

My name is Ethan Elric, I'm sixteen years old, and I'm a student at Central City High School. Lately, my good friend Peter Park has been acting a bit strange, but compared to me, his weirdness is nothing. That's because every twenty-four hours, I acquire a special ability from a different world! At first, the abilities I received were pretty nonsensical, all seemingly useless. For example, summoning doors of various types but not being able to move them, or gaining immense strength for a short period only to faint afterwards. However, the recent abilities I've gained have taken a surprising turn and have become more and more useful. I can't help but wonder if there's a pattern or purpose behind these abilities. For now though, I continue to spend my days at school, living an ordinary life, albeit with a touch of excitement every time I acquire a new power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover isn't mine. The author can contact me to remove or change it. Note - This is a Chinese fanfiction. i am just translating it . i am just changing name and some grammer like he , she ,her ,his , it etc . i am making it understandable . also read chapter first don't let the synopsis let you think i am just copy pasting .

Samsy1301 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


"So awesome!" Ethan exclaimed in admiration. Using this to temporarily block bullets or something like that was no problem at all. This tempered glass was incredibly sturdy, and compared to anti-theft doors made of pure iron, the difference was that it wouldn't obstruct vision. However, for some reason, Ethan still felt that something was off. He circled around the glass door, and then he finally realized what felt strange! Support points! There was absolutely nothing supporting it! How in the world was this glass door standing? Even when he had just vigorously struck it with an axe, it couldn't be knocked down? What the heck is this?

Even Newton's coffin board couldn't hold it down. This simply didn't conform to common sense, more like a game setting. A standalone entity, its setting was to be upright, without needing any support points. Either it gets broken, or it just stands there forever. Ethan tried to carry it away, but no matter how much force he used, he couldn't budge it. It seemed like this glass door was fused with the entire floor's structure. Ethan was left bewildered. The door could be opened and even locked, but it couldn't be moved. How do I deal with this? He still had a wooden door in his bedroom. Did he need to smash it to dispose of it? And what about this sturdy tempered glass? Even the fire axe had little effect on it. Did he need to use a Gatling gun to spray at it or bring in a single soldier missile launcher? This was a difficult problem to solve.

Various signs indicated that this supernatural ability had a very serious and fatal flaw! That is! It's utterly unsuitable for opening a furniture store!!!!!

Unfortunately, Ethan's plan to make money from selling doors had been stillborn. The immobile door doomed it to be a door that ordinary humans couldn't enjoy. Unless every user had Ethan come and install it for them. Since it appeared out of thin air, it surely could disappear into thin air as well, right? Ethan tested it many times and finally got the hang of it. The glass door turned into a white smoke and disappeared.

"Really amazing... Although I can't open a furniture store, it seems I can perform magic. With the ability to appear and disappear out of thin air, I could make a living for a lifetime with these tricks," Ethan fantasized, feeling somewhat intrigued. But then he berated himself for lacking ambition. How could he be swayed by such petty gains and hinder his dream of establishing a New Oriental Beauty and Hair Academy worldwide?

That wasn't acceptable! The New Oriental Beauty and Hair Academy was what truly mattered! Afterward, Ethan conducted more experiments. Within a one-meter radius, the size could be scaled up or down by a percentage of up to one hundred. In simpler terms, it was the difference between a baby door and an adult door, or even a pet door. It could even appear flat in mid-air. Utilizing its advantage of not requiring a point of support, a bizarre result emerged...

Ethan could keep summoning doors step by step to walk to the moon??? He could even freely jump off a building to play at suicide and then summon a paved door beneath him in mid-air??? This supernatural ability... at first glance, it didn't seem particularly special. But after careful consideration, Ethan found that it was all about creativity, although...

He liked this kind of creativity.


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