
Chapter 14 A Spider Called Gwen Stacy! (2)

The night before we went to the mall, I decided to make out plans for it.

I had told Lenard to meet early as we would plan to bring Michelle and Felicia closer.

Felicia wasn't nice to me but she was even harsher to Michelle. Don't know why but it felt like a fight between a cat and a dog.

As I was texting Michelle, I thought about Lenard, especially his dressing sense.

Groaning, I started typing out a message for him.

Tomorrow, we would get something wearable for him!

Sending the message, I head downstairs for dinner.

Reaching the dining table, I see my brothers and father are already waiting there for me.

Sitting down on the last chair, I clap my hands.

It was a normal ritual to thank God for the meals we received in our house. A habit ingrained in my body due to mom.

Remembering her, my mood drowned.

All the excitement I felt for tomorrow was being pushed back by guilt.

Suddenly, my dad calls out to me.

"By the way, Gwen?"

Looking up, I turned to him.

He was sitting exactly diagonal to me. He had a mean look on his face but a soft heart inside!


Answering him, I wait for him to speak.

"You're going to Central Mall tomorrow, aren't you?"


"Then can you pick something up from Bor and Sons, it's a jewelry store around the Mall?"

"Sure! What did you order?"

Smiling at me, he speaks up.

"Nothing, Helen's birthday was coming up so I decided to buy a necklace for her. Oh! Just tell the jeweler that you're Helen's daughter, he will recognize you!"

As he said that, I felt a pang of guilt in my heart.


Saying that, I return back to eating the food.

Quickly finishing up the food, I head to the kitchen and throw my dishes in the dishwasher.

Heading to my room, I lie down on my bed, covering my face with the pillow.


Screaming into the pillow, I raise my head and turn around to lie on my back.

Looking at the ceiling, I feel tired and close my eyes.

The next day.

Ha~ Where the hell is that guy?!

It's 9 already! And I'm sure he would have come at least 10 minutes before the meeting time!

That only means two things: Either he had an accident or..... he forgot it!!

Sighing again, I take out my phone.

I was leaning towards him forgetting the meeting time!

Calling him, I find out that he did indeed forget the meeting time!

Yeah! That's why he is a failure!!

Argh! Again?! I need to do something about this superiority complex!!

Shaking my head, I wait for him to arrive.

After a while, two people surround me.

Yep, he didn't show up and now somebody else did.

"Hey, you waiting for someone?"

A guy with red hair asks me.

"Yep, I'm waiting for my friends!"

"Can you introduce us to your friends too?"

The other guy speaks up.

Ha~ They are so annoying!

"They are members of the rugby team!"

"You should not roam with friends who make you wait! Why don't you take a walk with us?"

What he said is right! But I don't want to hang out with them either!

Raising my hand before them, I ask them to stop.

"Can you leave me alone? They won't find me if you cover their view like this!!"

"Is that so?"

Saying that, the red haired guy moves aside.

"Now we can talk as we wait for your friends!"

Unlike the other guy, this one seemed smarter. He had caught on to my lie about the rugby members.

Just as I was about to stop them, another guy hit on me.

"Woah! Would you look at that? I never thought I would meet a hot chick in this part of town!"

And this guy seemed like a newbie!

Turning around, I wanted to stop him but got annoyed when I saw his face.

It was a dumb guy with a dumb smile!

Groaning, I moved away from him.

But the weird thing is the guys who were hitting on me, were now talking to him and giving him advice.

I wanted to head there and bash all their heads with my fist but held myself back.

After a pep talk, Lenard came towards me and spoke up.

"Hey, beautiful, you fre-"

Before he could complete the sentence, I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him along.

I just wanted out of there before anyone found out that he was my friend!

Though I was annoyed, I wasn't sad! It was one of the few reasons, I decided to hang out with Lenard.

Every time you felt sad or down, he would turn it into anger and annoyance! It was his super power!! A shitty but useful superpower!

Walking away from them, I directly head towards the Bor and Sons.

I had already lost much time due to this slacker, I was dragging and didn't want to lose more.

I would rather make plans to help Felicia and Michelle get along when picking up the present.

Though I need to do something first.

Turning around, I let go of Lenard and kicked him, which he miraculously dodged.

He himself looks baffled by the fact that he dodged me but smirks as he understands that he did dodge me.

Not holding back, I hit him again. This time, I used my whole strength!

I knew that it could easily break a human bone but I didn't remember it at that moment!

But to my surprise, it seems I held back.

I felt a strain on my legs when I kicked him meaning that I held back and the fact that he still had a limb was enough proof.

I sighed as I didn't break his legs in annoyance.

Glaring at him, I watch as he nervously fidgets around.

It was actually quite fun. He acted like a virgin on having the chance to lose his V-card!

Hiding my amusement, I stare at him.

"Hey, what can I do for you to forgive me?"

As I heard that, I sigh.

I didn't actually have anything I wanted him to do and neither did I have the time but I could decide later and tell him.

"Later, I need to pick something from the jewelers! Follow me, I will decide your punishment on the way!"

Saying that, I turn towards the store.

Might as well make it fun!

Unknown to me, a devious smile appears on my lips, only for it to turn into a glare as I hear him say something.

"As long as it's not a kick, I'm fine with anything!"

As I glare at him, he looks away like a guilty person.

Shaking my head, I walk inside the store and head to the jeweler.

"Excuse me?"

An old man turns towards me.


"Umm, I'm Helen Stacy's daughter! My father had something to be delivered?"

Letting out an 'Ah!' sound, the old man looked at me closely.

"You really look like your mother, you know."

Saying that, he turned around and brought out a small box.

Opening the box, he shows me a small diamond necklace.

"I had sold the ring for their marriage too. I see that George's still a romanticist!"

At his words, I gasp as I hear my father being called a 'romanticist'.

'You have bad eyes, old man!' was what I wanted to say but the necklace before me was proof that he was indeed a 'romanticist'!

Sighing, I take the box, only to drop it as a loud sound enters my ears.

Grabbing my ears, I turn around and find four masked men, breaking the glass containing the rings and necklaces.

They were the reason the alarm in the store rang.

Pointing a gun at us, they shift all the customers at one side as I see the manager keeping his calm.

He had a hand below the table, meaning he had sent the alert to the police!

There usually is a switch that informs the police when a jewelry store or a bank is being robbed.

It would take at least five or ten minutes before the police arrives.

I should distract them somehow! I looked at the people staring out of the store.

Taking a look at them, I tried to move closer to them, only to have a gun pointed at me.

I felt..... scared and a bit of anger!

"Hey! I said no moving!"

As I was about to jump on him, I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

Lenard walks in front of me.

"Sorry, she's a bit messed up in the head!"

Okay, now I want to beat Lenard up first! I could take them on easily, he didn't have to interfere!!

"Who gave you the permission to come forward?! Huh?!!"

Now, the attention of the robber shifts from me to Lenard.

I watch as Lenard moves away from me and towards a corner of the store.

It was at that moment I realized.

I was too hasty, just because I could beat them didn't mean it was true for the others here!

I had to at least keep them away from the civilians!

But the problem is that the attention wasn't on me! It was on a civilian!

Soon, the police came and I knew the only way to get out of this situation.

The robbers would take a hostage!

I tried to move forward but I felt alarms blaring in my head, telling me to move my leg away.

Just as I was about to move my leg away, something hit it, causing me to fall.

As I fell, the robbers turned their guns to me but I was too busy thinking about what the alarm in my head was and who was the one that kicked me!

The alarm was something that acted as a warning signal of sorts, it seems and the person was standing before me.

"What were you doing?"

I don't pay attention to them as I can beat them at any time!

The problem is-

"I'm sorry, she's got a bad knee injury! She keeps falling!! She didn't mean anything!!"

Why the fuck is he interfering?!!

Did he know I would sacrifice myself as the hostage and come up to save me?!

Can't he not be so nosy and mind his own business?!

People who try to save others, always die! At the end of the day, only a person can help themselves!!

What will you do if I get hurt when you aren't around?!

Have you ever thought about that?!

I don't know why I was so angry at him but it didn't feel like anger.

It felt more like..... fear!

I was scared! Not of the thugs but of losing someone! I wasn't angry at Lenard, I was angry at my mom, whose reflection I could see in him!

Both of them don't need to stand up for me!! I'm stronger now!! So please....

"Hey! I have a better plan!!"

"And why would you help us?"

"Cause I like her!"

"Just take me hostage and let others be!! A young man is more than enough for them to falter while shooting than 2 or 3 old men!!

I can carry the jewelry bags, move fast and will not fight back as I was about to propose today!! I don't want to die before receiving an answer!"

I couldn't understand anything he was saying but I knew he was lying to save me.

I felt fear again. He reminded me of my mom. Both of them were more similar than I thought.

Both never faltered to stand up when the time called for it. Both of them were hard headed and straight forward!

And it was fun to be around them both!

Soon, I watch Lenard leave with the robbers.

Standing up, I decided to follow them using my powers but my path was blocked by police officers! They couldn't let anybody leave yet!

I wanted to dash through them but I couldn't do it. I tried to do my best to move through them but I couldn't.

I could force my way through but that would cause a ruckus and alert the robbers who were still in the vicinity!

It would cause more problems for Lenard!

Calming down, I head back inside the store.

Not wanting to sit idle, I decided to help explain everything to the police.

I wanted to call my dad but I couldn't quite find my purse. I must have dropped when I was trying to get through the police!

As I was getting worried, Lenard returned! It was almost an hour but it felt like an eternity!

I wanted to beat him up but I couldn't as I was not exactly his close friend or anything! I only felt close to him because he was similar to my mom!

But that didn't stop me from getting angry at him! If I can't worry about him then I can at least get angry at him!!

As I was about to berate him, I heard him say something that increased my anger.

"We have a prior meeting!! Michelle and Felicia!!"

This guy! He was worried about a meeting when he could have died!!

"YOU!! That's not what you should be worried about right now!!!"

Pointing my finger at him, I hold back the desire to jump at him and kill him right there.

After berating him for a while, I stop as he points out an important fact.

"Look, Gwen. I need to give my statement to the KIND officer over there so can you wait for a minute?"

Looking back, I see an officer standing behind me.

I didn't even notice him! I guess I was too distracted!!

Giving up on berating him further, I speak up.

"I will call Michelle and Felicia. I will tell them about this so you can rest easy!!"

"Thank you!"

Nodding my head at him, I move away and try to find my purse.

Finding my purse near the door, I move towards it and find something else too.

It was a small box that I had seen only once but it was more than enough to have it memorized.

I remember it being taken by the robbers!

Picking up the box, I glance back at Lenard.

Did he bring it back? Then why didn't he give it to me directly?!! Remembering my mother, I remember that as straight forward as she was, she hid the strangest of things!

Like keeping all my drawings in her closet, hidden inside a locker!

Smiling, I feel my anger melt as I look at Lenard.

He really is similar to her! A strange but kind, dumb but focused, an idiotic but lovable guy!

Shaking my head, I wait for him to finish the interrogation and then move towards him!

I find myself amused as he doesn't want to talk to the friends he made after such hard work, only because he doesn't want to tell his story to them!

It really is interesting as I thank him but he looks more scared than happy- No! That's actually more annoying than interesting!

Does he think I will eat him after thanking him?!

Yep, he's in for a world of pain!!

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