
Marvel: Greatest Power Is Luck

Indra , a brilliant but lonely software engineer, accidentally activates an experimental quantum device and finds himself transported into the Marvel Universe on the eve of the Avengers' first assembly. Armed only with his wits and a mysterious "Luck-Based Reality Interface," Indra must navigate a world of superheroes, villains, and earth-shattering events. As he discovers his newfound ability to manipulate probability, Indra realizes he's no longer just a spectator to the stories he loves—he's become an active player. With his luck and intellect as his superpowers, he'll attempt to alter the course of Marvel history, all while searching for a way back home. But in a universe where even the smallest choice can have cosmic consequences, will Indra's luck be a blessing or a curse? And as he forges unexpected alliances and confronts dangers beyond imagination, he'll learn that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not just for survival, but for the very soul of a victory.

LORD_INDRA_ · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 11: Fortune Favors the Bold (Part 1)

Indra stood before Director Fury's desk, trying to keep his expression neutral despite the nervous energy coursing through him. It had been three months since he'd joined the Avengers, three months of intense training, strategic planning sessions, and careful cultivation of his "luck" abilities. Now, it seemed, all that preparation was about to be put to the test.

"You're sure about this, sir?" Indra asked, his eyes flicking between Fury and the holographic display hovering above the director's desk. The image showed a sprawling industrial complex on the outskirts of Bogotá, Colombia.

Fury leaned back in his chair, his one good eye fixed intently on Indra. "You've been asking for a chance to prove yourself, Srivastav. This is it. We need someone who can get in and out without being detected, someone who can adapt quickly to changing circumstances." A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Someone lucky."

Indra couldn't help but grin at that. His reputation as the team's "lucky charm" had been growing steadily, though only Natasha knew the full extent of his abilities. To the others, he was just impossibly fortunate – always in the right place at the right time, always managing to pull off the improbable.

"What's the mission, sir?" Indra asked, focusing back on the task at hand.

Fury tapped a command into his desk, and the holographic display zoomed in on a particular building within the complex. "Intelligence suggests that this facility is being used by AIM to develop new bioweapons. Your job is to infiltrate, gather concrete evidence of their activities, and get out without alerting anyone to SHIELD's involvement."

Indra nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Any specific intel on security measures, personnel schedules?"

"Minimal," Fury replied. "We know they have top-of-the-line security systems, armed guards, and likely some AIM-specific nasty surprises. But the details? That's where your... particular talents come in."

Indra understood the implication. This wasn't just a test of his skills – it was a test of his luck, of his ability to navigate the unknown and come out on top.

"When do I leave?" he asked.

Fury's expression turned grim. "Now. We have a narrow window before AIM potentially moves their operation. Quinjet's prepped and waiting. Good luck, Srivastav. You're going to need it."

As Indra made his way to the hangar, he felt a familiar tingling sensation at the base of his skull. His luck was kicking into high gear, presenting him with potential outcomes, subtle nudges towards optimal choices. He'd learned to trust these instincts, to let them guide him without overthinking.

The flight to Colombia was uneventful, giving Indra time to review what little intel they had and to center himself. As the Quinjet approached the drop zone, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Alright, luck," he murmured. "Let's see what you've got."

The moment Indra's feet touched the ground in the dense jungle surrounding the AIM facility, he felt it – that indescribable sense that the universe was aligning in his favor. A quiet rustle to his left caught his attention, and he instinctively ducked behind a large tree. Seconds later, a patrol of armed guards passed by, completely oblivious to his presence.

Indra grinned to himself. Off to a good start.

Making his way towards the compound, Indra relied on a combination of his SHIELD training and his ever-present luck. He seemed to step in exactly the right places to avoid triggering hidden sensors, and each time he needed to move between cover, a convenient distraction would draw the guards' attention elsewhere.

As he approached the main building, Indra encountered his first real obstacle – a state-of-the-art biometric security door. He frowned, knowing that no amount of luck would give him the correct fingerprints or retinal scan to bypass it.

But just as he was considering his options, a harried-looking scientist hurried around the corner, arms full of tablets and papers. Without thinking, Indra stepped forward, affecting a concerned expression.