already working on the preparations.

As soon as his daughter departed, Merlin closed the door behind her and ascended into the air, assuming a meditative posture.

Closing his eyes, he focused his mind on the fate of Severus Prince, the young wizard Witchbreed who had so impressed him with his prowess and willpower in the vault.

He delved into the intricacies of time and space, seeking glimpses of Severus's future, trying to understand the path that lay ahead for the talented young wizard. Merlin's visions shifted and flowed, revealing potential outcomes and choices that Severus and hi world might face.

The fate of worlds and the destinies of individuals were intertwined, and Merlin's ancient power allowed him to peer into these mysterious threads.


[Realm of Death]

In the eternal rest, Death watched her minions duel with boredom. She checked on those ruling death's domains and holding her power.

A screen showed Mephisto toying with mortals, Hela's tournaments unchanged. She found mortals more entertaining.

Among them, Deadpool intrigued her, often escaping her grasp. She decided to watch him, finding Thanos dull.

Recalling the Peverell brothers and the artifacts one of her personifications gave them, she observed their lives.

The elder wand disappointed her. The stone, tainted by a soul, angered her.

She looked forward to claiming them back. Lastly, she discovered a familiar cloak in another realm. A realm familiar to hers.


The cloak's owner intrigued her. His life fascinated her, and his powers showed great potential. She'd watch, resisting interference. For he was the first to captivate her in a long time.

[S.H.I.E.L.D] (Classified location)

In a secluded room, Nick Fury Sr awaits Agent OZ's video call through a secured line.

*ring* *ring*

Fury answers the call. "Hello, Agent OZ."

"Good Evening, Director."

"At what phase of the mission are you at, OZ?"

"All initial phases completed, sir. Firm connections with most of the sacred 28 families established."

"Hmmm...not surprising. How firm are these connections? Are they willing to share their secrets?"

"Yes, Director. Most connections are loose-tongued or overly trusting."

"Contact with target SOS made?"

"Yes, Sir. Target SOS contacted. Invited to join Dumbledore's group against Voldemort. Awaiting your orders, Director."

Fury closes his eyes, considering. "....Join the group, but stay on guard, occlumend your mind. Be aware of your surroundings. Report on your Christmas at Malfoy Manor."

Victor Bell, as lord of a pure-blood house, got invited to Malfoy Manor's Christmas Party.

"Suspected Death Eaters attended, along with officials from Wizengamot and other government bodies, Sir."

"Notice any connections between officials and suspects?"

"Lucius Malfoy has the most connections. Suspects often have ties to officials."

"Hmm...the Malfoys, part of the sacred 28 and wealthy. What's your report on them?"

"Lucius Malfoy shows hate for muggles but no open allegiance to Voldemort. Likely a Voldemort supporter, careful in public speech."

"Did you approach anyone else at the party?"

"N...Yes, Sir. The Lestrange brothers. Openly supported Voldemort, but didn't show hostility due to my Bell family status."

Fury senses hesitation. "Is that all?"

"...Yes, Sir!"

Fury calls another agent, knowing OZ's hesitance was real. He double-checks information. *ring* *ring*


"....*Sigh* I almost lied to Director Fury. I didn't tell him about the crazy witch I encountered. How long can I keep this from him? She's beautiful but part of a dangerous group, and married. Fury will find out... I blame my father for this. Like James Bond, he said. James Bond, my arise."

Victor falls on his bed, frustrated. "*Argh!*...Fury has eyes everywhere, he's creepy and paranoid. Focus on the mission. Can't care for the target, can't love the enemy!"

"Maybe I should eliminate her husband and help her regain sanity. No, stop thinking like a villain!"

Victor laughs like a B-grade villain but scolds himself. "*Argh!*...Chant, shouldn't care for the target, shouldn't fall for the enemy!" He drifts off to sleep.


[Unknown Location]

* Ring* *Ring*

In a dimly lit garage filled with mobsters, a phone starts ringing loudly.

The gang's goons form a circle around a stunningly beautiful blond woman, scantily clad in a black bra and panties, tied to a chair.

"Whose PHONE is it?! Shut the damn thing off!" the gang leader barks at his men.

"...Boss, I think it is her phone that is ringing," goon whispers to the boss.

"*Clears throat* Bring me this Whore's phone!" the boss orders.

A goon rushes to the discarded dress and retrieves the phone.

"Here Boss. Call from an unknown number."

"Humph...some nobody," the leader dismisses, tossing the phone to the ground, breaking it.

Infuriated, the gang leader punches the woman in the face and demands answers.

"Tell me why did you kill my brother, bitch?! Who sent you?! Where is the pen drive that you stole?!"

The woman smirks and spits blood at the gang leader. "No."

"How dare you spit at me, wench?! You won't be smug after what my men will do to you?! Hahaha...It will be a sight to see after my men are done with you! Blame your stupidity for this," he laughs maniacally.

He motions two goons to approach the woman.

"Hehehe..... You should have listened to our boss, Miss. Not that I care, I will enjoy my time with you," one goon taunts.

"True, Jack. She has a remarkable body. I will take my time to enjoy her body. Hehehe... it is truly my lucky day," the other goon chimes in.

Those nearby whisper among themselves, expressing their own desires and fantasies about the woman.

The gang leader looks on with malice as the scene unfolds. The two goons reach toward the woman, their intentions sinister.

Just as they are about to touch her, all the lights in the garage suddenly go out.

"What happened?! Why did the power go out all of a sudden?! What happened to the generator?!"

"*Argh*... I was about to have the time of my life! Damnit!"

"HEY! Watch where you are going!"

"Stop stepping on my feet!"

"Move away, you bastard!"

"Someone switch on a Fucking FLASHLIGHT on your phone!"

Amidst the chaos, a small snap goes unnoticed.

The blond woman effortlessly frees herself from her restraints. In the darkness, she stealthily moves to a specific corner of the room, guided by memory alone.

She retrieves a package from under the table and dons two gauntlets and a pair of goggles from it, allowing her to see clearly despite the lack of light. Silently, she approaches the nearest goon.

"Switch on DAMN torchlight on your phones!" the gang leader shouts.

"Ye-" the goon begins to respond, but his words are cut short as the woman swiftly snaps his neck.

She carefully places his lifeless body on the floor and takes cover behind a desk as the other goons start using their phone flashlights.

"One of you go to the generator room," the gang leader commands, sending a goon to check on the power source.

The goon nervously enters the generator room, feeling as if he's being followed. "*Gulp* Is anyone here?" he calls out, moving his phone around to search for any presence.

Suddenly, he senses someone behind him. "до свидания (Goodbye)," a voice says before a gunshot rings out, hitting him in the heart from behind.

"BOSS! Jeanie isn't in her seat!" a goon alerts his boss. All goons aim their phones at Jeanie's empty chair.

"How did she escape?! Search every corner, she might be nearby. She caused the power outage."

"Ok, Boss."

One goon gets shot, and panic ensues.

"She's firing at us! Cover me! Don't drop your phones!"

Jeanie silently takes down goons from the shadows.

"Shoot her! Shoot everywhere!" that goon is shot by their boss.

"Cover me, make a circle. Don't move or waste bullets," the gang leader orders. They're terrified of him.

Jeanie remains calm, checks her bullets, and creates smoke. She moves swiftly, snapping necks, shooting in the chaos.

"Die, Bitch!" A goon targets her. Jeanie dodges, retaliates, and eliminates them from afar.

"Damn it! I wanted to...I won't mind dying after I smash yo- Ahhhhhhh!" He's shot in the groin, then the head.

Most goons are killed from a distance. Only the shield-using gang leader remains. Jeanie finishes him too.

Jeanie changes her clothes and a phone rings.

"Hello, Natalia. I have a mission for you." She declines.

She's now with the Avengers, introduced by Hawkeye, and decides to focus on her team for now.


Victor Bell or Agent OZ is my character.

Who do you think is the crazy lady, he fell in love with?


A/N:- Hope you liked the chapter.

Don't forget the STONES.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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