
Marvel: Start As Majin Buu

Traveling through the Marvel world, Lin Fan became the devil Buu! The one who appeared in front of Lin Fan at the beginning turned out to be Thanos! After the battle, Lin Fan killed and replaced Thanos, and embarked on the road to collect infinite gems! Vibranium Shield?The scum that can be smashed with one punch! Hulk?Do you want to try Qi Yuan Zhan? Ancient One Mage?A dimensional burst cannon can solve it! God King Odin?Can the magic light cannon withstand it? Captain Marvel?Is your strength only so small?A little harder to break the defense! Asgardian Dominion?Planet bombs are always ready! Invincible life... just so boring and tasteless!

jibrantm · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 005 Division of Strength Level!

(xingyun is nebula)

After both Ebony Maw and nebula expressed their complete surrender, there was no longer any resistance on the side of the Temple No. 1 that belonged to Thanos.

  Because they belonged to the bottom of the Thanos Legion, and also had the largest number of vanguard guards and Chitauri fighters, they were originally commanded by Ebony Maw, and with Ebony Maw's surrender, they became Lin Fan's forces.

  So, now it should be said...it is Lin Fan's Temple No. 1!

  "Master! May I ask if there is anything Ebony Throat can do for you?"

  Ebony Throat stood up from the ground, and said to Lin Fan cautiously.

  "Repair Temple No. 1 first. I want Temple No. 1 to be repaired as soon as possible!"

  Lin Fan waved his palm and said directly.

  During the battle with Thanos, Temple One was already severely damaged and lost the ability to conduct interstellar navigation and space jumps.

  "Follow Xingyun, take all the soldiers! Remember, time is your life!"

  After Lin Fan let Ebony Maw and Xingyun retreat with all the vanguard and Chitauri fighters, the grand hall , only Lin Fan was left!

  And that cold body that no one dared to touch...belonging to Thanos!

  Lin Fan turned around and directly sat on the throne that belonged to Thanos!

  At this moment, Lin Fan fell into deep thought.

  He was thinking, in this Marvel universe, who else could pose a threat to him!

  Although the ability system is chaotic, there is still a relatively vague level concept in the system of the Marvel world.

  They are:

  earth level, heavenly father level, single universe level, multiverse level, super universe level and omnipotent universe level!

  The vast majority of superheroes on the earth's surface belong to the strength of the earth level, of course, some bug-like existences are exceptions.

  Thanos without Infinity Gauntlets and Infinity Gems has the combat power of the peak Heavenly Father.

  The existence of the same strength as Thanos, as well as the god king Odin at the peak, and the supreme mage Gu Yi at the peak, these are the peak father-level existences that can stand against each other!

  Thor, who has acquired the Storm Destroyer, also belongs to this level of existence.

  Although the existence of this level is powerful, it cannot be called the level of the strongest!

  Because there are four full levels above the Heavenly Father level!

  Representatives of the single universe level are: the Celestial Group, the Silver Surfer, Star Swallowing, and a small number of mutants at the Omega level!

  The representatives of the multiverse level are: the five gods of the Marvel Universe, the Phoenix Force in its full form, and Thanos blessed by six infinite gems!

  The representative of the super-cosmic level is the life court!

  The Almighty Cosmic Level represents OOA, Transcendent, etc. The existence of this level, the full release of strength will destroy the entire multiverse, and even lead to the restart of the entire multiverse.

  Of course, the two levels of super large universe level and omnipotent universe level are too abstract, and cannot be measured by conventional imagination and combat power, so it is unnecessary to think more about it.

  Therefore, for the time being, Lin Fan only needs to consider the existence of the multiverse level, and that's enough!

  "According to my estimation, the power of Majin Buu should be a single universe level"

The pinnacle of the universe level, bar none! "Lin Fan gradually had a clear concept in his mind.

  Demon Buu, who can easily destroy planets and even galaxies, is at the peak of the single universe level, and it is indeed an appropriate position.

  That is to say, as long as multiple If no universe-level existence appears, Lin Fan is invincible!

  And in this Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is different from the Marvel Comic Universe, the existence of multi-universe-level existence that has appeared is only the annihilation under the blessing of six infinite gems. Tyrant!

  As for the incomplete power of the phoenix, it is not a big threat to Lin Fan.

  "If it looks like this, the only thing that can threaten me is the collection of six infinity gems? "

  Lin Fan's eyes fell on Thanos' corpse!

  " "In that case, let me replace you and collect all the infinite gems!" "


  In the vast expanse of the cosmic starry sky, at the top of the pyramid of all cosmic powers are the super powers called the three great empires of the universe!

  They are:

  the Cree Empire located on the planet Hala (Hala) in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy !

  The Skrull Empire is located on the Skruth star in the Andromeda galaxy!

  No one knows the exact location, the Shia Empire composed of hundreds of cosmic races!

  These three forces cover every corner of their respective galaxies The super cosmic empires all have a technological level that far surpasses that of the earth.

  Moreover, all the races in the three super cosmic empires are all powerful races that are born with various abilities.

  The combination of these two factors , which created the extremely profound background of these three super empires.

  However, in addition to these three empires, there is another superpower in the universe that can crush the three empires!

  That superpower ... called the Dark Quadrant!

  The Dark Quadrant was created by Thanos alone, an extremely huge cosmic force whose sphere of influence spans several galaxies!

  In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Thanos has always been keen on maintaining the balance and environmental protection of the entire universe, and did not fully develop the dark quadrant.

  I am afraid that the three great empires of the universe have already been annexed by the dark quadrant, and there is no one left!

  "The Dark Quadrant is something that must be seized. General Black Day Five is irrelevant. If you are wise, you can keep it!"

  Lin Fan knew that it was almost impossible to rely on one person's strength to collect all the infinite gems. possible things.

  So Lin Fan must have enough power to collect all the information about the Infinity Stones for him.

  Judging from the performance of Thanos, now is the time period when the Infinity Gauntlet has not yet appeared, and it should belong to a very early time period.

  This also means that Lin Fan has enough time to seize all the original forces of Thanos!