
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 8: Targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hawkeye and Black Widow almost represent the highest level of fighting for ordinary people on this planet, whether it is speed, physical fitness or strength.

And according to Black Widow's description of Qin Xiao, it was an existence that could crush her far away.

It was precisely because of this unreasonableness that Black Widow directly drew her gun when Qin Xiao showed no malice.

This sense of oppression stemming from strength had only been brought to her by one person in her career as an agent.

That is the legendary Winter Soldier.

(According to what the widow said to Captain America in Captain America 2, the year when the widow was shot in the abdomen by the Winter Soldier should have been in 2009. It is now 2008, and Iron Man has not been born. Let's make a slight change.)

The super serum is not a trivial matter, so Black Widow told Nick Fury the whole thing exactly as it was, plus her own analysis and speculation.

Nick Fury knew that the military still had some incomplete super serum samples, and it was impossible to create a real super soldier.

So he doubted whether Qin Xiao had some kind of mutation by accident.

So I followed Qin Xiao's life trajectory and everyone who appeared around him.

The resources in Nick Fury's hands are not comparable to those of ordinary intelligence agencies.

Soon all the experiences created by the system for Qin Xiao from childhood to adulthood were thoroughly investigated by Nick Fury.

In the more than 20 years that Qin Xiao has been here, the only two extraordinary things that happened were the shooting incidents in which his parents died during his childhood.

As well as the shooting incident that happened in Isaiah's house when Qin Xiao just traveled through it some time ago.

However, in both incidents, there was a character who was deliberately erased.


Isaiah is a being that the U.S. government refuses to acknowledge.

Isaiah, who had been squeezed out of his last bit of use by the government and was pardoned by a certain president, has been hiding in Tibet.

After Nick Fury learned his name, all the classified files were on his desk within a few hours.

With these, Nick Fury can figure things out.

"The super soldier who preceded Captain America, the first successful experiment?"

Black Widow said incredulously.

"Yes, there are always some bastards in the government who like to do dirty things. They served the country and fought against Hydra, but in the end they were thrown into the laboratory and imprisoned for thirty years."

Nick Fury was indignant, and Isaiah's experience was indeed a bit too tragic.

But Nick Fury knew very well that with Isaiah's power, it was impossible to extract the super serum on his own and successfully create a super soldier.

So the only answer is an accident. Some kind of accident happened that allowed Qin Xiao to melt the super serum. Maybe it was the shooting case.

Nick Fury analyzed the matter to a close.

But no matter whether his analysis is correct or not, one thing is certain, that is, Qin Xiao is definitely a super warrior who has exceeded the limits of the human body.

And he happens to have a plan that requires super soldiers.

"Agent Romanov, your job in the next period of time is to get close to Qin Xiao. I need a comprehensive psychological evaluation and personality analysis report. The more detailed the better."


Black Widow agreed, turned and walked out of Nick Fury's office.

Nick Fury sighed and set his sights on the Avengers plan.

You know, this plan has been in his mind for more than ten years.

Not many people in the world know that aliens really exist, and that both individually and technologically, they are countless times more powerful than the earth.

The earth needs some super soldiers, some superhuman beings, a group of superheroes that can one day resist alien civilization.

During this period, Qin Xiao once again spent all the 500 points given in the last mission.

E-level proficient in cold weapons, and even customized a Tang Dao.

The system is very considerate. In order to facilitate Qin Xiao's carrying, there is only one handle in the initial state.

The blade was cut into sections and hidden in the handle.

When using it, just open the handle and flick it hard, and the blade will take shape immediately.

The joints of each section are covered by the dragon-shaped relief on the blade.

The entire blade is black, and only the blade exudes a hint of the cold light of the alloy material itself.

Qin Xiao tried it, and ordinary metal materials could be easily split in half.

Only certain special alloys can resist the slashing of this Tang knife.

With the weapon at hand, Qin Xiao's combat power has been greatly improved again.

"Qin, if you have time tonight, accompany me to a charity reception."

In the basement of Tony's villa, Tony was severely beaten by Qin Xiao just now.

At this moment, he was lying on the ring, looking at the ceiling, breathing heavily.

"Tony, I'm not your female companion. Why should I accompany you to some charity reception? I don't have that much money to do charity."

Qin Xiao said while taking mineral water from the freezer.

"I'm Tony Stark, man. I never need a female companion when I go to a drinking party. As soon as I show up, all the women will rush towards me like crazy."

"But you don't have the chance to experience this. Do you want to go or not? There are many beauties and many Hollywood actresses."

Speaking of the many beauties, Qin Xiao was a little moved.

Then Tony Stark said again.

"You're only 22, man, for God's sake I was partying every night when I was 22, you should make some friends now, come on!"

"Let's go and relax together. I'm going to Afghanistan in a few days to sign a contract with the military. Let's just treat it as a carnival before leaving!"


Qin Xiao silently recited the name of this country in his heart.

It seems that the plot is about to begin, and I don't know what kind of tasks the system will give me.

How many points can you get?

The trip to Afghanistan was a turning point in Tony's life, and it was also the place where Iron Man emerged from his cocoon and became a butterfly.

So even during this period, Qin Xiao and Tony got along very well.

In the end, Qin Xiao swallowed his words asking Tony to be careful, and instead agreed to go to the cocktail party with him that evening.

At this kind of cocktail party, most people have their own small circle, chatting with each other in twos and threes.

Apart from being surrounded by beautiful women, Tony rarely has much contact with others.

This time he simply pulled Qin Xiao.

"Tony, I just found out that you are a liar. You told me this was a charity reception, but it turned out to be a celebration party where the military awarded you a patriotic trophy."

"Look around here. There are bad old men in military uniforms everywhere. Where are the Hollywood stars you're talking about, bastard."

Qin Xiao realized that he had been fooled. This was clearly the awards ceremony at the beginning of the Iron Man movie.

"Relax, maybe I remembered it wrong. I just promised them to be there. I didn't say that I would wait to receive the award. Come with me and take you to the beautiful woman."

Just like in the movie, Tony ran directly into the hotel casino.

It's just that Tony was followed by a large group of bodyguards in the movie, but now, only Happy is following Tony and Qin Xiao.

"Come on, take it easy, bring some chips and have some fun. A steady stream of beauties will be around you soon. I can agree to let you pick first, provided they are willing to give up on me."

Tony gave Qin Xiao a big push of chips.

Qin Xiao rolled his eyes, with your wealth, these girls here are just following me because they are mentally ill.

Anyway, the beauty had no chance with him tonight, so Qin Xiao had the idea of ​​​​helping Tony lose some money.

He viciously placed a large pile of chips on No. 1 in a roulette betting area.

"Oh, damn, you've never gambled money."

"That's right, No. 1 is not a wise choice. It's too lonely to be alone, isn't it? If it were me, I would choose No. 2!"

Tony Stark's words were picked up by a female voice that Qin Xiao was familiar with.

While talking, he reached out and pushed Qin Xiao's chip to the No. 2 position.

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