
Hyperion and The Sentry (3)

The tension in the air inside the control room of the Helicarrier got so thick once Sentry walked inside. All the people there stepped back once they saw the being who is as strong as their powerhouse. A being with uncontrollable power. They were relieved since Hyperion was there to control the situation.

The Eternal and Sentry walked towards Hill and Fury who was looking at a file of Tombstone. Once Robert saw the man on the screen, he clenched his fist as it started to glow. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Hyperion giving him a reassuring nod.

Hyperion: "So Nick, what do we have?"

Fury: "Well the guy you are looking for is now on his way to Germany. Says here that he has an experimental Super Soldier Serum. He's selling it to a rich man in Germany."

Hyperion: "Why would this guy want a serum? Start another war?"

Natasha: "Most likely."

Steve: "Do you know who made this Serum?"

Fury: "We located the lab where our "friend" here stole the serum and drinked something he shouldn't touch. The files only tell what serum this guy ingested with none saying who made it."

Another file popped up on the screen with the bold letter "The Golden Sentry Serum". Hyperion turned to Sentry and gave him a confused look on how his name sounds the same as the serum without even knowing it.

Hyperion: "What a coincidence."

Rhodey: "The power of a million exploding suns ? Just by the sound of that, it's already bad news."

Natasha: "We also don't know what the other serum is. Tombstone was meeting that other rich man at the Casino for some big guns for the guy. Now he is selling this unknown serum to another one."

Robert: "We are wasting time! We should put an end to this!"

Rhodey: "Slow down big guy. We don't know what he has in store for us."

Steve: "To think he has the Juggernaut as his personal bodyguard."

Fury: "For now, we wait until we are near Germany. Tombstone hasn't even arrived there yet. And I were you Mr. Reynolds, you should go and take a rest."

Robert: "But-"

Fury: "No buts. My ship, my rules."

Natasha: "Come on, I'll accompany you to your room for the meantime."

Natasha walked out followed by a reluctant Robert as everyone watched them leave. Hyperion can only sigh as he leaned on the table.

Hyperion: "What a night."

Steve: "The guys a mystery, let me tell you that."

Hyperion: "He still has untapped power he can't control. He almost killed the Juggernaut if it wasn't for me stopping him."

Rhodey: "How strong is this guy? A million exploding suns? That's a little farfetched."

Hyperion: "To tell you the truth.....I think his even stronger than me."

Steve: "Are sure?"

Hyperion: "I may have advantage because I have a thousand years of experience but when it comes to raw strength and power, he lists at the top."

Rhodey: "Hearing it from you big guy, I'm starting to get scared."

Hyperion: "Hey Rhodey, you have your phone with you?"

Rhodey: "Yeah, why?"

Natasha finally arrived at an empty room for Robert to stay in for awhile. She opened the door as Robert walked in and sat on the bed.

Natasha: "Here's your room for now. Wait here until we arrive in Germany."

She closed the door and went back to the others as Robert sat there until the voice came back whispering into his ears.

"Find him. Kill him for what he has done."

Robert: "S-Stop it..."

"They can't hold you forever. You are the strongest. We are the strongest."

Robert: "Y-You can't do this!..."

"That's where you are mistaken Robert. I can and I will."

Robert grabbed his head in pain as he let out a shout but no one heard him because of the soundproof wall in his. Hyperion is seen talking to someone on the phone as he leans on the railings.

Hyperion: "Sorry if I'm not there helping you with your project."

Helen: "It's okay. I understand the situation you are dealing with about a superpowered maniac."

Hyperion: "Well..... he's not exactly all that bad."

Helen: "Really?"

Hyperion: "I mean we all have our bad sides. Right?"

Helen: "Sure."

Hyperion: "How about this. When I get back, done with this problem, let's go out again. Maybe visit another country?"

Helen: "Whatever you say Mr. Strongest Avenger."

Hyperion: *sigh* "You're not gonna let that go huh?"

Helen: *giggles* "Nope. Be careful with that man, okay."

Hyperion: "Goodluck on your project. See you when this is over."

The call ended as Hyperion looked up and saw Steve and Rhodey staring at him with a knowing look.

Hyperion: "Don't give me that look."

Rhodey: "Looks like you hit it off with Dr. Cho."

Hyperion: "I mean, we get along pretty well."

Steve: "I'm just happy that you found someone that makes you happy."

Hyperion tossed Rhodey his phone back as he squirmed trying to catch it.

Rhodey: "Dude! This cost a lot."

Hyperion: "You can just have Tony buy or make you a new one."

Steve: "He got you there."

The Helicarrier then shook and the alarms blares around the place. They all ran towards the main control room and saw the place trashed with the doors ripped off from it's hinges to a large hole on the ceiling. They saw Fury helping a bruised up Natasha and Hill as Steve helped them sat down.

Steve: "What happened?"

Hill: "Our guy.... Came in here and asked if we are nearing Germany."

Hyperion: "And?"

Hill: "We told that we are almost there and we should wait for orders until we set foot on land. But he wasn't getting it. He's hell-bent on killing the man we are after."

Rhodey: "That dude has some serious mental issues."

Hyperion: "That's the reason we should go and stop him right now. His mental state is not stable and with his uncontrollable power that is a million exploding suns-"

Fury: "It could be the end of the world."

Steve: "Tell everyone to get ready and prep a jet to Germany. Rhodey you go and suit up. Hyperion, you know what to do."

Hyperion: "I'll buy us sometime before he turns Germany into a warzone."

Hyperion flew out using the hole on the ceiling as he rocketed his way towards Germany faster than a speeding missile leaving behind sonic booms. Fury just watched the speck that is now Hyperion as he stood in front of the giant window.

We see Tombstone moving back and forth waiting for something. He is inside a lab as all of his men are outside the facility. Guarding their boss with their lives. The doors then opened as a scientist walked out with something in hand.

Tombstone: "Is it done?"

Scientist: "We made due of what we have. It's not easy to break apart the serum and add something to it."

The scientist gave the now enhanced serum to Tombstone as he smirked grabbing it and inspecting it.

Tombstone: "You've done a good job. We came all this way just for this and there's a maniac hunting me down."

One of Tombstone's men then ran inside in panic as the two turned towards him. He told them that they picked up something coming towards them in a fast speed.

Tombstone: "It must be him. I'm not surprised he found me so fast with those SHIELD bastards helping him."

Scientist: "Don't worry. I have something I wanted to try out. This is the perfect time to test hearing how strong this man is."

He went towards some buttons as he started to type something on it. Robert is seen flying towards where his target is at. He could already see the men outside with his super-vision. He was so distracted by his anger that he didn't notice his surroundings started to lit up. Feeling something wrong, he looked up and saw a beam of concentrated energy struck him from above creating a powerful explosion. The shockwave of the blast uprooted trees near the area as the men covered themselves from the gust of winds.

Tombstone watched from the big screen as he let out a massive grin thinking it got rid of the intruder. He is so wrong. From the smoking crater, Robert walked out with his eyes glowing golden. He had growled in anger as the men stood in fear and shock seeing the attack didn't even make him bleed. Only making him more angry.

Tombstone: "All of you! Open fire!"

They rained hell on Robert as he just took them all without flinching. He saw they have more firepower in the area with tanks and aircrafts firing at him. He jumped up and landed on top of one of the tanks destroying it. He lifted it up before throwing it towards of the one incoming aircrafts. Robert then started to take out everyone if Tombstone's men with ease as he used his superior speed and strength to throw them away or ripped them apart with his bare hands.

Scientist: "Fascinating. A man with this kind of power can rule the world."

Tombstone: "And that same man has mental issues."

Tombstone then stared at the serum in his hand and smirked.

Tombstone: "Let's see what this serum is capable of."

Robert blitzed around the sky destroying every aircraft by flying through them like hit knife through butter. He grabbed an aircraft by its wing before separating it from it's body. The pilot panicked and ejected himself from the falling aircraft. He tried to pull the parachute but it wasn't working. He braced for impact but he felt himself descending slowly. He looked up and saw Hyperion flying him down slowly until they landed.

Hyperion: "Go and get to safety."

The man nodded and quickly ran offed. Hyperion turned towards the chaos as Robert is on a rampage destroying everything in his path. He flew towards Robert who floated in air as he confronted the powerhouse.

Hyperion: "Stop this now!"

Robert: "Out of my way! He is here somewhere and I'm not stopping until he is dead."

Hyperion: "Stop this pity revenge of yours. Have you seen the damage you've caused?!"

Robert looked around and saw smoke and fire engulfing the area but he just shrugged it off. He stared at the Eternal with his glowing golden eyes.

Robert: "I warned you."

But before the two could throw hands, a clap was heard as Robert glared at the one who is doing it.

Robert: "It's about time you showed up."

Tombstone: "You've been a thorn on my sad for far too long. How about we end this?"

Robert: "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Robert dashed towards Tombstone as the force of his dash cracked the ground beneath him. He readied a punch but Tombstone just grinned. Tombstone's eyes glowed and a beam of energy shot out hitting Robert in the face making him stop in his tracks as he regained his vision. Tombstone saw the opportunity, punched Robert with so much force he sent him flying through the air before crashing back down on the ground creating a crater.

Hyperion watched on in surprise as he stared at Tombstone. The man was glowing a golden hue as veins pulsated on his face. He had a murderous grin on his face.

Hyperion: "This just got a whole lot harder."

Robert got out from the crater only to be tackled by Tombstone. Hyperion was about to chase after them but more men arrived.

Hyperion: "How many dudes this guy have?!"

He readied himself but a blur took down multiple men as the blur stopped in front of him.

Pietro: "Hey old man."

Hyperion: "Kid ? What are you doing here ?"

Pietro: "We're here to help."

Hyperion: "We?"

Just then, two tanks floated in the air with red energy swirling around them. Hyperion looked up and saw Wanda floating in the air with her arms spread. She then crushed the tanks with ease before throwing it away. Rhodey then flew in and shot at the men using the weapons on his suit. Steve came in with his motorcycle as he threw his shield making it bounce to a few of them before returning to him. Sam flew beside Rhodey as the two took care of the aircrafts in the air.

Steve: "I called in the cavalry."

A beam then sliced a tank in two as Vision floated down. He grabbed one of the men before throwing towards a group making them stumble back. Steve saw an aircraft shooting at him from above. He flipped forward before throwing the motorcycle towards the aircraft hitting it on its wing as it crashed down.

Steve: "That's another motorcycle on my tab."

Jasmine: "Incoming!"

Jasmine landed on the ground so hard it created a shockwave that blew multiple men away. She then lifted a chunk of the broken ground and hurled it towards a tank. Steve threw his shield to three armed men as his shield came back and finally kicking another one sending it towards a truck.

Steve: "We'll handle this guys. Go on ahead."

Hyperion: "Thanks."

He flew off towards where Sentry and Tombstone are fighting. Tombstone grabbed Robert by the head before slamming him to the ground as held down the superpowered being.

Tombstone: "You have such immeasurable power but you don't even know how to use it."

Tombstone's eyes then started to glow ready to blast Robert to kingdown come. But he was hit by an Atomic bean on his back. He turned around only to meet a fist to his face as he was sent through multiple trees. Robert got back up as he stood beside Hyperion. Tombstone floated out of the fallen trees and saw the two standing side by side.

Tombstone: "Once I'm done with you all, I will remake the world in my own image. I will rule them with an iron fist and no one will stop me."

Hyperion: "Let's see about that."

Robert flew towards Tombstone as he did the same. Once they met in the center, their collision created a shockwave that destroyed the area. Tombstone went tumbling in the air until he stopped himself. From out the smoke, Robert flew out and let out fast and powerful strike which Tombstone dodged with ease as he had more fighting experience. He then grabbed Robert's fist before pulling him closer and kneeing him on his stomach. He then sledgehammer Robert sending him crashing to the ground.

Tombstone didn't see Hyperion flying out of the dust cloud as the Eternal landed a punch on Tombstone's sending him flying a few feet away. The two engaged in a fight with Tombstone starting to get overwhelmed. Even though he has tears of experience, it is nothing compared to Hyperion who had centuries of combat. Hyperion landed an uppercut to Tombstone's chin sending him up. He went for another punch but Tombstone ducked down and landed a strike on the Eternal's abdomen. He then blasted Hyperion with an energy beam from his eyes. He fired again only for Hyperion to counter with Atomic Vision. They engaged on a struggle until Robert tackled Tombstone to the ground as he dragged the gang leader across the forest uprooting trees in their path.

Robert then started to punch Tombstone with much more force than before as the ground started to cave in from the force. Robert then grabbed the gang leader by the head and blasted him with his own energy beams making Tombstone shout in pain. He broke the grasp from Robert as he kicked him off of himself. Robert flew back in grabbing a fallen tree in the process as he used this to hit Tombstone sending him crashing towards a mountain. Tombstone slowly got out of the crater and stared at his hands seeing the glow starts to dissipate.

Tombstone: "N-No! How could this be?!"

He was then punched by Hyperion sending him crashing down on the foot of the mountain. Robert then tackled him threw the mountain as they went through the other side. Robert then flew in the air, a bruised and damaged Tombstone in hand grasping him from the collar of his damage outfit.

Robert: "Now you die."

Before he could blast Tombstone with his eye beams, Hyperion appeared from behind before locking him in a headlock making him miss.

Hyperion: "You're not killing him!"

Robert: "Let go of me!"

He used his free hand to blast Hyperion on the face as the Eternal let go. Sentry then turned around his fist glowing gold as he punched Hyperion towards the mountain. Sentry turned back to Tombstone again ready to blast him but Hyperion hurled a giant Boulder towards Robert hitting him and making him let go of the unconscious tombstone before crashing to the ground with the boulder on top of him. Hyperion caught the man before flying back towards the others.

The boulder started to crack as it then exploded into tiny pieces. Sentry stood there in rage as he saw Hyperion flying away and decided to chase after him. Back with the others, they just got done with the men as they round them up and tied them up. They then saw Hyperion land with an unconscious Tombstone.

Steve: "Where's the other guy?"

Hyperion: "He's on his way and he is not happy-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Hyperion was blasted by a beam of energy sending him crashing towards the building facility. They then looked at where the attack came from only to see Sentry floating down with glowing eyes. The team got ready to fight as the man landed in the ground. The scientist is on a helicopter that is already flying away as he watched on with a smirk.

Scientist: "My job here is done."

Robert slowly walked towards everyone as Pietro dashed towards him landing a punch. Pietro blitzed around Robert punching him as Robert tried to grab Pietro. He went to blast Pietro with his eye beams but Wanda stepped in throwing blast of her power towards Robert. Robert stomped the ground making Pietro trip and skid on the ground. Robert used his eye beams and shot Wanda who created a forcefield to shield everyone.

Steve threw his shield towards Robert who stopped his beams as Captain America engaged him in Hand-to-Hand Combat. Even through Robert is much stronger than Cap, Cap still had the advantage when it comes to fighting much like Robert's fight against Tombstone. Blocking a punch by Robert using his shield, Steve went on his knee as Robert started to overpower him by his knee as Robert started to overpower him by punching his shield multiple times.

Sam fired his guns at Robert but it only made him angry as he fired a blast of energy through his fist hitting Sam and destroying his right wing. Jasmine jumped up and caught Sam before putting him down. Jasmine then shoulder bashed Robert who was sent tumbling on the ground. Robert then caught Jasmine's punch and threw her towards Steve who caught her but still stumbled back. Vision fired his own energy beam at Robert as Rhodey unloaded everything on the superpowered being. Vision flew in and tackled Robert into the air as Rhodey chased after them. Vision slammed Robert on a mountain and started to give Robert a flurry of punches.

Robert: "ENOUGH!"

He caught Vision's fist but Vision just phased his fist through Robert's hand and landed another punch. Vision grabbed Robert by the arms as he glowed and turned intangible as Rhodey let another barrage of bullets towards Robert. Robert let out a shout as he exploded in golden light pushing Rhodey away as he crash landed on a few trees. Vision also flew back covering his eyes from the bright light. He then increased his density as a punch sent him crashing to the ground. Robert grabbed Vision by the leg and started to slam him on the ground and into a few trees still having his density increased.

Rhodey then came in punching Robert on the head. He punched Robert again but only this time, he didn't even flinched.

Rhodey: "Uh oh."

Robert used Vision to hit Rhodey sending the armored man tumbling on the ground before hitting a tree. He grabbed Rhodey by the back of his neck and flew back towards the others. Once he neared them, he threw Vision and Rhodey's unconscious body towards them. He then spotted Tombstone now awake sitting looking down. He approached him ready to end him once and for all but Hyperion landed with a loud thud in between him and Tombstone. He looked up at Robert with his eyes glowing crimson with power.

Hyperion: "Last.....warning."

The two Titans stared at each other as the air around them grew heavier as the ground began to shake from the two's unreleased power. The Man with the Power of a Million Exploding Suns versus the Ultimate Eternal.



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