
Marvel: My Talent Can Be Infinitely Enhanced

A wonderful genius grows all the time of the plot and overcomes the limits in the Marvel universe. And we are watching this. https://tl.rulate.ru/book/73965

RanobeMen · Anime e quadrinhos
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103 Chs

This disciple already has the power of an archmage

Looking at the flaming sword in Kaecilius' hand, Wang Yang's eyes lit up with light.

"The sacred sword of Vishanti gathers the blessed power of the three ancient Gods of the Earth, Agamotto, Oshtur and Hoggot, and is also an excellent weapon for close combat!".

Kaecilius spoke slowly.

Wang Yang looked at the flaming longsword shrouded in light, and excitement flared in his heart.

This was the magic Doctor Strange used when he fought Thanos, and even though he dealt with him with his bare hands, it didn't mean that the move wasn't powerful.

After all, Dr. Strange didn't practice for long at that time.

It was said that a truly strong person could even destroy the world with this movement.

"Ding, a fragment of the talent of the Sacred Sword of Vishanti Magic has been discovered, conduct a fusion?"


After the fusion, countless knowledge about the Sacred Sword of Vishanti appeared in Wang Yang's head.

And Kaecilius saw Wang Yang's interested look.

His vanity was also greatly gratified.

He didn't believe that Wang Yang would be able to master this magic easily.

While Wang Yang couldn't learn this magic, Wang Yang was still inferior to him.

"Okay, then I'll teach you this magic!"

Kaecilius spoke with a smile.

"Thank you, Master Kaecilius!" Wang Yang said gratefully.

Kaecilius nodded, and then slowly began to talk about the method of developing the Sacred Sword of Vishanti.

Looking at Wang Yang with a half-understanding look, Kaecilius smiled.

It seemed that this time he was overwhelmed by magic.

"It's okay, the Vishanti Sacred Sword is considered a high-level magic, even in Kamar-Taj, only a small number of people can access and master it!"

"To collect this magic, you need to borrow the power of Vishanti, so this magic is not so easy to learn!".

"You have a good talent, don't be impatient when faced with difficulties, you have to take it step by step and learn slowly!".

When Wang Yang heard Kaecilius' words, he also nodded and said: "I know Master Kaecilius, I won't be in a hurry!".

"Thank you, Master Kaecilius, for your instructions!"

"Very well, keep this attitude in the future!".

"I think you will definitely go far on the path of a magician!"

Hearing that Kaecilius is actually so polite.

Wang Yang was a little surprised, because Kaecilius was a stubborn and self-satisfied person, how could he be such a polite teacher.

Naturally, Wang Yang did not know that Kaecilius' vanity stemmed from the fact that he was the first genius.

And suddenly there was a student who was so talented that it defied his imagination.

Naturally, the original plan collapsed.

Now Kaecilius wanted to prove that he, Kaecilius, was still the first genius of Kamar-Taj.

Not this child in front of him.

He looked friendly at the moment, but that was because he was already sure that Wang Yang would not be able to learn anymore.

Kaecilius was confident in himself.

The sacred sword of Vishanti was not a simple magic.

It was magic that could be put in the first place in terms of power in the whole Kamar-Taj.

The unified magic was very powerful.

And because he uses the power of Vishanti.

It was so difficult to learn that not many could master it, even in the whole of Kamar-Taj.

He naturally didn't believe that this disciple in front of him could still easily learn this magic.

Kaecilius looked at Wang Yang and saw that he was still frowning in thought, and realized that Wang Yang had encountered some difficulty that was not easy to solve.

A smile couldn't help but appear at the corners of his mouth.

Whether it was affability or a smile, it was difficult to notice them on the body of Kaecilius.

It was obvious how happy Kaecilius was now.

"Wang Yang, I know you're very talented, but the Sacred Sword of Vishanti, it's not an easy magic to learn!"

"And many magicians can't learn this magic either!".

"So even if you can't learn it now, you just need to work hard, and one day, after you become more experienced, you will definitely learn it!".

"After all, even the Sorcerer supreme can't master all the magic!"Kaecilius spoke.

After hearing Kaecilius' words, Wang Yang fully admitted that there were so many magic spells that even the Sorcerer supreme could not master them all.

But, after all, he had a system of merging other people's talents, and it was much easier to learn it than others.

That is, others started from scratch, but he already had experience, and after explaining it, he naturally began to understand magic better.

So after some explanations from the archmage, he more or less mastered this magic.

"Master Kaecilius, I may have mastered this magic!"

"Don't rush...".

Kaecilius was still persuading when he suddenly heard Wang Yang's words, he immediately widened his eyes."

His voice trembled a little, and he said: "What did you say?".

"Master Kaecilius, I may have mastered this magic!"

Wang Yang said with some doubt.

"What? Is that impossible?!"

Kaecilius looked at Wang Yang and spoke in a lost voice.

"How could you master the Vishanti Sacred Sword, it's impossible!"

"The requirements of this magic for spiritual power are only suitable for an archmage, and you are just an apprentice!"

Kaecilius just looked like he saw a monster.

"And you try it!"Kaecilius was still incredulous, looking at Wang Yang.

Wang Yang waved his palm, and a flaming long sword covered in red light appeared in his hand.

Besides, there was a sharp aura emanating from him.

She looked very radiant.

Sparks continuously poured out of it.

All of them were created as a result of the destruction of the magic runes of the Sacred Sword.

"With that... you really condensed Emperor Vishanti's Sacred Sword!"

"How is this possible!"

Kaecilius looked at this scene with a face full of disbelief.

If it was possible to master this magic, wouldn't it mean that Wang Yang already possessed the power of an archmage.

It was simple ...

This guy was obviously just a student who had only recently enrolled.

However, how much time had passed, and this disciple already possessed the power of an archmage?

Compared to myself.

He should have known that it took him almost ten years of cultivation to reach this level.

However, this brat in front of him had only been developing for half a month.

Now he understood why a forbidden expression appeared on his face when he mentioned Wang Yang.

Such a monster, even seeing it, caused a deep feeling of powerlessness.

"Master Kaecilius, is there even a small flaw in this magic of mine?"

At this moment, Wang Yang said with some concern.

Although he had mastered this magic, it didn't mean that it was without flaws.

Kaecilius can help him bring it to perfection!

Kaecilius: "..."