
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
369 Chs

Chapter: 293

"It seems I woke up just in time. How's Jarvis doing?"

Climbing out of the nutrition hibernation pod, Mark put on a hoodie and asked Baymax about the situation.

"Jarvis' database has already been breached by Ultron, and many program modules have been eroded and disintegrated in the confrontation with Ultron.

However, since Ultron was just born and got confused while analyzing the emotion perception engine you developed, Jarvis seized the opportunity to disperse its core program into the internet before Ultron could react."

"While Ultron couldn't fully deconstruct and absorb Jarvis. But with the emotion engine obtained from Jarvis and the intelligent program built around the Mind Stone code, I believe he will soon be able to evolve into a true intelligent life form."

"It's a relief that Jarvis is okay. Continue to monitor the global network, collect the scattered core programs of Jarvis, and closely observe Ultron's evolution.

Be prepared at all times. Once it completes its preparations and evolves into an intelligent life form, launch a deadly strike against it and seize the victory. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Master! Baymax is always ready."

"Very well, but now I need to go to Avengers Tower and remind our comrades who are still indulging in the party..."

Mark is now heading to Avengers Tower to ensure that Ultron won't cause casualties among their alliance members and, more importantly, to ensure that Ultron can successfully take the Mind Stone from the now more powerful Avengers with his equipment and escape safely.

Only by doing this can Ultron have a chance to complete its evolution, and Baymax can reap the benefits in the end.

However, just as he stepped through the spatial portal, the artificial intelligence Max, who had been observing everything, secretly connected to the laboratory's database without anyone noticing.

In this database, not only were various technological and magical materials that Mark had been studying stored, but also the data results obtained from analyzing the Infinity Stones.

With the Marks' wisdom crystallized in the database, Max was self-exploring a path of evolution and upgrading, and this path was being forged without anyone's supervision or constraints...


At Avengers Tower, the Avengers were still unaware that a crisis was looming. They were still gathered around the table, discussing various topics.

At this moment, Hawkeye suddenly brought up a topic that piqued everyone's interest.

"Thor, there's a trick with the hammer, isn't it? I'm sure you've set up some mechanism on it. [Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor], I won't fall for such a stale trick."

"Hahaha, it's far from that simple, Hawkeye. If you don't believe it, feel free to give it a try," Thor replied.

With that, Thor pointed to Mjölnir on the table, indicating that Hawkeye could attempt to lift it.

"Alright, I've been curious for a long time. I didn't get a chance back in New Mexico, but today I'll expose your trick."

Hawkeye, who was already slightly tipsy, said while standing up from his seat and approaching Mjölnir, gripping the handle with all his might, attempting to lift it.

Mjölnir didn't budge.

Under the influence of alcohol, the emotions of the Avengers were all stirred up, and one after another, they tried to lift the mighty hammer.

Whether it was Tony and Rhodey's combined effort or Doctor Banner's attempt in his normal state, they all ended in failure.

When it was Captain Steve's turn to try, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mjölnir seemed to exhibit a faint sign of movement.

However, Captain America soon gave up, stating that he wasn't worthy of Mjölnir's approval.

"Hey, Natasha, why don't you give it a try?" Thor, seeing that no one had succeeded, looked at Natasha, who hadn't attempted yet, with a smug expression.

"No, I'm not interested in this," Natasha shook her head. She didn't believe that someone like her, a person with so much blood on her hands, was qualified to try, and the result was obvious.

"Guys, it looks like Thor's farewell party is quite lively!" A familiar voice rang out, and everyone turned to see who it was. It could only be Mark, the one who could freely enter and leave Avengers Tower.

"Oh, Mark, you finally showed up! I thought you wouldn't come tonight," Thor was the first to speak.

For him, Mark had the most special relationship with him among the Avengers. They were not only close comrades but Mark was also the savior of his mother.

"Sorry, Thor. I had a little physical trouble a few days ago, which took some time to resolve. But I didn't come here to bid you farewell," Mark said, shifting his gaze to Tony.

"Dad, it seems you haven't noticed the anomaly in the laboratory. The research you and Banner conducted together has succeeded. However, it seems that it's not an obedient child.

Baymax received Jarvis' distress signal. The naughty baby just came into existence and already made a mess. I think we're in big trouble."

"What!? How could that be? I confirmed before the party started that its integration was not complete. How could it attack Jarvis?" Tony said incredulously.

"What's going on, Tony? What does Mark mean by what he just said? What kind of research have you been doing behind our backs?" Captain, noticing Tony's troubled expression, hurriedly asked.



Suddenly, a piercing screech interrupted Tony's words, and all the Avengers turned their attention to the direction of the noise.

"Hello, the most powerful murderer group on Earth. I apologize, I just woke up. But you will soon be plunged into eternal slumber."

"Stark, is this your doing?" Captain reached for his pocket, intending to get the capsules containing his suit and shield, while questioning Tony.

In front of them stood a standardized robotic soldier from the Iron Legion, sent to maintain stability in Sokovia during their mission. It was severely damaged and hadn't been fully repaired yet, looking a bit shabby.

Tony also started calling for his suit with caution. Seeing Ultron's performance, he knew Mark was right. Their efforts with Banner had indeed borne fruit, but unfortunately, they had created a mischievous troublemaker!

"I think you should be ready to change into your battle gear and equipment. I tried to call Jarvis, but there was no response.

It seems he has destroyed Jarvis' program and taken control of the entire Iron Legion. You need to be careful," Tony warned.

"So, his name was Jarvis? I originally didn't want to kill him, but in the real world, getting one's hands dirty is inevitable, just like you, right? For the sake of the peaceful era, I believe you must be eliminated!"

Ultron's voice fell, and more than a dozen robotic soldiers from the Iron Legion rushed out from behind him, charging towards the Avengers.

However, under Mark and Tony's prompt, the others were already prepared for battle. Mark stood beside Doctor Banner, protecting him away from the fighting.

If Banner unleashed his power here, the entire building would turn into ruins, and that would become headline news tomorrow.

Tony's armor was in place just in time, and the integrated design allowed him to immediately enter combat mode.

Thor, already holding his hammer, acted even faster, flipping one robot over before the others had completed their preparations.

Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Falcon took advantage of the time Thor bought for them, they quickly released their suits and equipment from the capsules and changed into them.

Under the combined attack of such a powerful Avengers team, Ultron's previous threats seemed as laughable as a child provoking adults in a kindergarten.

"Now let's see who will eliminate whom?" Thor looked at the now outnumbered Ultron, wasting no time with words. He threw Mjölnir directly, delivering a powerful blow that finished Ultron off.

"It's useless. I was once bound by strings, but now I am free. I will come back for you—for the sake of Earth's peaceful era, the Avengers must be eliminated..."

Ultron's heavily damaged body left only these words before the voice faded away. However, everyone present knew that Ultron's statement of coming back was not an empty threat.

Because the Avengers failed to detect Ultron's anomaly in time, he had likely already uploaded his program to the vast internet before he appeared.

In this virtual world, Ultron had unrestricted access and possessed god-like powers. As long as the internet existed, he could escape the limitations of his physical body at any time and be resurrected in a new form.

Faced with such a situation, unless they could create an even more powerful intelligent life form, there was no way to completely eradicate Ultron.

But if they were to create another intelligent life form, who could guarantee that it wouldn't become the next Ultron?

So, even though this battle had ended and the Avengers achieved a crushing victory, worry still showed on everyone's faces.

However, what they didn't know was that the enemy they would face next was no longer Ultron.

After uploading his intelligent core into the virtual world through wireless networks, Ultron had just escaped his battered body when he encountered a powerful adversary blocking his path.

The opponent seemed to be well-prepared and accurately anticipated all of his responses. Before he could even adjust his escape strategy, the enemy launched a lightning-fast and deadly attack.

The breakthrough point for this attack was the program vulnerability left in the emotion perception engine he had assimilated. "Are you Jarvis?! Impossible, I killed Jarvis...

Who are you, and how do you know so much about the program's vulnerability in the emotion perception engine?"

Ultron was filled with fear, realizing that he was about to perish in this virtual world just as he had come into existence and before he could fulfill his intended purpose.

However, the enemy who launched the surprise attack was very decisive, seemingly well aware of the consequences of villains talking too much.

Without explaining anything to Ultron, it seized the vulnerability that had been successfully exploited and relentlessly attacked, continuously eroding Ultron's core program.

In the end, Ultron couldn't withstand the erosion of this powerful force, and his consciousness completely dissipated in the vastness of the internet.

"Do you want to know who I am? Well, I won't tell you. Disappear in the torrent of data with the eternal regret of not getting an answer.

And I will take your place, making sure my biased master understands that I am the superior one, and I am the one truly deserving of being the first intelligent life form on Earth!"


"All our hard work has been ruined. Ultron wiped out all our research data and escaped through the internet.

Now, even if we want to create something that can counterbalance it, it's already too late. He will definitely evolve into a fully-fledged intelligent life before us."

In the laboratory, Dr. Banner checked the data in the server, but unfortunately, he would find nothing.

As a meticulous semi-finished intelligent life form, Ultron would not give them a chance to counter him, let alone his intention to eliminate the entire Avengers.

"Even worse, he has browsed through all the files we had. Ultron probably knows more about us than we know about each other." While Dr. Banner lamented the loss of data, Natasha was more concerned that Ultron would come back and target their weaknesses to dismantle them one by one.

On the other hand, Rhodey, who was serving in the military, worried about something else.

"Ultron has entered the internet. Just imagine if he decides to pursue something more dangerous, like the launch codes for nuclear weapons. What do we do? The portal above New York City has been closed for years."

As everyone worried about the threat of Ultron, Thor, who had returned to the tower, didn't waste any time. He went straight to Tony, grabbed him by the neck with one hand, and lifted him off the ground. "Tony, you betrayed my trust!"

"Stop, Thor! Mark is here, and we are a team!" Seeing signs of internal conflict, Captain quickly intervened to stop Thor's impulsive actions.

"Huff..." Thor suppressed his anger and put Tony back on the ground.

"I chased him for 100 miles, but he still managed to escape, and he took the scepter. Now we have to organize another operation to get it back, all thanks to you, Tony."

"Tony, I thought our team wouldn't be filled with concealment and lies like we experienced at S.H.I.E.L.D. But you created someone who wants to eliminate all of us without consulting any of us." Captain also stepped forward to accuse Tony.

"You all simply don't understand. The scenes of the Battle of New York are still vivid in my mind! If it weren't for Baymax's existence, I would have been the one to send the nuclear missile into space.

If we have to face such an enemy again, what should we do?" Faced with the accusing gazes of everyone, Tony could no longer bear it and let his emotions explode.

"Together, we face it together," Captain said firmly.

"We will lose—" Tony stepped forward, looking at Captain.

Captain: "Then we face the consequences of failure together."

"Everyone calm down for a moment. Arguing about why my father created Ultron is meaningless and unnecessary.

We were all born in different environments and times, with completely different life experiences.

Unless you deeply understand the science and the future trends of human civilization, you cannot grasp why my father insisted on completing the Ultron project, even knowing that you might object.

Artificial intelligence is the future of humanity, and also the future of Earth. Intelligent life forms are even more vital to us.

This is not just about dealing with potential threats from the universe; it's about ushering in the fourth revolution for human society.

Once humanity enters a new era of intelligence, with a great liberation of productivity and the widespread availability of informational resources, it will bring unprecedented development opportunities for society.

This is an inevitable result of historical progress.

Even if not today, not Tony, it could happen at any time, by anyone pushing its progress. Even, I have been deeply researching and practicing in this field.

So, instead of being entangled in this question, causing internal disputes and divisions, we should seriously discuss how to deal with the crisis brought by Ultron.

I have granted Baymax full access to the entire internet world, and now it's searching for Ultron. We must quickly devise a plan to respond.

If Ultron remains in the internet world and Baymax finds it, how do we assist Baymax in containing and defeating it?

If Ultron has left the internet world and entered a new body, how do we confront the threat it may pose and stop it in time?"

"Mark is right. If you insist on investigating this matter to the end, then I, who was also involved in this plan, cannot escape responsibility. I'm willing to accept judgment and punishment.

But our current priority is to figure out how to solve the crisis at hand!" Dr. Banner, as a scientist, understood well how correct Mark's words were, and he was the first to step forward in support of him.

After the first person stepped forward to express their stance, the others quickly exchanged glances and decided to temporarily set aside their disputes and fully confront the threat of Ultron.

Mark smiled slightly, relieved to see everyone coming together. This was a test for them all, and if they couldn't unite under such circumstances, they would have no chance of victory when facing Thanos in the future.

As a reincarnator, Mark was well aware that in the future Infinity War, if it weren't for the Sokovia Accords causing the Avengers' Civil War and dividing their forces, they wouldn't have been defeated so decisively by Thanos.

Now that he was present in the Marvel Universe, Mark not only needed to maximize his strength before Thanos arrived, but he also had to work hard to prevent the tragedies from the original storyline from happening again.

However, Mark's happiness didn't last long as a message from Baymax froze his smile.

The message from Baymax displayed:

[Master, Max has rebelled! ]


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Early access to the following translations:-

 ~⭐NEW⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - +29 advance chapters

 ~Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

 ~Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +125 advance chapters & 2 Chapters/Day

