
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime e quadrinhos
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95 Chs

Chapter 9: The plot begins

Black Widow!

Today, the widowed sister wore a fake two-piece dress with a white base and light blue. The slanted skirt was covered with a white gauze that reached the knees.

The round and straight thighs are looming.

Compared to the time we met at the bar, the clothes this time were much more innocent and playful.

But in a casino environment where beautiful women are wearing tank tops and hot pants everywhere.

However, the way this outfit is dressed gives people more temptation.

To say how tempting it is, just look at Tony Stark next to you.

When this guy saw Black Widow coming out, his eyes widened.

"Hello, although I'm sure you definitely know me, I still want to introduce myself. I'm Tony Stark."

"Of course, who in this country doesn't know Tony Stark, Natasha, Natasha Romanoff."

Black Widow didn't hide her real name, either because she didn't think it was necessary or because her information was top secret and she wasn't afraid of being found out.

Nodding politely towards Tony, Black Widow turned to Qin Xiao and said.

"I'm sorry I left early last time at the bar. Today I'll make up for it by gambling with you."


Qin Xiao unceremoniously reached out and asked the black widow to take his arm.


The roulette wheel starts to work.

The small iron ball rolled on the roulette wheel several times, and finally slowly stopped on No. 2.

Tony saw such a rare beauty and ran directly to Qin Xiao.

I originally wanted to say something sour, but I saw that the roulette wheel actually went to No. 2.

He couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


Tony doesn't care about the money, but there are 38 numbers in the American roulette wheel, and it's really enjoyable to be able to win the pay number all at once.

It was obvious that the beauty was here for Qin Xiao.

Tony could only turn around and ask Happy.

"How many chips did I give him just now? It seems to be 180,000, right? He won 6.3 million this time. Damn it, Qin, you should thank this beautiful girl. She has a share of the money here."

"I paid the principal, half for each person, and give your own share to this girl. Happy, take half of the chips here and follow me."

This beauty came here for Qin Xiao. No matter how much Tony liked her, there was no way he would stalk her.

He still chose to find another place to be relaxed by himself, but before leaving, he put his head into Qin Xiao's ear and whispered.

"Tell me the name of the bar you often go to later, and I'll find you when I come back from Afghanistan."

"Tony! Be careful!"

Qin Xiao still couldn't hold it back and gave Tony an instruction.

But it seemed like he didn't take it seriously at all.

After sending Tony away, Qin Xiao looked back at the black widow beside him.

"Don't say that we met by chance tonight, I don't believe it, Miss Romanoff!"

"Okay, I admit that I came to you specifically, but if there is anything we can talk about later, now you play with me for a while, I have a share of this bargaining chip, as Stark said just now."

Black Widow is acting like a bouncing little girl now.

He dragged Qin Xiao around the casino and casually placed some bets when he saw the table.

But after all, the Black Widow in the movie is only 24 years old now, which is only two years older than Qin Xiao's age in this world.

Seriously speaking, he can indeed be considered a big kid.

I don't know if Black Widow is really prosperous or if they just have good luck together.

The two of them just casually placed bets from table to table.

He actually collected 4 million US dollars with the chips in his hand.

When it was time to change the chips, Black Widow said that the money was of no use to her and she didn't want any of it.

Qin Xiao didn't care and deposited everything directly into his account.

Before going out, I happened to see Tony getting into his car with a female reporter in front of the hotel.

Before leaving, he winked at Qin Xiao.

"You seem to have a good relationship. As far as I know, being friends with Tony Stark is not an easy thing."

The two of them were walking in front of the hotel, and Black Widow was the first to speak.

"Really? Maybe the two of us are more comfortable talking, but I think it's harder to let an elite agent lean against me."

"How did you tell?"

Black Widow wasn't surprised either, she just tilted her head and asked with a smile.

"Is it difficult to guess? I went to the back door of the bar in the middle of the night to challenge three strong men. They were either killers or agents. You didn't kill them."

Although he knew that Black Widow was an internationally famous agent, Qin Xiao still had the urge to rub her head when looking at her appearance.

"Okay, that's right. I'm an agent. You already know my identity. Let me ask you a question this time."

The two of them were walking casually on the street, and Black Widow also asked casually.

"Say it!"

Qin Xiao pouted, indicating that he didn't care.

"How did you get the super serum, was it because of Isaiah?"

Black Widow didn't intend to hide it, so she went straight to the point.

This time it was Qin Xiao who found it unbelievable.

How efficient is SHIELD? They found out so many things just by taking action once?

But since the black widow is so happy, Qin Xiao doesn't hide it.

He directly told Black Widow exactly what happened.

"In the end, I'm just lucky. Are you approaching me for the super serum?"

Qin Xiao was a little wary, although for him, the relationship with Isaiah was just a relationship created by the system.

But in Isaiah's heart, he really treated him as a child.

He didn't want Isaiah to be caught in the laboratory for human experiments again because of him.

"No, we have no interest in the serum. That thing is too unstable, and no one from us will bother Isaiah. On the contrary, we will secretly clean up some people with evil intentions around him."

"My target is you!"

The two of them walked into a park unknowingly. Black Widow let go of Qin Xiao, sat on a bench and said.


Qin Xiao took advantage of the situation and sat down next to her.

"Is it me? So that bullet entered your heart last time?"

"If you ever mention that to me again, I'll make a sandwich out of your head."

Black Widow said angrily.

"Okay! Okay! I will never mention the bullet I put in your chest again. Now explain what you mean by the target being me, Agent Romanoff."

Qin Xiao pretended to surrender with his hands raised.

"Formal introduction, Natasha Romanoff, senior agent of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. We are responsible for monitoring all threatening things and individuals in the world."

"Qin Xiao, do you think I am a threat to this world?"

Qin Xiao also reintroduced himself.

"You have strength, speed and reflexes that exceed the limits of the human body. With a little training, you can become the most powerful killer in the world, assassinating some important figures, or even the president of a country. I believe no one can stop you. "

"You think we're going to turn a blind eye to you?"

"Then what do you want to do? Lock me up?"

Qin Xiao looked at the black widow and said.

"Of course not. I am only responsible for observation and giving you a risk assessment report. If you have no signs of being anti-social and anti-human, we will not arrest you."

Black Widow didn't reveal Nick Fury's Avengers plan herself.

But it has come full circle.

"Then I am a very lustful person. I get dizzy easily when I see beautiful women, especially a beautiful woman like you. Is this considered a threat?"

Black Widow is very smart, and she was exposed in front of Qin Xiao anyway.

Simply identify yourself directly.

It was like meeting a new friend, chatting casually with Qin Xiao.

She would naturally analyze every word Qin Xiao said and every expression and movement.

Eventually it was handed over to Nick Fury.

The two of them sat in the park and talked until late at night before leaving.

The next day, Qin Xiao received a call from Happy before dinner.

Tony Stark disappeared after being attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan.

The plot finally started. Qin Xiao asked the system why he couldn't return after completing two tasks.

The system's answer is that we must wait until Tony Stark transforms into Iron Man and Qin Xiao defeats Iron Overlord with him before he can return to the real world.

Although to Qin Xiao, whether it is the real world or the Marvel world, he is just a time traveler.

But the real world still feels more practical, and he incorporates the memories of his predecessor. There are still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with in the real world.

The premise is to get points so that you can exchange them for a large amount of money.

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