
Marvel: Reborn

A genius has died. But he has been transmigrated into a high school student named Peter Parker.He Looks like Tom Holland but this takes place in the Tobey Maguire timeline. Peter Is his name now not the name that we shall not know of in his past life. But Peter just realized that he is in the Marvel world. Where a giant purple madman goes around killing half the universe using six stones. So Peter needed to get strong fast. But how? Well, with his trusty system he gained randomly of course. Watch Peter as he takes the world into a new future.

some_writer · Filmes
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50 Chs

I want to say something

(Read it. It'll teach you about something.)

Dear readers

You guys have given so much feedback in fourty minutes. You guys are the best. And we just hit 626k readers as well. Damn that's a lot. I am very happy that you guys are have the time to give me reviews and comments about how to improve my book. I appreciate it and I read them I I take it to heart and I try to improve everything that's wrong with the book.

To be honest, I don't even know how you guys notice the mistakes that I make. Usually I would be like, "Okay so i have a new chapter idea, i know how it's gonna go. Now I just need to write it properly and not write it like a drunk man writing a poem. " That would be my usual way of writing a new chapter.

If it's a spelling mistake I would notice it very quickly. I would just write the words again and continue on with writing the chapter. But you have given me a lot of ideas on how to write more of the chapters and make this book even more interesting than others.

Speaking of mistakes, people have been giving me a lot of comments on how to improve my book. There are a lot of positive comments that make me happy and gives me more motivation to write more. But there are also a lot of negative comments as well and I respect it.

Criticism is normal for writers like you and i. You need to have willpower to take these comments and I am still standing up so far. But there are some comments that are just make me uncomfortable. So many words and so make curses at me.

But I don't really take it to heart. It will stick around for like two minutes and I'll just forget it. Many people curse, and I am one of them. It is normal that we curse. Unless you are a child that is reading this and don't know what cursing is. I'm not gonna tell you. Wait until you're 15+ years old or something. I'm not 15 and I still curse. That's because I watch YouTube.

Back to the point, there are some comments that make me question if I still want to do this. I've said before that willpower is key for a writer but you can't stay strong forever right? Let me give you an example.

"Yeah like Nick Fury has lots of time to waste posing as a principal instead Real Life Issues!!! Author idk wth (What the heck) is wrong with ya!! " —King_P

This comment just came in 5 hours ago. This is nothing. I just wanna say something back to you King underscore P. Your ass not writing this book. You don't have the right to question how my brain works. I just thought of something funny and put it in the chapter. The book can't stay bland forever right? Some of them love it, your the one who doesn't have humor.

Now you may think that I'm shitting on the haters. (Which is what I'm doing if you're not reading the mood.) That I'm some guy who doesn't take criticism well. I do take criticism and I respect it but sometimes things like this makes you feel like you want to let it all out. Like what I'm doing now through this book.

But there are also some comments like this, Piggy says.... before I say more....I can't keep writing without shitting on your name. You still watch Peppa Pig? God you're probably in high school now. If you're a girl then I'm sorry, but if you're a guy get shit on bro. The name is from a game from Roblox I think. But can you choose a better name. I mean mines

some_writer but I'm okay with it.

Alright Piggy 😂😂 says,

"since people says it's sht then it must be. Someone even said "brush up on your Marvel knowledge" bruh, how to even have someone say that automatically means it's garbage." Piggy the fucking 5 year old, 27 days ago.

Now I'm going to be honest here, I've never ever watched Wandavision or Dr Strange The Multiverse of Madness. And I've still never watched it because I don't have the money to buy a membership for Netflix or go to the movies. But however I did watch Spiderman: No Way Home. Great movie, has it's funny moments (the pointing fingers meme) and I was sad to see Aunt May pass away.

But I'm going to say this, do not let someone influence you when you haven't tried out something like reading this book. Just because someone says it's trash doesn't mean it's trash. It's their opinion and you haven't formed one for this book because you haven't read it yet.

"Brush up on my Marvel knowledge." Bro fuck you man or woman. I didn't know I had to do homework for writing this fanfiction. Copying a thing from KSI here and it's facts. After Spiderman Far From Home things just got sort of confusing. Bro even I was confused when I watched the trailer of Dr Strange MOM. Except for NWH, I understand the reason for Peter wanting the world to forget his 'another guy's thing that he has.

And then finally there's this, another one from King motherfucking underscore P. The same dude that said that there's something wrong with me. It's in the review section of the book. How the fuck did you find that much time to write two comments. Doing something with your own fucking life King underscore P. Get ready because this is a long one.

" I bet the author is smoking some Real shit to be coming up with so many holes in this novel!! There's no proper management and character development... anything the author fancies he just puts in the book for the sake of it!!! I wouldn't recommend such a novel!! " King fucking underscore P, 5 hours ago.

First and foremost, why the fuck you still here? If you don't like this fanfiction, get out of here. I'm trying to write a book that has everything you imagine in it. The Nick Fury thing mentioned before is just for fun and I think it would be funny if Peter realized who he is when meeting him again. Plus I've said this just now. You're not writing this book! If you think you can come up with an idea that is greater than mine. Fucking do it then. Let's see what kind of ideas you can think of on the top of your head. Let's say in three minutes.

I definitely did not think of the idea of this book in three minutes. Shower and poop thoughts are very helpful. Imagining a lot of things are great too. Of you're an up and coming writer, manga drawer, novel writer, movie script writer. Anything. You have to have an idea. Everything starts with an idea. Literally, how can humans come so far without lots of ideas, mistakes and success. That's what I'm trying to say here.

Also, this P guy also mentioned that I smoke stuff. That's messed up man. I don't smoke shit like you man. I don't want to end up like you who's writing reviews like this. I mean I don't have a job, I'm still at school and I do a little bit of pranking sometimes. Pranks that make people go haha. I'm not a guy who could potentially write or say things that could ruin other people's lives. At least I think that's who I am. I'm not certain.

As Taylor Swift said, haters gonna hate. So if you still hating. Go fuck yourself I don't care.

Now onto the last one. Pingui0510 wrote, "Why the fuck would Nick disguise himself as a principal of a highschool? His character is all wrong, Nick Fury is a paranoid guy who likes to have things under his control and you portrayed him as a guy who do thing for fun and likes chaos.??????" — Pingui0510 1 day ago.

Okay this should be the long one. And also it's "do things for fun" Mr Sleeper Agent 0510. I assume you live in America or in other English speaking countries. If English is your second language then you've done a great fucking job in learning it.

For me, Nick Fury in this fanfiction is the kind of guy who is manipulative, skilled, and loves a little bit of fun along the way. I don't want this book to be all serious and all fighting kind of book. No, this book needs life in it, it needs reality, it also needs a little bit of romance *😉😉* if you know what I mean. If you don't then just read the book and come back here then you'll understand.

I don't want the characters in this fanfiction to be the same as the movies. If so then this is a boring book. No one would expect Nick Fury disguising himself and going around in public right? Or Natasha getting sucked the milk out of her when she meets the MC. *spoiler alert*

Look all I want to say is watch your words when you write reviews anywhere. Because if you do write reviews that are like ones shown above. The people that like the book may be sad and disappointed when the author decides to drop it.

As Taylor Swift said, "haters gonna hate". So if you still hating on me, go fuck yourself for all I care. Those hate comments are just the bare bones of what I've got from the fanfictions and novels that I wrote during my time here.

God how much hate do I have, literally 1646 words in this bitch. It may backfire. It definitely will.

Now onto the best part, if you're still reading this and one of your lovely positive comments is yours. Then congratulations, you are a nice person that just motivated someone random.

Positive comments keep me motivated to make more chapters and make the quality of the chapters better and better.

Without further a do, the first positive comment. "This writing has a lot of work before it gets better in sight." —F0rk, 3 days ago.

Now you may think this is a hate comment. I would say that this is a correction comment. The writing has gone better. It truly has at the 17th chapter. If you're still reading this then you may or may not be happy that your comment worked. So thank you for giving me that comment or else this wouldn't even happen. I would've dropped the book by now.

Now comments like these are what I like. Well duh it's a positive comment. But they are truthful to me. I like it and hate it at the same time.

Now for the second comment, _oinkchan wrote" I hope they don't make you a fodder to cute cancer." 1 week ago. This is also not a positive comment but it shows that the guy— no girl ( because oinkchan duh) is writing this cares or doesn't care about the where the book is going.

I'm going to give you one fact. Peter ain't no weak man, he ain't gonna be no fodder to the government. If he is then he would've been a slave to the government already when he made the ad. It sounds like the government is like the World Government from One Piece. Ooh future Idea. Thank you for that idea _oinkchan.

Third comment, Monkey_is_hungry wrote" I really like it since the MC makes a lot of trouble with his inventions and it's really funny but I mean the guy gets girl to quickly.


And if you're confused on why I did that. That's what the hungry monkey wrote. And if you still don't believe. I'll show you a picture.

Picture of Monkey_is_hungry 's comment

And no monkey. The girls that Peter is surrounded with will get their lovers of their own. The made up ones that is. Charlotte has a husband. Miya's lover we still don't know. I don't even know either. If you want to give me suggestions do it in this paragraph. There's a thing called paragraph comments. I can see where and what chapter you commented so it make sit easier for me and all writers.

Thank you monkey. Now for the fourth one. Saiyan_Of_God wrote in the review section " Since this is your first fanfic, it's understandable to have some mistakes. The story is progressing too fast and his world background is medium, author needs to research both movies and comics to really understand the character's roles in this universe and ideas to make it more believable since this is a work of fiction.

All in all, don't rush it, this has potential to be even better in the future and the the Author can just edit the mistakes later on, when he more experienced. " 28 days ago.

I'm not going to say anything on this. God's speaking facts over here. And I read it and took it to heart. The story is slower now. I still need to do more research on the comics and movies department. But there's one thing that you got wrong, this is not my first book....

If you guys know Not Harry Potter And The System. Then you know. That was my first ever novel that I wrote when I joined Webnovel. The book's super trash and I learned a lot from it. Although not enough from your comments. I don't know why but It stills get reads and comments why would you guys read that piece of hot garbage that I wrote.

Thank you Saiyan God for taking your time and writing this comment. I think my anger and rage has been vented and I'm normal now. For now.

Also if you see something above the Hungry monkey comment. Don't bother with that. He thinks he owns this book. I want the meeting to be active 😏. And you guys love a good ol' hentai scene don't you? If you're a child and don't know what that means don't even think about searching it. It's for adults and teenagers only. You can search it up when you're in puberty.

Anyways this has been it. I hope this teaches you a subtle lesson. Don't be a dick. This will happen to you if you are one. This might also backfire on me too. Hate comments are going to be fueled with more hate but I don't care. I'll treat you like some mental health patient who's on crack.

Goodbye. For now.


Alex, some guy who's just trying to write a good story.

(2469 words)