
Marvel: Tech System

For one individual, the boundary between science fiction and reality blurs when they are unexpectedly transmigrated into the Marvel universe, a place where the technological wonders of their dreams are tangible. Equipped with a system that promises growth and evolution, they begin as an underdog in a world of heroes and villains. Drawing inspiration from the movies, comics, and even cartoons, this alternate universe (AU) tale weaves a narrative that, while familiar, brings its own unique twists and turns. As our protagonist navigates this new life, they will encounter romance, face challenges, and harness the power of advanced technology to rise to the heights of power within the Marvel Patreon Unknown_To_All The upload schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Unknown_To_All · Anime e quadrinhos
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74 Chs

Chapter 35 Changing Fate

While Kol was with the X-men getting his beating, Peter was out testing out a new gadget at a random abandoned warehouse.


"Haha it works! The tensile strength is perfect. I just need to test how long it lasts."

Peter had already been working on making web shooters before Kol even mentioned it but didn't have success. After the little prep talk they had he went back to tackle the problem and ended up actually doing it.

"I'll call these Web Shooters from now on man I can't wait till Kol sees this he'll be stoked"

Looking down at his watch his eyes suddenly widened as he realized the time.

"Ah, I'm so late, Aunt May is going to be so mad!

He quickly began running home as he climbed up walls and jumped between rooftops like a parkour expert. This was something he enjoyed doing recently with his new capabilities. But they were really being put to the test tonight as he tried his best not to be even a minute later.

After a couple of twists and turns, he finally arrived home only to see Uncle Ben waiting at the door.

I'm dead, he thought as he slowed down and prepared mentally.

"Peter, where have you been?"

Peter just looked down; he didn't want to explain his powers or the web shooters.

"I was just outside"

Uncle Ben looked dissatisfied with this response as he put his arm on Aunt May's shoulder.

"Really outside you say, so did you bring back the eggs and milk? Like you said you would this morning"

Peter froze for a moment hearing that as he remembered his uncle's clear instructions. It's just that so much happened today from getting his first paycheck and even being able to talk to someone about his powers.

Groceries were way off his mind on things to remember or do.

"I'll just get them tomorrow Uncle Ben"

Ben just sighed

"That's right you can do that tomorrow but it seems you still don't remember one more thing. Why didn't you at least get May? Do you know how far she needed to walk? Queens isn't dangerous like Hell's Kitchen but it's not safe either especially a woman at night"

Peter looked at May who had been quiet so far as she stayed out of the talk between the two.

Of all the things he forgot Aunt May should never have been one of them. He felt guilty just looking at her imagining what could have happened.

"I'm sorry Uncle Ben but look here" Pulling out his phone he moved his screen to his bank and showed Ben his money.

"Look Ben I just got paid, maybe we can buy another car so Aunt May won't ever have to walk again" Peter saw this as his way out to better his Aunt's lifestyle but it came off wrong to Uncle Ben.

"Peter, that's good and I'm proud of you for getting that much money. In fact, it's amazing but that's not the message I'm trying to send to you. It's the principal Peter something's been up with you and you refuse to talk to us. Just look at May she's worried sick about you"

Peter by this point didn't know what to say. He knew he was keeping a distance right now but that was only because he was still figuring his powers out. He didn't mean to make May sad.

In that situation he just let his emotions take over him as he no longer wanted to be there.

"I'm sorry Aunt and Uncle I'll go get the groceries right now" He said running out the door as Uncle Ben called for him to come back.

He needed air to clear his head and think of a way to really apologize. So he went to a rooftop to relax.

As he sat up there he thought back to everything that had happened so far and realized that the best thing to do was confess. About Oscorp, his father's work, and everything in between so they could understand why he had been this way.

Once he did that then maybe he could also share this with Ned and Gwen. Lying and pretending had already been hard enough. Now he was seeing the result and how it affected the people close to him.

With his mind clear he got up to head back home and really apologize.


"What was that? It sounded like a gunshot" Peter didn't have a good feeling as he ran towards the noise.

It wasn't until he saw a familiar frame on the floor clutching his stomach.

He knew that person, no he didn't just know that person he loved that person like a father it was…

"Uncle Ben!"

Peter arrived by his side and tried putting pressure on the wound but there was just so much blood he was beginning to panic.

Looking around he tried finding someone to help but everyone just watched as they kept their distance.

"Someone! Anyone help me" but his cries fell on deaf ears as they just gave him anxious looks.

Some people at least called for the police and ambulance but Peter knew they wouldn't make it.

Feeling a hand on his face he looked down at Ben.

"It's okay Peter please take care of May"

Ben was beginning to feel cold and that's when Peter remembered Kol's gift.

Quickly pulling out his backpack he pulled out a large syringe.

The Stimpak

"Remember Peter with great power-"

"Come great responsibility I know Ben just tell me later and save your energy" With delicate and swift movements he injected the super medicine into Ben's arm who at this point had his eyes closed.

Please work, please

As if answering his prayers the gun wound suddenly began to seal making it seem like he was never shot.


Ben suddenly jumped up clutching his chest as air returned to his lungs. Stunning everyone nearby as the apparent dead man returned to the living completely healed.

Ben had a blank look trying to figure out how he was still alive as he turned to Peter. Who at this point could no longer contain his emotions and hugged his uncle

"Peter how?"

Releasing his uncle he just smiled with tears still in his eyes

[POV Switch]

Around this time Kol was beginning to wake up when he suddenly noticed a familiar notification screen from his system

[Uncle Ben was saved his destiny forever changed as his life was taken back from the hands of Lady Death +1000 Points]

[Peter was able to save his Uncle altering his destiny +1000 Points]

[Aunt May's destiny forever changed as she will no longer suffer alone +1000]

[You have earned Lady Death's curiosity +1000 Points]

[Available Points 5660]


For a moment I remained frozen in shock as I processed everything.

I was just in a fight with Logan that ended with me blacking out but when I opened my eyes I was suddenly bombarded with messages. With some even being about Lady Death!

Sitting up from my bed I rubbed my nose and focused my mind as I shut off my emotions. I usually didn't do this because of how inhuman it felt but it was times like this where logic was required.

Let's look at this from the beginning.

First and foremost my plan succeeded and Peter was able to save Ben. Something I clearly would have not been able to do, making it a good decision to leave the stimpak in Peter's hands.

Now because of this, I didn't just change Uncle Ben's fate but the fate of his family. Earning me 3K points just from that.

This would have usually been all well and good as points are always welcomed. Except now they have come along with a multiversal being clearly out of my league.

Lady Death

A character who is practically impossible for me to predict even with NZT. She's a character that has been in many stories written by different people. Obviously leading to variations with some being easier to get along with while others have her listed as a villain.

If I'm lucky then she might be kind and caring like Death from DC but if it's the latter… Ah, it's best if I don't think that way. My only saving grace in all of this is that she hasn't immediately killed me thanks to her being curious.

So that's something I guess?


This really was a lot to take in but at least Ben is alive. I thought with a smile as I brought back my emotions.

Knock knock knock

Hearing a knock I faced the door and watched it slowly open as a giant blue creature entered holding a clipboard.

"Seems like you're up and awake already. Ah, but where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself. I am Dr Hank McCoy, the science teacher at the school as well as the nurse." He said as he gave me his hand to shake.

Hank, so this is the beast he was one of my favorite characters in the past. Especially the movie version he always seemed like a nice guy.

Not wanting to look rude I met his gesture and shook his hand.

"Thanks for the treatment Doc but by chance do you know how long I've been here?"

"Think nothing of it besides I hardly had to do a thing you were healed by the time you arrived. As for the time we'll, it's already 11."

[+10 Points Meeting Dr Henry Hank P. McCoy]

I scrunched my face hearing the time. It looked like I'd be missing another day of school. Which meant I was probably going to get expelled. The amount of school I had missed was astronomical but this was also a good outcome.

With so many points in the chamber I have no reason to go back in fact now I have so much to do. The school would just take precious time from me so I'll just apply for early graduation.

Jumping out of bed I began making my way out. Only to be greeted by Logan who was waiting outside.

"Huh, I'll admit I didn't expect to see you waiting for me" not in the slightest I thought I'd find one of the girls here or even the professor.

"Ha, don't get used to it bub I'm just here to let you know that if you want some more sparring just ask"

With that said Logan just began walking away before I could respond but hey looks like I have a training instructor.

Now that my business was mostly done with the X-men I quickly made my way home.

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~


1: The MC gives his reasoning for acting like a mutant

2: MC vs Logan is a brawl rather then weapons so no blood left behind

Hey guys extra Chapter today!

Power Stones and reviews appreciated:)

Unknown_To_Allcreators' thoughts