
Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"Transmigration." Ah, such an interesting concept. Many dream about being reborn in a world filled with heroes and villains. But not me... Thrown into a world where Gods walk among mortals, I will do everything in my power to survive. Stealing, robbing, killing, manipulating? I will do them all. I will be the one to survive until the end. Heros, Villains, Eternals, Deviants, Gods, Demons... SCREW THEM ALL!!! This is my story and I will make sure that everyone gets that right! I am Marcellus, a mutant who started from the bottom. [Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog] [Disclaimer: Other than my MC and the OCs, I do not own anything used in this fanfiction.]

ToothlessS · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
135 Chs

Hanley Industries (2/2)


"I told you that she would do just fine." Joel said with a smile.

"*Sigh* Yeah, I was being a bit paranoid." I chuckled a bit after hearing her speech. 

"It's your turn, buddy." Joel reminded me. "And good luck."

"Thank you."

"Good evening everyone." The moment I said that… the entire crowd went crazy. They started cheering madly. "Umm… Thank you for your support."

This was the first thing that left my mouth after witnessing the reaction of the public.

"Without your support, it wouldn't have been possible." Not really… But I know better than angering the public. "Thank you for being here today."

"Now, many of you must wonder… How did I become so rich and popular?" Quite a few people nodded.

"I started off as a kid with big dreams, too high to achieve." I chuckled. "I was foolish, I was naive… yet I persisted… never giving up. And guess what? It paid off. I achieved my dream." 

I was quickly giving an overview of my history.

I sighed. "But do you know the actual reason for my success?" 

None of them uttered a single word... They didn't know the answer.

"The answer is simple." A smile appeared on my face. "Because no dream is impossible and I… am the proof of that." 

They were extremely attentive.

"Writing has always been my hobby. But it was never a career for me. I just liked writing the things that came to my mind… fantasy, sci-fi, realism… whatever came to my mind, I always noted them down." 

Their focus was impressive.

"One day I submitted my work in a competition… and that changed my life forever." This was the story that my mother knows and now the world knows as well.

"From an author to a businessman… isn't that funny?" They looked at one another but didn't answer. "But that simply proves that nothing is impossible and nothing is unnecessary. If someone says that your hobbies are worthless, say nothing… but prove it to them that you can become successful with any skill. " A smile appeared on my face. "Let it be your talent or a hobby, you can show it through anything."

They were impressed and that was visible.

"Nothing is impossible… Even skills and knowledge that you don't have can be acquired with practice." This was actually true. "I was no expert in science. But with intense studying… and determination even learning the most difficult subject was possible."

I continued. "So stand up for yourself, work and never let your disabilities stop you. Anyone can become rich, successful or powerful…. As long as you try." They stood there, awed.

"*Sigh* I know that the war ruined a lot of families. Destroyed your lifestyles… So, I Marcellus Hanley… on behalf of the Hanley industries, promise you that… you don't have to go through that again."

"Ruined a lot of families." 

The audience was silent. The war ruined them and their families, it was no secret. They lost the ones they loved and the ones who fed them. Without them, most families lost their source of income… and many committed s*icide as they were unable to handle the pressure.

"Destroyed your lifestyles."

True. Their daily lifestyles were destroyed in a single day and the worst part was that they couldn't do anything to prevent it.

"I cannot change the past."

No one can… unless you are a god.

"But I can promise you one thing…"

This attracted everyone's attention. Hanley's Clothing line was already providing them with near free clothes and… Marcellus said that he can help them in the future… They were confused.

"Is big brother going to give us presents, mommy?" The innocent little girl asked her mother.

"I don't know sweetie… but whatever he does, will definitely be for the good of us." She believed in him more than she believed in any other person… whether it was a politician or another public figure.


Because he was the only one who came to help them in their difficult times.

"We the Hanley group of industries… are opening multiple schools and hospitals throughout the country… and within a few months, the construction will be completed. And once the construction is completed… they will provide free services."

Silence… pin drop silence. 

No one knew what to say? How could they say anything?

But it didn't take long for that silence to turn into ear bursting cheers. The entire place was filled with the sound of applause and cheers.

Free healthcare and education? That was unheard of! Especially after the war when the government was already at a shortage of money. 

And here this man was… providing free services for everyone. 

"He is a good guy… a really good guy." She muttered. 

"Indeed… In this dark world… he is like a bright star… showing us the way." The old man followed.

"He is our savior. He is… our Messiah!"


My little speech was working far better than expected… and after all the trouble of going through and providing free services? If it didn't… I would have flipped a table.

Many people don't know this but providing free services is far more difficult than it looks. No matter how rich you are… it is extremely difficult. 

The corrupt officials will do everything in their power, to prevent you from doing it… And I had to spend a lot of resources to get their approval.

"Not only that." I continued and they stopped their cheering… focusing on what I was going to say next. "Once the children complete their education from 'our' school… They need not worry about future employment." I emphasized the word 'our'. "As long as they pass out from our schools, they will be given job offers from the branches of Hanley Industries, according to their skills and abilities."

This will help me to appoint talented individuals for my company… while increasing my fame and decreasing poverty… The perfect one stone and three birds strategy 

Their cheers were ear-deafening… especially since they started chanting my name.

"Marcellus" "Marcellus" "Marcellus" "Marcellus" 

Their chanting continued for solid ten minutes before calming down.

"That's all I would like to say. Thank you… and have a Merry Christmas."

I exited the stage… leaving a chanting crowd behind... as they say, a small speech is the best speech.


[A/N: So, why I didn't do my daily upload.

My friend had an accident. 'nearly' got his leg amputated. Thank the gods that he didn't had to.

So, yea... Shitty day. But I'm back now.

Pa Treon Link: Pa treon.com/ToothlessS

Read the advance chaps of my fics on Pa treon:

•Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

•DC: A Spatial Manipulator

•Percy Jackson: A New Thread

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/GwFen4t

Drive Slow and Stay Safe]