
Marvel: Play It Cool

What would happen if the spider made the wrong decision? Instead of Peter Parker, he bit another kid. The spider made his choice. Now, it's the turn of the human-spider to make his! Would he be the Hero or lie down on his bed waiting to wake up? With questions of his own, will he be a hero that the people need or will he be a villain to live freely? Follow Lenard Green as he lives with a spider within him!

WHITEK_NIGHT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 13 A Spider Called Gwen Stacy (1)

In a departmental store, a little eight year girl was looking around the aisle. She was searching for the right crayons to use in her drawing class.

Behind her was an older woman, who closely looked at the girl. Her name was Helen Stacy the mother of Gwen Stacy or the little girl before her.

'Ha~ Jeez, Gwen takes so much time to choose a colors. I wonder how long she will take to choose clothes after she grows up.'

Shaking her head, Helen continues watching Gwen with a small smile.

She watches at Gwen takes a carton of crayons and places it in another aisle when she takes a carton from there.

Sighing, she moves towards her daughter.

Sitting behind her, she puts her hands on Gwen's shoulders.

"Gwen, listen closely, whenever you pick something up and decide to keep it back. You should return it to the place you picked it from!

Now, fix this!"

Saying that, Helen points at the aisle that seems to have become a mismatched abomination.

That's right! Gwen was picking and keeping them down for half an hour now.

Even the usually patient mother was reaching her limit now.

Gwen looks at the aisle and then at her mother.

"But doesn't it look cooler this way!"

Helen just stares at Gwen until she relents.

"Fine~ I will fix it!"

Saying that, Gwen looks down and slowly moves her body as if dead tired from something.

'This will take her while! I should get the necessities in the mean time!'

Thinking that, Helen kneeled once again and called out to her daughter.

"Gwen, I will be shopping for dinner. Stay here and don't move!"

Saying that in a serious tone, Helen smiles as Gwen nods her head cutely.

Standing back up, Helen leaves Gwen and heads to the food aisle while periodically heading back there and checking up on Gwen.


Ha~ This is such a pain!

Mom's always such a slave driver! Well, I guess she does make good food so it's all well!

I wonder what's for dinner tonight!

Thinking about tonight's dinner, I move my hand to fix the aisle to it's original look.

I don't understand why I have to do this! Isn't there a reason people hire workers for this?!

Shaking my head, I continue fixing the aisle.

Completing the job, I smile as I look at my work.

Yep, it was great!

Now, I need to find mom and show her this!

Walking towards the food section, I take a wrong turn and end up in the toy section.

Well, I can always see the payment counter from here! I can meet mom when she heads there! Let's play with these for a bit!!

Thinking that, Gwen takes out a ball kept outside as a sample and started playing with it.

Kicking it in the air and kicking it again as it falls down, Gwen had excellent control over the ball.

After 23 continuous kicks, Gwen starts getting a bit tired and misses a kick.

The ball fell on the ground and bounced over to the payment counter.

Unfortunately, I didn't notice the look on the cashier as I ran after the ball.

A man with ragged clothes was standing before the cashier and saying something to the horror of the cashier.

The man seemed to be on the edge as if running for his life.

He was pointing his fingers at the cashier as if it was a gun and threatened the cashier.

"Get me all the money or there will be a hole in you!"

The thug said as he was shivering. It was the month of December, it was natural to be cold wearing such flimsy clothes.

The cashier kept stealing glances at his fingers. It might seem like a game but the cashier saw something else.

He could see a barrel in the man's finger with a metal spike on it's end.

The spike was pointed at the cashier but the ragged man kept looking around nervously.

In a word, the man was a robber. And by his actions, probably a first offender!

But I didn't notice that and went after the ball.

*Crash* *Thud*

As I dashed after the ball, I kept my focus on the ball and bumped into an aisle as a result, causing the the product kept on the aisle to fall down and create a loud sound.

The next actions happened in *Bang* the blink of an eye.

I was under my mom and blood was dripping on my body.

The cashier was screaming and the robber was nowhere to be found.

Later, I found out that the robber was edgy and scared. Not the right state of mind to have a gun.

The aisle I had bumped into was not supposed to fall down that easily either. Someone had kept a product from another aisle over that aisle, right on the corner.

The sound of the fall triggered the robber and he shot as he turned around, without giving a glance at the person behind him.

My mom had already seen the robber and noticed his moments, she was also the person who called the police and was waiting for them to arrive.

She was hiding and slowly heading towards the robber. She had reached close to him but a kid came into her line of sight and she ran after the kid.

She could have headed for the robber and knocked him out, saving both herself and the kid but something caused her to make the wrong decision. Her motherly love caused her to lose the feeling in her lower half.

She was shot in the spinal cord. And I was in my room, with a book in my hands, writing this incident.

It wasn't to remember this day! I wasn't that good of a person! If I was, I would have been with my mom and not in my room! I wrote in my book to lessen the guilt!

I thought that if I wrote it in the book, I would feel less burdened by the fact that I caused my mother to loose her legs!

I even more guilt by the fact that I was happy no one blamed me! I think I would have felt a bit better if people blamed me! But they didn't and I felt happy!! I hated myself from the bottom of my heart for it!

The thief wasn't found that day! He ran before the police could arrive on the scene! I didn't even care about him though! I wasn't angry or sad, I was just guilty!


A few years later.

A girl with blonde hair wakes up in her bed.

She had emerald green eyes and a sharp look in them. Though you could see tears on her cheeks.

She stood up, showing her body.

She looked beautiful with a cute and small face, sharp nose and pink lips.

She stretched her arms in the air, raising her top and showing her abs.

They were enough to tell the strength of the girl.

Yawning, I rub my eyes.

"It's been a long time since I had that dream!"

Walking to the washroom, I take a look at my face.

I used to have dark circles under my eyes due to the intern work under Dr. Conners at Oscrop but it vanished and my skin looked better than ever.

Raising my top, I check out my abs.

I know I worked out but not to the extent that they were this toned.

It all began when I got bitten by a spider.

I got super powers! I could move at speeds surpassing a normal human athlete! Hit stronger than a hammer! Slits in my hands that could shoot webs! Enhanced senses and reflexes, with a better healing ability!

I could probably wear a suit and fly around the streets using my web to swing around the place and help people in need!

Shaking my head, I smile at my immature thoughts, who only that guy could have.

Thinking back, it all began with him!

A few days ago, I was sitting on the dinner table as I heard my father talking about someone.

His name was Lenard Green, a total stranger but the story that dad told me about him peeked my interest in him.

I heard that he saved a girl from being ra**d and stripped down to his boxers as he handed out his clothes to the girl.

Even if he was not the perfect guy, I was sure he would be fun to be around!

Next day, I saw him during the Oscorp tour and right I was. He was hilarious!!

I was heading towards him to talk with him when something broke.

*Crash* Panic ensued as students started running around.

I kept my calm and stood on the place, I needed to make sure of the situation first.

Soon, I felt something crawl on both my legs.

Feeling a bit disgusted, I kicked my legs. I kicked whatever it was away.

But just before I raised my second leg, I felt a stinging sensation on it.

As I kicked it away, I saw what bit me. It was spider, a small spider with blue color and yellow spots.

Kicking it away, I made my way towards Lenard Green.

He was standing there, looking guilty.

If I had to decide the culprit, who was the reason behind this panic, I would point my finger at the guy acting like him.

But I knew he wasn't the one as I was looking at him before the panic started and he didn't do anything!

Walking up to him, I hold his hand and drag him away.

If I had left him to his own means, I'm sure he would have kept standing there.

That day, I felt really uncomfortable. I felt the need to scratch my thigh off, on the place where the spider bit.

Deciding to sleep early, I lie in my bed and close my eyes.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the annoying 'Tick-Tock' that the clock made.

"Shut up!!"

Slamming my hand on the clock, I accidently crush it.

As I was annoyed, I didn't hold back my strength but I was sure that no matter what, I couldn't crush the clock to bits like that!

Waking up, I look at my hand, only to be surprised again.

Usually, when you break something, there are chances of your hand getting cut or getting hurt in the process but my hand felt totally normal, no pain or injury in sight.

It took me two whole days to get used to it. Until then I didn't go to Dr. Conners and called a sick leave at the internship!

The light was too bright, the sounds too annoying and the things too weak!

I was getting my senses in control as it caused too many problems for me.

Controlling my strength was easy as long as I wasn't angry or annoyed.

Soon, I got on with my ordinary life.

I made friends with the strange kid and another hot girl called Felicia Hardy but it felt like she didn't like me much.

She kept staring at me whenever I talked with Lenard. Another thing about Lenard, I started feeling superior around him for some reason.

It felt like he was an inferior version of me or something.

Though I didn't show it on my face, I was quite disturbed by that feeling.

I never felt this way towards someone, especially not a good guy like Lenard!

The next thing I found out was my other friend hates Lenard.

So I decided to confront her about it.

"Michelle, can I ask you something?"

It was lunch break and I just saw Lenard leave.

Looking at me with raised eyebrows, Michelle understood me.

"You want to know why I hate him?"

Nodding my head, I agree with her.

"How would you feel if I kept asking you why you smell like flowers? And continue before you can speak. Is it because you're from Las Vegas, Michelle?"

Looking at her weirdly, I ask her what it meant.

"What does that mean?"

Looking tired, Michelle replies

"Ha~ It's because there is a famous flower shop owned by a person called Michelle in Las Vegas! It was funny to know that somebody had searched my name on the internet just to make this pun and also a bit scary but he looked harmless so I ignored him.

But he kept repeating that joke again and again every time, he saw me!!"

"Yep, that sounds annoying!"

I had good hearing now and I couldn't help but smash my clock to bits. Imagine a living clock that you can't smash walking behind you, ringing all the while!

"So, I almost punched him!"

"Wait what?!"

Why the hell am I acting surprised? I smashed my clock to bits!!

"It's fine, he tripped and dodged the punch! Though seeing him run away, made my day!! Haha! It was a funny look! You need to see it once!!"

"No! I don't!!"

Even if I said that, I was wondering how he would look like when scared!!

Should I try? It's not like he can win against me?!

There it is again!! My superiority!! I don't feel it with anybody else though!!