
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
369 Chs

Chapter: 23

"On a 15-mile hike to the outskirts of the small town of Gumira can only be described as a path where humble farmers and kind farm women are being driven out of their beloved and peaceful homes. Their land has been occupied by a group of warlords supported by an emerging power. The villagers are forced to find shelter in the wilderness.

This series of violent actions, according to investigations, is attributed to a foreign military group known locally as the Ten Rings Gang. As you can see, these people are heavily armed, with clear targets, and anyone who hinders their objectives will be killed.

Without political intervention and pressure from the international community, the hope for these refugees is very bleak..."

As Tony listened to the news about the incident mentioned by Christine on the TV, he held a partially assembled gauntlet in his hand for debugging, creating a silent atmosphere.

Mark, beside him, also remained silent. He neither offered any suggestions about what Tony was about to do, nor expressed sympathy for the plight of the Gulmira villagers on the TV. Because Mark now finally knew what had caused Tony's sudden change in mood, and because of this, Mark III was about to make its debut.




Suddenly, Tony fired three energy blasts from the palm-mounted repulsors of his gauntlet, shattering all three bulletproof glasses surrounding the garage. This action also snapped Mark out of his daze.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away. I just wanted to test its power, so that these Ten ring guys won't have a chance to escape later."

Tony took off the gauntlet, ran his hand through his hair, and tried to calm himself down. Mark softly called out to J.A.R.V.I.S., instructing it to turn off the TV.

"Let Baymax go with you; it can assist you." Mark, who knew what Tony intended to do, didn't stop him. Since Tony had already made up his mind to become Iron Man, Mark naturally wanted to support him in becoming a better version of himself. However, Mark wouldn't forget the help he could provide within his capabilities.

"Why bring it along? It's clumsy and slow. If it gets shot and deflates, I'll have to pick it up, and that will only slow me down." Upon hearing Mark's suggestion, Tony immediately made a disdainful expression.

Mark didn't get angry at Tony's belittling of Baymax, the robot he had created. He raised his finger and shook it left and right, saying, "It seems you haven't seen Baymax in combat mode yet. In battle mode, Baymax can not only help you defeat enemies but also provide medical assistance to injured villagers on-site. But it's okay; I'll make sure you change your opinion of it."

Then Mark took out his phone and dialed a number. "Baymax, equip the combat chip, change into the battle suit, and come to the underground garage."




Accompanied by rhythmic footsteps, a figure in red descended the stairs. It was Baymax, already transformed into its battle form.

However, unlike Baymax's usual wobbly and adorable appearance, at this moment, its steps were steady. It was enveloped in a vibrant red armor, resembling flames. From the sound of its footsteps, one could tell that the armor was lightweight, likely made of graphene composite materials.

"The battle form of Baymax is equipped with my latest-designed super combat chip, which, combined with the super thrusters, gives it tremendous power, making it effortless to take on ten opponents at once.

And the graphene-titanium composite material provides it with robust protection, ensuring that even in close-range missile attacks, its body remains intact without compromising its mobility.

In addition, the armor is equipped with a flight system. Powered by the updated Arc Reactor I installed for Baymax, it can fly at a top speed of 3 Mach."

"The only regrettable point is that due to the simultaneous inclusion of a medical chip to assist in rescuing the villagers, the offensive capabilities of Baymax have been locked by the system. In other words, Baymax can only help you incapacitate the enemy, and the final step has to be resolved by yourself. Whether it's a lethal strike or left to legal judgment, it's up to your own judgment."

After Mark introduced the completely upgraded and transformed battle-ready Baymax, Tony could only express his shock with a "WTF."

You see, at this moment, Baymax, apart from not being equipped with a powerful weapon system and the ability to inflict harm on enemies, has equipment and functionalities even more advanced than Mark III, which Tony himself hasn't completed yet. And this achievement is not even the mech that Mark ultimately intends to compete with him. Tony can no longer imagine how formidable Mark's ongoing research and development will turn out to be.

(●─●) "Sir, I have detected a 30% increase in your heart rate within a short period, accompanied by feelings of anger and astonishment. Baymax kindly reminds you to maintain good mental health and a calm mindset. It is beneficial to your physical well-being."

"Hmph, despite the upgrades, it still can't talk properly like before. Well, later I'll have it follow me and provide cover on-site, as well as assist in rescuing trapped and injured villagers." Tony nodded in agreement with Mark's suggestion. He still didn't know the exact situation of Yinsen back in Gulmira, but having an assistant would certainly benefit his plans.

"Oh, Dad, there's one more thing you need to hold!" After Tony agreed to bring Baymax along to help himself, Mark suddenly slapped his forehead, remembering something.

Dialing a number on his phone once again, Mark spoke up, "Magneto, help me bring over Life Saver No. 1 from the bedside. Hurry!"