
Marvel: Tech System

For one individual, the boundary between science fiction and reality blurs when they are unexpectedly transmigrated into the Marvel universe, a place where the technological wonders of their dreams are tangible. Equipped with a system that promises growth and evolution, they begin as an underdog in a world of heroes and villains. Drawing inspiration from the movies, comics, and even cartoons, this alternate universe (AU) tale weaves a narrative that, while familiar, brings its own unique twists and turns. As our protagonist navigates this new life, they will encounter romance, face challenges, and harness the power of advanced technology to rise to the heights of power within the Marvel Patreon Unknown_To_All The upload schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Unknown_To_All · Anime e quadrinhos
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64 Chs

Chapter 40 Meeting the Commisioner

On the way to meet the commissioner, Stacey informed me that we were heading to the police academy.

The City hall was obviously not a place to test the Scout so it was decided beforehand to go to a location that was more equipped for these sorts of things.

"Looks like we're here, alright kid follow me"

Getting out of the vehicle We made our way to the academy which didn't look like how I expected. In fact, this place looked more like a university than anything else. With its large exterior and glass walls.

"You guys really invested in this building Huh"

Stacey just gave a smile at my comment while he looked at the building with fondness most likely reliving his academy days.

"Looks like Commissioner Allen arrived before us" Hearing his comment I turned toward a stern-looking man in his late 50s. With a fully equipped guard detail all dressed in police uniform.

Noticing our gaze the Commission seemed to have recognized Captain Stacey as he made his way over to us.

"Haha, George it's been a while how's the kids?"

The man seemingly relaxed instantly upon greeting Stacey.

"They're doing good, how about you Phil?"

"Ah, same old same old always stuck to their play stations."

After this, the two chatted away for a couple of minutes mostly small talk. Confirming that they were close friends.

Based on what I had heard, apparently, the commissioner used to be Stacey's Captain when he was a rookie.

"Ah, you must be Kol." He said as he reached out for a handshake "Captain Stacey mentioned you had something big to show me. Even said you might be the next Tony Stark."

"I hope I meet those expectations" I spoke with humbleness as I gave Stacey a look of thanks who returned my gesture with a nod.

"I as well, now come along I'll lead you to one of our practice rooms. Men help them bring that crate."

With that said we made our way to another room which was fairly large and appeared much more sophisticated than the gun range in the police station. This room was more like a training course that had you run through as it tested your reaction time.

Once there we showed him the Ballistic weave which was quickly tested with various guns available to officers. In the end, the weave appeared to be stronger and more efficient than even Kevlar.

The only problem was how thin the material was which would definitely cause other major problems. However, their disappointment was quickly erased when I explained that the weave could be combined with Kevlar increasing a police officer's protection.

"This really is impressive. I don't even understand how it works. The material appears exactly the same and is quite thin. I'll have to discuss this with the Mayor but I can already see this being approved."

After that, we negotiated the pricing and settled at $220 Per Shirt. It may sound cheap considering how good the material is but in reality, it is still a great profit.

Considering the fact that I only spent $120 to make the shirt, not including the machines. Then there's also the free advertisement and connections I'd receive along with this new connection.

"Now that this is over I'm quite curious about the box"

Giving him a light smirk I called out for Scout 01 who made a similar entrance jumping out of the crate.

His appearance immediately caught the officers off guard as they all drew their weapons.

"Woah woah relax allow me to introduce you all to the Police Scout."

Commissioner Allen walked away from his security and made his way to the scout. He looked at me asking if it was okay to touch and I simply gave him a nod as confirmation.

"I can see why Stacey says you'll be the next Stark. In fact, you'll easily surpass him not even he made machines such as these." The man said as he touched the robot's chest like a kid in the candy store.

"But why would you want to sell this to the police? Wouldn't you get a bigger deal with the military?"

"That would be the case and I do have plans to make other models specifically for the military. If I was to give a reason then it would be to help save the lives of more officers. Even if the scout makes it over the top"

My comment made all the officers smile except one who looked at the Commissioner for permission to speak.

"Go ahead, Officer Lorence"

"You say that this is to help protect officers but wouldn't this machine be taking our jobs? And isn't it a bit too militant to have roaming the streets?" Lorence asked as the rest of his colleagues turned back at the robot with a hint of worry.

Even the commissioner gave me an inquisitive look with a hint of disapproval.

"I see your worry and in fact, the Scouts are not meant to replace the police. They are just machines and don't have the heart to connect with the people. I'm sure many of you have experienced moments where you've had to set your priorities aside in favor of being a good person."

These words reminded the officers of some of these moments. Particularly Officer Lorence who thought back on a time when he helped a homeless man get a haircut and a ride to a job interview. When he was originally supposed to relocate the man.

Such moments of going above their required job description is something a machine wouldn't be able to do. Therefore they will never be a true replacement unless I added such programming but I won't. I'm not here to take people's jobs after all.

"We see your point… but the question still stands. What sort of purpose would such a militant machine serve?"

"The dangerous kind" Walking ahead I stood in front of the whole group and continued my dialogue "Imagine it, hostage situations, bombs, gang wars, and terrorism. I'm sure you lose officers in each of those situations and that's where my Scouts come in. Let them take the lead, if a scout is shot he can be fixed, if he is destroyed he can be replaced. Just look at Hell's Kitchen. That place is not safe even for the police so let the Scouts handle the gangs."

The commissioner looked in agreement, especially when I mentioned Hell's Kitchen. The place truly was a lost cause at this point.

"Many words have been said but we still haven't had a demonstration."

Looking at Stacey he walked over and took an AR-15 before handing it to the scout.

"This is a course we have all cadets go through. It not only tests an officer's reaction time but also their quick thinking skills. You see in the layout there are many targets with guns but also some that are civilian."

I couldn't help but agree that this truly was a decent test for the scouts programming but I had confidence that it would pull through.

Stacey noticed my readiness and took out a timer as he pressed the button. Initiating the 01 into the test as he ran in bullets flying.

His reaction time stunned the officers not even needing a second to decide on whether or not to shoot. Yet despite this, it hadn't hit a single civilian and charged through hitting pure headshots on all the assailants.

In the end, it made an academy record even if it wasn't official.

"Umm does this thing always aim for the head?" One officer asked in worry

"No, this was merely for demonstration. Usually, it aims for parts of the body to temporarily put an assailant out of commission."

With all the tests over I focused my attention back on the commissioner who looked in deep thought.

"I won't be able to approve this on my own. In fact, I don't think the mayor will be able to approve this either. We'll need to go through multiple tests and processes just to get this one approved. It may even take longer then a year"

An answer I also expected but at least the Ballistic weave would be approved.

"Do you think it would be possible to leave the machine here for further testing?"

Hmm, I can see this going bad with Shield and Hydra but I've already placed plenty of countermeasures. I can't always be worried about my tech falling into the wrong hands either.

"Alright I can do that but the scout won't be allowed to leave this building without me. Fair warning if it is forced the scout will retaliate"

Commissioner Allen gave me a look of understanding as we all prepared to leave. However, all the officers began to get transmissions on their radios. Even Captain Stacey had gotten multiple messages.

"Sullivan, what's the problem?"

"Sir there's havoc in the streets with multiple reports of a dinosaur! We thought it was a prank but we're currently in a firefight with that thing, Ah it's coming!!!"

Looking around I saw the others getting similar messages and so far it didn't look good. This could only mean one thing.

The Lizard

"Sullivan! Are you there?"


However, no response came in making Stacey's expression grow grim. Commissioner Allen was also worried as he got information from his men.

"Commissioner, our men are getting torn apart out there!"

Finding a TV in the corner of the room I quickly turned it on and went to the news channel where footage began to appear of a giant Lizard ripping cars in half as it fought police.

What the… that's not the lizard from the movie and it's not at the bridge.

It definitely wasn't the movie lizard; it looked drastically different, especially in the face. The movie had a more human appearance while this looked more monstrous. Its size was also terrifying as it lifted cars and threw them around.

Behind me, the rest were also shell-shocked looking at the creature before the commissioner looked at me deep in thought before becoming serious.

"Kol can you send the Scout there?"

What? Does he want to use the scout for that thing? The robot was good. I wouldn't lie on that part but fighting something like that was out of its league.

Looking back at the TV I tried making the best decision and realized that it was actually pretty good even if Scout 01 died. A crisis like this was free publicity and if it could do decent harm it would also gain the support of people. The scout might even be approved earlier with its added reputation.

"You got an extra bike?"

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~


1: Police Chief is now the Commissioner

Starting next week my upload schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Power Stones and Reviews appreciated :)

Unknown_To_Allcreators' thoughts