
Marvel: I Can Create Symbiotes!

Andy Westeros traveled through the Marvel World before WW2. Fortunately he awakened his Golden Finger that can make him have the power to protect himself. Having the ability to create a Symbiotes without weakness of sound wave and fire. Swallowing all types of metal to strengthens it defense. Devouring all types of weapon and technology to manifest it as equipment. Parasitizing Heroes and Villains to copy their talents and abilities. (The main world is Marvel Cinematic Universe x X-Men Cinematic Universe) (WARNING: THIS FANFIC WILL HAVE A MASSIVE HAREM) (NOTE: Altough I could change the earlier chapters to become readable with the help of A.I. However, I will not do it since some of the comments will disappear.) (I will be posting this fanfic on RoyalRoad. com) (English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel) (This is my own novel, not a translated chinese fanfic novel) (My english is really just broken to the core because of too much reading MTL chinese novel for years)

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57 Chs

Chapter 30: Subduing Three Coolies

Andy choose to stay still and watch the three witches scurrying inside the museum.

He quickly formulated a plan carefully on how to subdued these bit... err, witches.

Of course, he is not stupid enough to confront them head on.

Although he knows that he is pretty strong now, but he didn't think he could really go against them.

Their mysterious magic alone can rubbed him on the ground, even if he somehow managed to escape from them, don't expect that his life will be peaceful in the future.

So for now, he needed to know what item they are looking for and let the symbiote replaced it.

'Hm? there was no other magical relic inside the museum other than the Staff of One.' He quickly thought of all the object he checked one by one inside the museum.

'Don't tell me that's really what they are looking for, are they perhaps thinking of releasing Morgan le Fay from dark dimension or from whatever reason.'

'Anyway, they cannot escape from my palm tonight.' Thinking of these, Andy's mouth crept into creepy smile.

'Jie Jie Jie Jie.'

Maybe he just needed a little scheme, and the three witches will fall into his little trick.


On the other side, the three witches arrived in front of the display case containing the Staff of One.

"Is this the magical relic?" Agatha Harkness asked them.

"Take it to know." After saying this, Selene Gallio rudely smashed the display case and grab the scepter.

Looking at the scepter in her hand, Selene was a bit confused.

"How is it?" Agatha quickly asked.

"I'm not sure.... It feels like this is what we are looking for, but somehow it's not." Selene said doubtfully.

"Hmmp, let me take a look." Agatha snatched the scepter from her hand.

"How it feels." Lady Linnea also asked worriedly.

"Selene is right, i really can't feel anything special." Agatha passed the scepter to Lady Linnea.

Lady Linnea held the scepter and tried to imbued it with magic.

"See? it seems like we travelled here in vain...." Selene said in a calm tone.

"Or not!" She suddenly waved her hand and cast a circular 'concussive blasts' to the surroundings, knocking all the display.

When the energy hit Andy medieval armor, his armor vibrates and absorbed the energy.

Andy has no choice but to step out, seeing that he really stands out and all the surrounding display scattered on the ground.

"Well, i didn't expect you to use a rude method to force me out... are you not afraid of destroying historical artifacts."

While saying this in helpless tone, the medieval armor on his body disappeared and replaced by his usual attire.

"Oh, i didn't expect the mouse to be a handsome guy." Selene was surprised and complimented after seeing his appearance.

Agatha and Linnea also faced him off and look at him curiously.

"Hey handsome guy, where is the original scepter?" Agatha asked in cheerful tone.

"Is not it already in your hands? or do you mean this." Andy replied then summoned the Staff of One on his right hand.

Lady Linnea looked at the scepter in her hands carefully, then at Andy.

"Are you a sorcerrer? why don't you just hand over it to us and spared us from fighting you." Lady Linnea offered a deal to him.

"Im affraid, i cannot do that." Andy answered with a smirk.

"Hey handsome guy! It's not good to reject us, why don't you just accept our offer and you don't need to go a thorough beating." Agatha blink at him seductively.

"Why are you still trying to talk to him, just kill him now and take the staff." Selena coldly reminded them.

"You heared her, right? quickly give the scepter to us and don't think of trying to escape from us.... remember when we entered and cast a spell? that's not for searching spell, its a cage spell, darling."

Agatha said teasingly, she wanted to see the panic look across on his face but she was surpised seeing his playful expression.

"Oh? It seems i really cannot understimate any of you bit... er witches, hahaha." Andy look at the three of them and then his body tremble from holding back his laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Lady Linnea was baffled of how is he acting.

"Maybe he suddenly goes insane? it's pity he's still handsome guy." Agatha said in regretful tone.

"I'm not mad, it's just funny... maybe if you dealt with me first, i will be afraid to any of you but it's another matter when you held the scepter earlier." Andy grinned and showed his white teeth.

"What do you mean?" Selene narrowed her eyes, feeing the situation is a bit wrong.

Lady Linnea also quickly throw the scepter in her hand, wondering what's wrong with it.

"Haha, it's too late.... Do you think i'm locked here with you? no, you all are locked here with me!"

Man, he really prepared for years to say this famous line, after his voice fall, he stamp the scepter in his hand to the ground.

He activated the 'barrier generation' and a wave of huge magical energy spread to the surrounding and sealing the whole museum, preventing them from teleporting.

"Are we in big trouble now?" Seeing that Andy confidently sealed the whole building, Agatha was a bit surprised.

"Do you really think you could defeat us? Take this." Selene shouted and used all the telepathic ability that she has.

Agatha and Lady Linnea also cast various magical spells to Andy, while also using telekinesis and telepathy.

Andy just waved his scepter and generate a 'force field' appeared in front of him, it easily block all the three different types of energy they are throwing to him.

Seeing that he handled their power with ease, the three of them was so surprised of how strong he is, seeing that they cannot do anything to him with just magical spell they quickly used their respective powerful ability.

With both palms aiming at Andy, Selene used her 'pyrokinesis' and 'darkforce or shadow manipulation'.

Lady Linnea conjure a two huge 10 meters hand made of stone hand and puched down continously to the force field.

Agatha also use her elemental manipulation of ice, fire, electric etc.

Andy on the other hand is just waving his scepter casually and cast a various spell to counter any abilities they throw at him.

He is enjoying every moments of this, his symbiote is evolving every minute to adapt to spell casting and gaining a magic immunity.

These three women is really a good experience baby, he would give them a five star review later.

Now the whole museum is crumbling and all the historical arifacts were destroyed, if not for the barrier generation supporting the whole building with energy, it would already be destroyed within just a second of confrontation.

"This is not going to work." Lady Linnea gritted her teeath and said.

"Right... and how the hell he has the same abilities to counter us?" Agatha said in grave expression.

"Maybe that's what he meant earlier... because we touched the scepter earlier." Selene replied with ugly expression.

Unbeknownst to them, all the symbiote replica has properties of infecting someone if they touched it.

So the moment they touched it, a symbiote cell would quietly seeped into their spores. Even Spider-Man spidey sense cannot prevent Venom from possesing him.

After obtaining their magical powers and talent, he instanly mastered their abilities like the back of his hands thanks to his golden finger.

After an hour of battle with them, he pretty much practiced their magic thoroughly.

"Ok, girls... I guess, the playtime is over." Andy said to them.

He cast the the 'magical reflection', and the three witches were suddenly knocked back and crashed to the wall.

"Ughh." "Agggh!"

The three women moaned in pain and tried to stand up, but Andy just wave his hand to bound them with magical energy.

"Tsk tsk... good grief, the stuff here is not saved."

Andy shook his head after looking at the destroyed surroundings, the floor inside of the museum is reduced to sand and you cannot see any intact item.

"Well, it's not mine anyway."

After saying this, he cast a for teleportation spell bringing the three witches.


Somewhere on the dessert in Egypt.

A black energy fog appeared with four sillhouette.

"Hmm, now then... It seems you girls already calmed down, why don't we introduce ourselves?"

"The name is Andy, Andy Westeros." Andy introduced himself, but the three just turned their head and don't want to pay attention to him.

"Hey girls, why are you not saying anything?" He asked again.

"Bahhh!" Selene just spat on the sand.

"....." Lady Linnea choose to remain silent.

"Pervert!" Agatha said in disgusting tone.

"Huh? why i am suddely a pervert?" Andy asked in confusion.

"Can't you see our appearance? bastard!" Agatha replied rudely.

"I don't see anything wrong with it?" Andy wondered.

Other than their destroyed clothings full of holes and showing their white scenery, he didn't see any problem on the way they're bound.

It's just a standard BDSM binding, it's very effective in immobilizing the power in the women bodies.

"Anyway, the three of you will become my coolie from now on..."

Andy snap his finger and the symbiote inside them transmit the information.

"Ughhh" The three of them immediately groan from the sudden headache.

After some time, the three girls recovered from the pain and succesfully received the information of the symbiote.

Their expression turned from shock to bitterness after knowing what is inside their bodies.

"You are a cunning and despicable bastard!" Agatha said in hateful tone.

Now, they know they're situation.

"Hmmp... Just kill me and i will not follow you." Selene on the other hand become calm and didn't like that her life was in the hands of other.

"Really? you know i don't like killing, why not just sealed you in a huge cocoon without going on deep sleep, i will keep you awake forever in the darkness." Andy threatened her with a bright smile.

Selene expression quickly changed after hearing this. "I'm just joking, Sir... I'm sorry, don't take it to the heart."

Being sealed in a confined space with only darkness is the most frightening punishments for immortal being like her.

"Your apology is not accepted!" Andy quickly picked her up and placed her in his lap.

"What are you doing?" Selene quickly tried shake her bound body..

"It's a punishment time, Jie Jie Jie." Andy raised his hand and spank her butt.

"Nooooooo!" Selene shouts reverbrated through the whole dessert night.

A good spanking is needed to straigthen a naughty girl like Selene.

Meanwhile, Agatha and Lady Linnea look at them with a wide mouth, they didn't expect this kind of punishment.

After 10 minutes of a good spanking, Andy stop punishing her.

"Would you still try to go against me?"

"No, Sir....." Selene shyly responded.

"Gooood! what about you girls?" Andy turned his attention to Agatha and Lady Linnea.

The two of them quickly shook their like a rattle, they are afraid to get the same punishment.

Take a look at the expression of Selene, her face is full of redness, it seemed she get a relief three times with just a spanking.

They don't want to end up in the same embarassment, even Selene wanted to burrow a hole on the sand to covered herself from humilliation.

"Very well, now start digging." Andy waved his hand to remove their bindings.

"Yes sir." The three of them hurriedly got up from the sand and each ot them summoned a Staff of One.

After levitating, they seperated and choose a location to dig a tunnel.

Andy already know the location of the burried city of akkam and he just teleported above it.

He nodded in satisfaction seeing that the coolies started working diligently.

Honestly, he didn't expect encountering them and easily obtained their powers.

He can only sighs with his shit luck, the three of them literally delivered themselves to him.

Andy summoned a blanket to sat down on the sand and hummed in a good mood.