
Marvel: I... am Iron Man?

Tony just lost his parents, and himself for that matter. As a new person was suddenly shifted into Tony Stark's body shortly after his parents had died in a car crash. This is how this new person made use of one of the greatest minds, and some foreknowledge of the events that would come (Side note) Whereas I would love, to be able to deliver a funny smart ass Tony Stark like I love to see, this won't be him, there might be times where I can dish out a humorous remark or two, but do not complain about him being different from Tony Stark.

BeaulenSmith · Filmes
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14 Chs


Jarvis was... Completed, to an extent.

As of now, it was a self-learning A.I., yes. But since he couldn't just plug it into the internet just yet and let it have its free reign on learning all it could, it wouldn't help Tony just yet. That didn't stop him from putting in all the information he could, and helping Jarvis learn as he worked, letting him ask the questions he needed to.

He also made a scanner, letting Jarvis directly scan all of Tony's and his Father's work into his system, to be able to pull it together himself.

Tony felt a bit of excitement when he first got the holograms working, it was just fun to use, and it made handling everything much easier as he was able to speak with Jarvis to remove things that didn't work, and draw up holographic schematics without needing to waste more paper.

There was also the energy project, Tony wouldn't need it to keep him alive, but he would still use it as an energy source for the suits, he also began to donate and delegate his money properly, letting no one else but Jarvis has access to it so he could just order things through Jarvis, as Jarvis automatically went through connections, and places Tony could get some more expensive things without it raising any flags.

The energy was coming along fine, he just needed to actually do the experiments, everything else ready, all the numbers having been run already.

Having Jarvis in charge of security, the only difficult thing was somehow making it so Jarvis could travel with him at all times, for now, he had just a smaller version of Jarvis that he called 'Jarvis JR' it couldn't talk to Tony, but it could scan things, hack into things, and worked as a way to play with blueprints when he got hit with inspiration and he wasn't near the mainframe.

Dealing with Obadiah was easy, able to skirt him pretty easily by being nose-deep in projects while keeping tabs on him. It seems the man was already in deep dark dealings, working with their lawyer to slowly do a silent take over of the company.

He could do it loudly, but he planned to make it so Obadiah 'mysteriously' vanished, somberly leaving Tony in charge of the company.

He would do it in a few years' time, he had 7 years, and he wanted to get it in 4 years. That would give him some time to stop the production of weapons and instead move into the energy and technology business.

With his abilities, and knowledge he would hold an iron grip on the lead for many years to come, and he would continue to push the very limits of it, further and further.

With him taking the weapons away earlier, it would prevent a lot more casualties, as well as prevent a few future events... He didn't remember the exacts, but he was sure there were two young siblings who got trapped by a Stark warhead.

Only saved by the magical sister.

"Sir, the upgrades to 'Dum-E and U' are both finished, they are now able to perform more complex tasks.''

Tony looked up from his own project as he looked at the two arms, more tools could be added to them, from sautering to tinkering, to smaller finer controls. This would allow having better assistance from his first ever functioning robots, as well as to allow Jarvis to directly help him, as there were things only Jarvis could see.

''Good set them to work Jarvis, I'm going to go get some lunch.''

''Of course Sir... Shall I call the driver around?''

''No, I'll go for a jog.''

With that he set his tools down and took off the microscope glasses he had been using, setting them down gently not to break the more fragile glass he stood and walked to the door, sitting on the bed next to it as he pulled on his running shoes and tied them tightly.

He had been doing his best to work out when he could, eating properly and doing the right food groups, and getting the right proteins and carbs in for the best gains he could get, but having so much he needed to do make it hard to focus on it for too long.

Giving Jarvis more ability allowed him to delegate more tasks to him as well.

Plugging his headphones into the multi-media phone he had he began to play the book on biology he was currently studying.

He created a small smartphone without wifi compatibility, simply for storing information, songs, books, and other things that would keep him entertained in downtime.

Once he got plugged in properly he stood up, doing his stretches as the door opened, taking off into a sprint, as it was either sprint or walk, as jogging was not good for the body.

Fifteen minutes later he got to the place he had already called into to get his order, once he got it he chose a spot in the park and sat on the bench, enjoying his lunch as he just watched things go on around him.

Occasionally he would whisper to himself, keeping voice records of ideas as they came, one of them being to find the Parkers and their research into the spider serum. Not only would it be useful for himself so he could research, and possibly re-engineer a better version, but having it would also make it much easier to help Peter when he came into the picture, though he wasn't sure when that research was started so he'd need to keep a close eye on any information regarding it.

In the meantime? Watching hot women jog while he ate.

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