

My name is Ethan Elric, I'm sixteen years old, and I'm a student at Central City High School. Lately, my good friend Peter Park has been acting a bit strange, but compared to me, his weirdness is nothing. That's because every twenty-four hours, I acquire a special ability from a different world! At first, the abilities I received were pretty nonsensical, all seemingly useless. For example, summoning doors of various types but not being able to move them, or gaining immense strength for a short period only to faint afterwards. However, the recent abilities I've gained have taken a surprising turn and have become more and more useful. I can't help but wonder if there's a pattern or purpose behind these abilities. For now though, I continue to spend my days at school, living an ordinary life, albeit with a touch of excitement every time I acquire a new power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover isn't mine. The author can contact me to remove or change it. Note - This is a Chinese fanfiction. i am just translating it . i am just changing name and some grammer like he , she ,her ,his , it etc . i am making it understandable . also read chapter first don't let the synopsis let you think i am just copy pasting .

Samsy1301 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"Tenfold Gate. Special Edition Creation?"

What kind of weird thing is this??? Suppressing his curiosity due to Skye's presence, Ethan didn't immediately experiment on the spot. The two of them returned to their rented place. Ethan took a shower and cleaned his clothes stained with blood. It wasn't until later that he thought about investigating the new supernatural ability he had gained today, even though it was nearly 2 AM. Honestly, a few days ago, Ethan wouldn't have cared about the abilities he received every day. He considered them all trash, useless things. He usually only glanced at them the next morning, treating them like sifting through a trash heap for gold. However, the quality of the Beast Instinct that emerged yesterday surprisingly improved, making Ethan more confident in his later abilities.

Especially since this time, the skill's name was so long and peculiar.Although the previous abilities with long, peculiar names had mostly been useless. Tenfold Gate. Special Edition Creation - Can instantly summon any modern residential door of any size, type, and style within a one-meter radius of the host!

Active instant-cast skill. Ethan stared blankly, feeling utterly puzzled. Creating doors??? Residential doors??? Although he wasn't sure about its usefulness, the skill description that drifted hazily through his mind explained it this way. Ethan rubbed his chin, cleared his throat, and carefully sensed it. He snapped his fingers, and it seemed that... he just needed to lightly snap his fingers...


A white cloud of smoke appeared out of thin air, causing Ethan to choke due to its suddenness. The smoke was colorless and odorless, seemingly composed of water vapor. Once the smoke cleared, an identical twin of Ethan's bedroom door stood before him.


Ethan stared at the door in front of him, speechless for a moment...

This ability...

If he opened a furniture store specializing in selling doors, he would definitely make money, as it was a no-cost business proposition. But then again, his 'Divine-level ability of Modesty from Master Jacob' also seemed to be a no-cost business.

So, the question is Should he run a furniture store? Or should he venture into the development business? Ethan's face was pensive, facing a perplexing dilemma.

"Wait a minute..."

"A security door should also be considered a residential door, right?"

"And what about tempered glass doors?" Ethan's eyes brightened as he stepped out of his bedroom and onto the rooftop.


A burst of white smoke emerged. A transparent glass door appeared in front of Ethan.

"Can it really work? Does that mean I can use it to block bullets in a crucial moment?" Ethan thought carefully and found this method entirely feasible. Afterwards, he took a fire axe from the stairwell and tested the tempered glass door he had summoned.


A muffled sound echoed as Ethan swung the fire axe with all his strength. Surprisingly, the axe left only a white mark on the tempered glass door, without causing any damage!

"This must be made in the Heavenly Dynasty. It's surprisingly sturdy."


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